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Sh3ll_Sh0ck 02-20-2002 07:41 AM

I have recently found myself getting bored while playing MOHAA online. I never liked team-death match as it always seemed so pointless.
However the Objective maps were alot of fun, and a great source of enjoyment for me.
But now the maps are getting dull and stale, teamwork is lacking, sniping and rocket whoreing are on the rise, and realism-mod servers are on the fall.

I have lately found myself playing Day of Defeat (it may not have graphics but its got gameplay) and Operation Flashpoint.

Anyone else getting this feeling of bordom with MOHAA multiplay?

sgtwolf 02-20-2002 07:43 AM


But I can see why with the pitafull amount of maps that shipped with the game.


Ladmo 02-20-2002 07:49 AM

I'm just starting to get into it. I don't play the game all day, I wish I could but you know, work and all. Can I ask you how many hours per day are you playing?

The Putz 02-20-2002 07:52 AM

i odnt know if i could get bored of MOH its so good, and if i do get bored i make a new mod and its rejuvinated. when the SDK comes out there'll be maps and mods galore NEwayz

ps- dod kicks some ass, so dont feel ashamed

Sh3ll_Sh0ck 02-20-2002 07:55 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ladmo:
I'm just starting to get into it. I don't play the game all day, I wish I could but you know, work and all. Can I ask you how many hours per day are you playing?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

two maybe three if I don't have much homework.

[WTF]DrDuKeS 02-20-2002 07:56 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sh3ll_Sh0ck:

Anyone else getting this feeling of bordom with MOHAA multiplay?

When are they going ot release more maps??

Yeah, I find myself using pistols or the axis rifle only just to try something new...

You're right about the team match lacking. It takes part of the gameplay away when people run around like chickens with their heads cut off because they don't care about being killed. Round based is much better, but that spawn bug ruins it (it spawns you right next to your enemies on some maps amd you immediately die).
Objective gets on my nerves because one team usually ends up camping and it ruins the game for both sides (camping and defending are completely different! You don't need to camp in order to defend!!!)

and don't even get me started on cheaters...

(sorry, I just love to voice my own opinions)


lysis 02-20-2002 08:04 AM

Well I don't find it very boring and i play a lot.

I haven't encountered cheating, only bugs. However once in a while someone will call me a cheater if i start really owning them, but they realize eventually i am not cheating.

And I don't like any of the mods, i just play unmodded. I mean rockets, snipes, and shotguns are all already one shot kills so i don't need a mod to make people die quicker.

The only problems for me:
1. eventually i will want a couple more maps.
2. not many people use the rifles - maybe they need work?

Sh3ll_Sh0ck 02-20-2002 09:12 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lysis:
2. not many people use the rifles - maybe they need work?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The rifles are fine, It's just that when you have a sniper rifle that behaves exactly like a rifle, has a scope on it, and it's only draw back is a slower reload, you're going to have more snipers than riflemen.

Summers 02-20-2002 09:23 AM

everyone is awaiting the damn release of the sdk

Sh3ll_Sh0ck 02-21-2002 08:57 AM

Yes, the SDK will give the community the chance to creat some truly unique maps and mods.

SS-Oberstgruppenführer 02-21-2002 09:22 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sh3ll_Sh0ck:
The rifles are fine, It's just that when you have a sniper rifle that behaves exactly like a rifle, has a scope on it, and it's only draw back is a slower reload, you're going to have more snipers than riflemen.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not even, dude.. the german rifle reloads as quick as the sniper rifle..which gives it a serious downside.. why bother when the sniper rifle kills with one shot..or close to it.


Totenkopf 02-21-2002 09:26 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sh3ll_Sh0ck:
I have recently found myself getting bored while playing MOHAA online. I never liked team-death match as it always seemed so pointless.
However the Objective maps were alot of fun, and a great source of enjoyment for me.
But now the maps are getting dull and stale, teamwork is lacking, sniping and rocket whoreing are on the rise, and realism-mod servers are on the fall.

I have lately found myself playing Day of Defeat (it may not have graphics but its got gameplay) and Operation Flashpoint.

Anyone else getting this feeling of bordom with MOHAA multiplay?



Sh3ll_Sh0ck 02-21-2002 09:27 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS-Oberstgruppenführer:

Not even, dude.. the german rifle reloads as quick as the sniper rifle..which gives it a serious downside.. why bother when the sniper rifle kills with one shot..or close to it.


I know, but you can't do anything about it because you get the lamers who think sniping really does take skill in this game.

Spike 02-22-2002 12:20 AM

I rarley play MOH by myslef if anthing i'll go call a buddy and play that way there is more team play involed! Still i think i would never get bored of MOHAA!!!! ITS SOOO AMAZING!!!

I played dod for a year before this and its just about the same with all new graphics and levels!

Spike - Yeah BIATCH!!!

KurganQ2 02-22-2002 12:42 AM

i actually got sick of it as soon as the final game came out.

the combination of finding non sucky servers, and all the bad parts of gameplay (too many snipers, rockets, grenades, unbalanced weapons...yada yada yada) has made it no fun anymore.

and to top it all off DOD 2(for halflife) has a ton of annoying problems too...i'm pretty much done from online gaming for a while.

*GEL* DeathStrike gm 02-22-2002 12:43 AM

I play MoH:AA from Mondays for like 2 hours, Tuesdays-Sundays all day. I actually dont get bored OF the game. I just get bored of killing ppl all the time. But then i stop playing and let my brain cool off and then i begin again. Another thing that many ppl might be bored of are the same maps. We need new maps, specially for ppl like me that play a lot.

Gods Elite Legion

Bazooka_Joe 02-22-2002 02:53 AM

Dull? Hah! Yah right! The only dumb thing EA did was not ship enough MP maps with the game. But the game ISN'T getting dull, d00d.



Stylin Trix 02-22-2002 03:32 AM

its pretty fun, what i like is there are no mods yet so servers with FF, dont have TK punish, i was -75 kills in like 15 minutes, so much fun, u can steal people's names too say sum one had the name kiLLer spelt killer, in game i,(I) and (l),L brackets look exactly the same so u cna "steal" their name and there is a lot of confusion, fun to block the door and toss 5 grenades in a room and yur teammates get trapped, another fun thing is in algiers so much fun snipin yur teammates, TKin is so much fun, way more fun then attackin the enemy

Stylin Trix 02-22-2002 03:35 AM

yo deathstrike i read yur post, uh i think u need to get a life, i play mohaa or any other game for like 30 minutes to an hour tops or not even at all, and maybe yur town's name will chnage from house or home or whatever it says and maybe say the gym, or sumthin a lil more athletic

Sh3ll_Sh0ck 02-22-2002 04:22 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ST_Bazooka_Joe:
Dull? Hah! Yah right! The only dumb thing EA did was not ship enough MP maps with the game. But the game ISN'T getting dull, d00d.



It is when a map turns into a grenade or sniper contest.

Other than that it is fun.

badfish515[CAN] 02-22-2002 05:05 AM

i have the most fun with the realism mods. snipers and rockets are the worse drawback for me..
I had a dream i was a sniper and walked around the city i live in and took out like 35people before the police caught me..
i dont know if thats healthy, but it was the 2nd day i got it and played likee 8 hours each day lol

maybe the next time i get some pot the game will change in a good way for me,but i ve had ppl cheat on v1.1 like standing the dissappear and be in a tree top on "hunt", also god modes and that shit ruin the game for me, specially since its not that old

i know the quake engine is harder to hack then halflife, but some ppl are doing it, unless its just the host useing codes...dunno dont care..just like MY kills clean

badfish515[CAN] 02-22-2002 05:12 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stylin Trix:
its pretty fun, what i like is there are no mods yet so servers with FF, dont have TK punish, i was -75 kills in like 15 minutes, so much fun, u can steal people's names too say sum one had the name kiLLer spelt killer, in game i,(I) and (l),L brackets look exactly the same so u cna "steal" their name and there is a lot of confusion, fun to block the door and toss 5 grenades in a room and yur teammates get trapped, another fun thing is in algiers so much fun snipin yur teammates, TKin is so much fun, way more fun then attackin the enemy<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

yeah so what your saying is you suck, and SINCE you have no will or skill you , take pride in tking....very cool

i wish i was cool like you when i was 12 but i just had nintendo, so no tking.

Tell me why are you on this forum?
ur a lama goto myg0t.they like to wreck games, join the mass of other gamers that just cant aquire skill the old fashioned way..trying hard.
Ub3r f4g is what you are

attn deprived boy, with no aim..awww

Sotilas Jane 02-22-2002 07:07 AM

I havent now played for week or two. I just cant get myself repeating same maps from day to day. I look forward to build levels when the SDK gets released tho.

A very wise man once said: "Kylmä Karhu kourassa elämä vaan aina tuntuu paremmalta."

madman187 02-22-2002 08:24 AM

need more maps then it wont be so dull.tired of playing same maps over ran over 100 times. its still a kick ass game best fps so far.

Ydiss 02-22-2002 09:14 AM

The main problem is the lack of variety with the objective maps. All 4 involve blowing up cannons. Bad move by 2015, really. It's in their court to make some more innovative maps designs and make them fast.

As for DM/TDM and Round-Based maps, the only mode that has any lasting appeal for me is RB... And what do ya know? It's the least popular mode and there is only a handful of 1.1 version servers that support it out there. I can see why... lots of camping on public servers and in some games you can go an entire round until the timer runs out and no one will make a move.

The thing is, if the players all play to kill and not camp, RB is way more involving than TDM or DM.


Well, what does Deathmatch for MoH not have that just about every other online shooter has for deathmatch (yes that doesn't include CS, 'cos that is teamplay only)?

MoH doesn't have resources to control. You know... Guns on the floor that respawn, ammo shortage, armor pickups etc etc.

Now, for most people this would be sacrelidge because it isn't 'realistic'. Yes, and respawning after you die is realistic, is it?

To make DM and TDM more fun and much more tactical they'd need to allow weapon pickups and weapon switching. This would mean you spawned with only a pistol.

Imagine how much more fun it would be to hold the courtyard on Algiers if there was a cache of armor and the machine gun spawned there?

Or rpg?

How about if you could switch weapons? You start with a pistol, but if you are a good player you could pick up weapons and do combos.

The joy of games like Half-Life and Quake and others is that you can switch out weapons and perform combos.

The joy of those games for deathmatch and teamplay is that you have to hold specific areas of advantage.

In MoH deathmatch there is no particular area of advantage and because of the way the game works (either random respawns for DM, or location-based respawns for TDM) the game flows around the map far too fluidly to make it worth while trying to hold a position purely because it's better situated than another.

MoH isn't realistic. Especially DM. Those that prefer a more measured team game will always play objective, and at the moment TDM gets dull very very fast.

There is no difference between maps, really. So one may be a little closer and claustrophobic (Stalingrad) and another more open and spacious (Remagen). But essentially there's little difference between any of them except the scenery.

Objective will always be more involving as you have the added challenge of staying alive. TDM and DM you don't care if you die.

If you had spent the last few minutes trying to gain and hold a position and acquire a decent arsenal of weaponry and armor then you would not want to lose it all by being wreckless.

I just think the single weapon choice should be reserved for round-based games and objective games as it makes more sense.

But in TDM and DM you just find yourself doing the same thing over and over and over and over again with no real thought for tactics.

I don't know... It'll never happen. I don't mind the game as it is and I do enjoy objective and round-based... But you only have to play TDM and DM for one or two map rotations before you get sick of it.


A mod that makes Deathmatch more like a deathmatch would be interesting. At the moment it's just reflex and action, rather than thought and planning.

I hope they release some better Objectives soon.


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