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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freakaloin:
i wonder why ppl are such pussies about racist ppl. how bout live and let live. as long as they are hurting anyone just let it go and enjoy ur life.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Fully Agreed. ------------------ A very wise man once said: "Kylmä Karhu kourassa elämä vaan aina tuntuu paremmalta." http://www.duhspot.com/users/smiley/...y/beerchug.gif |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freakaloin:
i wonder why ppl are such pussies about racist ppl. how bout live and let live. as long as they are hurting anyone just let it go and enjoy ur life.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I once knew a 5 year old girl who came home crying. Because some boy called her and racist names The boys were only a couple of years older then here. And yes I am White. And I am a father(it wasn't my daughter, it was a freind's daughter) But my point a racist doesn't have physically hurt someone. Words can hurt just as easily. ------------------ "The percentage you're paying is too high-priced While you're living beyond all your means And the man in the suit has just bought a new car From the profit he's made on your dreams But today you just read that the man was shot dead By a gun that didn't make any noise But it wasn't the bullet that laid him to rest Was the low spark of high-heeled boys" -Steve Winwood/Traffic |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Low spark:
I once knew a 5 year old girl who came home crying. Because some boy called her and racist names The boys were only a couple of years older then here. And yes I am White. And I am a father(it wasn't my daughter, it was a freind's daughter) But my point a racist doesn't have physically hurt someone. Words can hurt just as easily. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I totally agree that words can hurt, but there is always someone that comes and says things about you wether it be the skin color, nationality or other physical appearence. In my point of view it is as bad to call people names from their appearences as their nationality. It is just as the world is, and we all get our share. Thats why i just would say go on and live the life on. ------------------ A very wise man once said: "Kylmä Karhu kourassa elämä vaan aina tuntuu paremmalta." http://www.duhspot.com/users/smiley/...y/beerchug.gif |
That blows Alil, unfortunately the world is full of idiots like that. Even though Freak's response lacks a certain PC element, there is a grain of sense to it. Don't let it bug you too much, find another server, and rest assured that not everybody is a racist POS.
To those who think racist attitudes don't hurt anything, that's a sad outlook, and it's probably not worth explaining it you, but an awful lot of people are killed, beaten and harassed because of bullshit racist attitudes! Put enough people together who just hate without acting, and eventually you breed little racist twats who do act. A violent racist is just the son or daughter of a racist who merely spouts crap!! ------------------ August 19, 1942 http://www.datazap.net/free/mosquito...ito-OFPSIG.jpg |
Some people can be really gay. I agree with everybody that said this was rascist. so your jewish no reason to be kicked!
Yes words can hurt. Hitler probably never physically hurt anybody. But his words cost a lot of innocent people their life. If we don't stand up say its wrong, who will?
------------------ "The percentage you're paying is too high-priced While you're living beyond all your means And the man in the suit has just bought a new car From the profit he's made on your dreams But today you just read that the man was shot dead By a gun that didn't make any noise But it wasn't the bullet that laid him to rest Was the low spark of high-heeled boys" -Steve Winwood/Traffic |
Not all racist is like hitler.
It's rude and it's ignorant, but it all comes down to the fact that he has the right to express his opinions (even if they're wrong). No point in bitching about it because you'd just be validating his actions. He was probably just doing it to piss people off. Immature children all over the place.
------------------ http://www.sympc.com/DRAFIRE3.JPG ]======> www.sympc.com/wtf <======[ |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Low spark:
Yes words can hurt. Hitler probably never physically hurt anybody. But his words cost a lot of innocent people their life. If we don't stand up say its wrong, who will? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I hope you didnt get wrong idea. I definately dont understand/agree racists or other people that make fun of others. BUT, what can we do? At least in situations that we sit front of our computers 2000-miles apart. I'd say its just better ignore it then and live life on. Of course in situation like you descibed that 5-year old kid was mentally hurt, then you have to stand up and solve the thing.. But as I said.. Internet, 2000-miles apart.. Not a thing we can do except lower to their level, and that wouldnt be the solution either, dont you agree? ------------------ A very wise man once said: "Kylmä Karhu kourassa elämä vaan aina tuntuu paremmalta." http://www.duhspot.com/users/smiley/...y/beerchug.gif |
Agreed, why grovel like snivelling dogs in a pile of crap...just because somebody else does. It does need to be spoken against in a calm rational manner though.
------------------ August 19, 1942 http://www.datazap.net/free/mosquito...ito-OFPSIG.jpg |
Yes there are things we can do. If its in a game ask them to keep offensive statements to them self, if not boot them. If you can't
boot them leave yourself(i do). By doing nothing we unwittingly encourge this type people. Already their is a generation growning up learn that the can sit a computer and call anybody anything they want and not be touched. They think it makes them tough/cool or I don't know what. I'm guilty as well. I like to make fun of people in a sarcastict way( no name calling). I just would like to believe that I/we can make the a differnce. |
Yes I agree that if you can boot them, then of course boot them. But otherwise I dont think its worth the fuzz. You go to another game the changes are there is again some 12-year old kid that calls people names. In my opinion if somebody starts to call you names in INTERNET it just is sad, nothing more. Internet are full of that kind of people, changes are that you never even see them outside because they are busy insulting people all day long and are affraid to go out. And even if you would see them I bet most of them wouldnt dare say a word befront of someone. Think about it, how absurd it it: a "tough" guy calles you names 2000-miles apart, its actually almost funny, a big Whoopdee doo.
------------------ A very wise man once said: "Kylmä Karhu kourassa elämä vaan aina tuntuu paremmalta." http://www.duhspot.com/users/smiley/...y/beerchug.gif |
True, most people I've seen who rant at others on the net are scrawny geek losers in real life. Maybe that's why they rant so loudly, they don't have the balls to defend themselves in the real world so they feel the need to do it here.
------------------ August 19, 1942 http://www.datazap.net/free/mosquito...ito-OFPSIG.jpg |
I'm done on this subject. But thanks for letting me voice my opinion in civil way.
You may call me anything you like.... And all I can say is Thank GOD i'm not you ------------------ "The percentage you're paying is too high-priced While you're living beyond all your means And the man in the suit has just bought a new car From the profit he's made on your dreams But today you just read that the man was shot dead By a gun that didn't make any noise But it wasn't the bullet that laid him to rest Was the low spark of high-heeled boys" -Steve Winwood/Traffic |
Righty on.
------------------ A very wise man once said: "Kylmä Karhu kourassa elämä vaan aina tuntuu paremmalta." http://www.duhspot.com/users/smiley/...y/beerchug.gif |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by alil:
well this is damn gay i got kicked from a game for being jewish <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm sorry, but your use of the word "damn", is not appropriate. The best word to use there would be "fucking", "buttfucking", "shitonyourdick", "shitdick", "shitinyourmouth", or "fuckmeinthegoatass". Damn is not an adjective... |
Don't take it personally. It's a disgrace that this type of thing happens.
my friend was being slagged off by some 19 year old dumbass and his friend, calling him racist things. little did the fools remember that there was a picture on their profiles, of which my friend recognised from the same college as him. and subsequntly kicked the crap out of both of them the next day.
------------------ I can't help about the shape I'm in, I can't sing I ain't pretty and my legs are thin. But don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Bunny:
my friend was being slagged off by some 19 year old dumbass and his friend, calling him racist things. little did the fools remember that there was a picture on their profiles, of which my friend recognised from the same college as him. and subsequntly kicked the crap out of both of them the next day. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL! paybacks a bitch. |
That really sucks!
I guess no matter how good computers get...it can't tell a racist pig from a regular person. Don't take it personaly or let it bother you. These people..are unfortunatly..out there. If you think about it, these kinda people usually have pretty shitty lives, so maybe even feel a little pitty for that loser. Keep playing...as most of us couldn't give a rat's a$$ where your from! Take care ------------------ http://members.shaw.ca/t.rowe/sgtwolf.jpg |
Thats BullShit!!! Stop that crap!
------------------ "Arbeit Macht Frei" "Work Brings Freedom" http://www.scrapbookpages.com/Poland...uschwitz11.jpg |
Why? Why would you hate someone because of their race???
------------------ "Arbeit Macht Frei" "Work Brings Freedom" http://www.scrapbookpages.com/Poland...uschwitz11.jpg |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sgt. J Beahon:
Why? Why would you hate someone because of their race??? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Because human beings as a species are flawed. |
The guy who did kicked you out is so queer.
------------------ [img]C:My%20DocumentsMy%20Picturessam.jpg[/img] |
i Was on a server playin and some how the other players infurred that i was black so they started callin me nigger. Up to this point i had not typed anthing so thier statments were made to put me down (not knowing that i was in fact BLACK) so i told them that i was black and then all the racial slurrs came pouring out from every where. Instead of turning into the militant BLAck MaN, i just turned up my game to full strength. By the time that the racist players started dropping out of the game i was handing them a 257 frag and 11 deaths ASS WHUPPPIN in under an hour and 10 min. Right before i left i asked them how it felt to get raped by a nigger. no one replied...
------------------ http://server107.hypermart.net/bob-d...avemanssig.gif |
stupid nazi racial bastards...this pisses me off....
i was playing a nice game that was named nameless battle like most of the games that my gamespy picks up and anyway i was playing along miding my own bussnis whan someone asked where do u guys live so i said israel and than the frindly little host said "israel?! really?!" i said yes and he said "your jewish too?" i said yes i am so he said "jewish ppl suck all they do i take moeny" and than i found my self kicked banned or what ever one thing for sure not in the game! just wanted to get it off my chest
Some people just suck, no need to take that personally.
------------------ A very wise man once said: "Kylmä Karhu kourassa elämä vaan aina tuntuu paremmalta." http://www.duhspot.com/users/smiley/...y/beerchug.gif |
it's his server...he can do what he wants. he can also hate jews if he wants.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freakaloin:
it's his server...he can do what he wants. he can also hate jews if he wants.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is true. But I would like to know IP of the sever. Because I personally have a very low tolerance for racists. And I don't want to play on that server. The other night I was on a server MUF tdr realism or something like that. And this MUF guy whom I took to be the ADMIN kept making sickening racist comments. So I left. These kind of people are need to be put in a hut in Antartica were everthing is white. ------------------ "The percentage you're paying is too high-priced While you're living beyond all your means And the man in the suit has just bought a new car From the profit he's made on your dreams But today you just read that the man was shot dead By a gun that didn't make any noise But it wasn't the bullet that laid him to rest Was the low spark of high-heeled boys" -Steve Winwood/Traffic |
i wonder why ppl are such pussies about racist ppl. how bout live and let live. as long as they are hurting anyone just let it go and enjoy ur life.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arkan:
...the admin on that server was prolly a 14 yr old kid who doesn't really understand the world in which he lives...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You see… That sentence to me is horrifically wrong. Its times like this that I want to know what the f**k is wrong with this world when a 14 year old kid can be taught to be racist. It scares me even more if the admin were a 14 year old kid.. That some ill minded adult would teach this kid to become racist. You may want to argue this point, and im not going to stop you, but the fact is, a kid learns for his elders. He cannot become a racist, unless someone teaches him to be one. I still can’t believe that to some people things are still just black and white… This post really scares me… It just proves, no matter how much history we go through, no matter what new technologies we make... We can’t change the fact that there are still ill minded people out there, and there only cause is to inflict pain upon others… I hope someone proves me wrong someday… ------------------ http://www.yoursighost.com/users/TheBlazer/sig1.JPG ~Blaze [This message has been edited by TheBlazer (edited February 23, 2002).] |
i understand what you are saying and i didnt get worked up b/c i was laughing to hard at how bad he sucked
And i do think its was a kid, im not pissed about the language b/c i could turn around and call him "cracker barrrel trailer trash" and WE WOULD NEVER EVER MEET IN REAL LIFE. this is the part that i find funny, im never gonna meet that person so why waste your time slinging racial slurrs to someone that has told you it doesnt bother them? |
since when are jewish people a seperate race?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TheBlazer:
That some ill minded adult would teach this kid to become racist. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> tv, movies, music industry. all account to that. a kid only has to watch cnn to see what a shitty world he/she lives in. movies show everything from murder to drugs. music, now thats the big influence. eminem and marylin manson etc, they hardly teach good moral values. swearing, talking about drugs etc. and the sad thing is the kids argue that "they tell it how it is". yeah kids wake up!! just cos they tell it how it is doesnt mean you have to follow their lead. todays generation have to learn to be their own person. unfortunatly, mob rules. little girls are under the impression that the only way to get ahead in life is be stick thin and dress like a tart (britney spears) boys think respect from tough guys is the safe way to go. there are however the kids that take the different path, and they are the ones who end up being bullied because they are different, as people are afraid of whats different. maybe different is the wrong word to use, lets try....individual. the parents get the blame for their child, but in a time when human rights practically bar a parent from displining thier kid, and with their sad attitudes to life at such a young age caused by so many outside influences. it only makes it harder. ------------------ I can't help about the shape I'm in, I can't sing I ain't pretty and my legs are thin. But don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to. http://www.jimi-hendrix.com/images/jimihendrix.gif |
Interesting that you use "gay" as a slur against someone you accuse of being "racist".
You know, another person might have said: "I just got kicked by a damn Jew for being gay!" Perhaps you should consider your own bigotry.... [This message has been edited by Hellbaby2065 (edited February 23, 2002).] |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hellbaby2065:
Interesting that you use "gay" as a slur against someone you accuse of being "racist". You know, another person might have said: "I just got kicked by a damn Jew for being gay!" Perhaps you should consider your own bigotry.... [This message has been edited by Hellbaby2065 (edited February 23, 2002).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was going to say something along those very lines. Anyway, this is wrong, and it shouldnt be tolerated. Pity nobody can do a damn thing about it. A good beating comes to mind, but what did that ever accomplish.... |
Who cares if its his servers! It not moral. Bet you he was a 12 yr kid!
[This message has been edited by jc84corvette (edited February 23, 2002).] |
1st off, we're all racist to a degree and if you think otherwise, you're full of sh;t too ! Another thing, he's the server and he can kick whoever he wants for any reason. Would you have joined his server if it said "Jews suck server" ?? There's not a damn thing you can do about it even though i don't totally agree with it. I got kicked just for my name "Arkan". The admin told me to change my name or be banned, i told him he can %@#**&#$ ! Well, i was banned and then i started to laugh...just think, i got someone so worked up just over my name http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif. This is a cruel world we live in and not everyone is gonna be pleasant. I say, be pleasant to people 'till they mistreat you....then the doors are open for you to react or not to react. Just don't get worked up over nothing...the admin on that server was prolly a 14 yr old kid who doesn't really understand the world in which he lives, but someday he'll understand it.
Just my .02 |
Most people are not Racist. A real Racist never shows his true colors, especially in a video game. These are just people who like to piss other people off. Most of the time, if someone comes on a server with an offensive name like "Nigger", he probably is black, trying to stir up up some trouble for fun. Here's a scenario, two white guys - one is balding, the other is not -walk down a street; they bump eachother and a fight ensues. The Guy with the full hair calls the bald one a "bald bastard". Is the guy with the full hair a bigot towards bald people? Here's another scenario: Two guys - one white, the other black - walk down a street; theybump eachother. A fight ensues. White guy calls black guy Nigger...White guy must obviously be racist, right? Point I am trying to make is people tend to see the outside appearnce of someone. And when anger transpires, one cannot help to use offensive language towards the other person's appearance. This does not mean that a person who yells offensive language at someone's race is conspiring to destroy an entire people. The real racist is the one who does not hire a Black person for a job positon, not because he does not like his skin color, but for the fact he thinks his intelligence is inferior because of his origins in Africa. Those are the real racists. Dont get worked up on a server. Most of the time its a stupid kid trying to make himself laugh at his own boring life.
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