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jujumantb 11-10-2006 08:06 AM

Huge (wet) girl problem
I'm not one to come to my GF1 community for girl advice, but I feel this case is an exception that needs this forum's expertise.

So the theres this chick, pretty fucking hot, that I've known since the beginning of the school year... shes a freshman (im a junior) and ever since I broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago, we've been going at it pretty hard on drunk nights. So here is were the problem arises... this girl has pissed my bed two times in a row now... I thought the first time was an isolated incident, she has spent the night many times before without a problem... but now this shit... I'm up at 7:30 right now eating mcdonalds breakfast because I woke up in a puddle of girl piss for the second straight time she has spent the night.. I dont know what to do GF1... please advise.

Bucknub 11-10-2006 08:07 AM


what's her reaction to this when she discovered that she pissed all over your sheets?

edit: I jst seen one of the options "call her out on it" im guessing she doesnt even know

Id say, throw her ass on the floor

jujumantb 11-10-2006 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bucknub

what's her reaction to this when she discovered that she pissed all over your sheets?

thats the thing... the first time she did it she left out of embarrasment at like 6:30 am without me even knowing.. now this morning she goes quote: "terry, your bed is wet"... completely casually... I said "yeah.... it is" in an agitated manner... then she just got dressed an left. Washing sheets gets expensive every weekend... fuck

Zoner 11-10-2006 08:20 AM

You sure it's piss?

Maybe she's a squirter. rock:

Bucknub 11-10-2006 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner
You sure it's piss?

Maybe she's a squirter. rock:

bahaha biggrin:

Mr.Buttocks 11-10-2006 08:45 AM

This is an erotic thread.

Nyck 11-10-2006 09:00 AM

shut the fuck up, man up and drink it you pansy waist

Chronic Diarrhea 11-10-2006 09:13 AM

Oh Jesus dude, that is horrible. It would be one thing if the girl was marginally attractive, which in that case you should kick the shit out of her. Since she's "pretty fucking hot" though, it's a tough call. I'm assuming she's pissing the bed because she's drunk, and it's not a problem that calls for Depends.

Hey, I got it, buy her some Depends as a gift. Since she knows about it, she's probably fucking terrified. I'd be nice to her about it, because she'll see you're a reasonable person and will probably want to marry you after that.

I dunno dude, start having sober sex from now on I guess.

Coleman 11-10-2006 09:44 AM

if the daddy's little girl can't be responsible enough to keep her pants dry then I believe she should sleep in the closet lined with trash bags. If she sleeps on the floor, you don't want to wake up to find your feet being emersed in a liquid puddle.

Doctor Duffy 11-10-2006 09:47 AM

Compliment her by taking a shit on the pillows

Stammer 11-10-2006 09:52 AM


gtboys34 11-10-2006 10:09 AM

yeah, its probaly b/c she's hella drunk. go to sleep with her sober

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 11-10-2006 10:12 AM


This is funny as hell, I can't imagine anything more embarrasing. You should confront her about it right infront of her friends & then show her that you also posted it on the internets rock: biggrin: hellfire:

Milla 11-10-2006 10:31 AM

Dude, i agree with zone, is she a squirter maybe? Or did you actually confirm this is urine and sniff it?

Obviously the girl should not be getting drunk because she cant hold her bladder when she is. SO i'd tell her to stop drinking ASAP, but be nice about it because if she did piss than she probably is indeed terrified, but i'm surprised she never said anything to you after 2 times. 1 time i could see her not saying something, but Jesus, 2 times?

Simo Häyhä 11-10-2006 10:32 AM

hahaha! OH WOW

we demand pics of the pisser

CoMaToSe 11-10-2006 10:47 AM

Call her out on it, but be nice about it. Treat it like a joke, that'll put her at ease a bit. Then sit her down and ask her if it's related to the drinking, and if you still want to bang her on a regular basis, encourage her to 'take your relationship to the next step' by having sober sex! rock:

gtboys34 11-10-2006 11:00 AM


TGB! 11-10-2006 11:28 AM

Wow, I'm troubled by some of these responses. . .notch some more experience folks:

As only TWO people have already said, its more than likely NOT urine. . .its just vaginal lubrication. Some women produce enough to lube the vagina, others can produce an amount that can cause puddles. Youll have the same cleaning bill obviously, but your reaction should be a bit more reserved - in fact you should be thankful shes in such an aroused state that shes producing that level of vagilube (Patent Pending).

Shes obviously embarressed by it, when she has no reason to. Shit compliment her on it, as a way of reenforcing her buck-wildness, dont make her feel like she should be ASHAMED to reach that level of arousal.

I mean really, how many of you have actually gotten SO DRUNK that you lose control of your bowels. I may forget what happened the previous night, but at least Ill know I was still instinctively able to head to the can when I felt the need to.

Im more worried that she needs to get shitfaced to fuck, but thats a story for another day.

c312 11-10-2006 12:06 PM

No, it's probably urine. I've heard many stories just like this, all involve girls drinking too much and urinating on a dude's bed.

Unknown_Sniper 11-10-2006 12:17 PM

one simple way to find this out. After sex, see how wet the bed is, then comapre it to after you wake up. I have slept with a few squirters and its awesome during hte sex, but when you realize you have to sleep there, it gets annoying.
Now if it is piss then just tell her maybe she shouldnt drink to the extent that she looses control of her bladder.

Coleman 11-10-2006 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by c312
No, it's probably urine. I've heard many stories just like this, all involve girls drinking too much and urinating on a dude's bed.

imwithstupid: I know of 3 friends off the top of my head that have done it, sadly enough.

Chronic Diarrhea 11-10-2006 01:13 PM

ROFL at TGB's post.

Dude, I know PLENTY of girls who have shit themselves and passed out in public restrooms because they got so drunk. I'm friends with a guy who works in a bar on the strip and he told me a disgusting story about this hot ass chick passed out on the toilet with her panties to her ankles and mounds of shit all over her arms, face, legs, etc... They had to go in there because it was past closing time and they were about to lock everything up. They had to actually drag her out of the stall to wake her up. My friend said he was gagging as he was dragging her around. She had to leave the bar and go home with shit all over her.

TGB, people at colleges get fucking hammered, and do piss/shit themselves. It most likely IS piss.

bukdez 11-10-2006 01:17 PM

Re: Huge (wet) girl problem

Originally Posted by jujumantb
I'm not one to come to my GF1 community for girl advice, but I feel this case is an exception that needs this forum's expertise.

So the theres this chick, pretty fucking hot, that I've known since the beginning of the school year... shes a freshman (im a junior) and ever since I broke up with my girlfriend a few weeks ago, we've been going at it pretty hard on drunk nights. So here is were the problem arises... this girl has pissed my bed two times in a row now... I thought the first time was an isolated incident, she has spent the night many times before without a problem... but now this shit... I'm up at 7:30 right now eating mcdonalds breakfast because I woke up in a puddle of girl piss for the second straight time she has spent the night.. I dont know what to do GF1... please advise.

mabye you pissed the bed?...

elstatec 11-10-2006 01:29 PM


imported_Fluffy_Bunny 11-10-2006 01:31 PM

Dude you should video tape it all & then post it on a German porn/piss site & make some £$. rock:

Pyro 11-10-2006 02:16 PM


...tell her to sleep on the floor if she pisses over your shit...or at leats stay over at her place and then you can sleepon the coach or something.

1080jibber 11-10-2006 03:13 PM

for some reason i find that kind of hot, in a strange way

jujumantb 11-10-2006 04:31 PM

It is CLEARLY piss, no mistake. I have toyed with the fact it *could* be me, but that just doesnt add up. I have NEVER before pissed my bed, not to mention this girl already has the house nickname of "puddles" due to another incident when she passed out in a chair and left a big puddle (she claimed she spilt her beer eek: ) And in terms of having sober sex... kind of out of the question.. our relationship is purely sloppy drunk sex and I'm perfectly happy with keeping that way.

on the right...

eeves 11-10-2006 04:37 PM


ps id hit that...

Arkan 11-10-2006 04:43 PM

Ok, never had this problem before but this is how i would handle it knowing the facts now.

1. Use a plastic liner on the bed to protect the mattress then cover it up with a sheet. Also, use just one blanket so, if she wets herself again, all you need to wash is one blanket and one sheet. Keep that pair for when you're with her only. All other times, use different sheets and blankets. She'll be too fucked up to notice the sound of the plastic liner while your fucking her. It doesn't hurt to have some background music to drown out the sound of the plastic liner.

Also, keep that shit to yourself. Don't go telling your friends or even mentioning it to her. If she hears it from others, she'll never fuck you again and if you mention something to her, she may not want to fuck you again out of embarrassment.

Also, if she happens to bring it up and questions the plastic liner, just tell her that the "love juice" you two make during sex is insane and you're just trying to keep the mattress dry.

Jin-Roh 11-10-2006 05:09 PM

Peeing after drunk sex means she was sexually molestered by someone drunk at a young age. Does she have a high pitched child's voice?!

Milla 11-10-2006 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by jujumantb
on the right...

lol at the guy in the background trying to get some.

eeves 11-10-2006 05:14 PM

[quote="Jin-Roh":340a1]Peeing after drunk sex means she was sexually molestered by someone drunk at a young age. Does she have a high pitched child's voice?![/quote:340a1]


is it me or the ugly bitch has a big fist?

Chronic Diarrhea 11-10-2006 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by yves

is it me or the ugly bitch has a big fist?

ROFL yes she does.

bukdez 11-10-2006 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by jujumantb
on the right...

looks like she might be peeing in that pic...

Doctor Duffy 11-10-2006 09:55 PM

Yeah man, that's fucking hot stuff, maybe you ougta invest in a water bed, free refills RITE?????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????

Merlin122 11-10-2006 10:40 PM

[quote:5e1a3]let me put it in your butt

ok, but only because i love you[/quote:5e1a3]

who said that again?

Eames 11-10-2006 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Merlin122
[quote:6e8bf]let me put it in your butt

ok, but only because i love you

who said that again?[/quote:6e8bf]

ROFL I remember that shit. i think it was like jotun or judas that had that thread. i remembered i about shit myself laughing the first time i read that.

as for this. she definitly is hot, i say the easiest way to solve this problem with the minimal effort is to either start fucking at her place or if you have to fuck at your place, just fuck somewhere other then the bed. that way way when she falls asleep you can get up and go sleep in your nice DRY bed.

i also think it may be hilarious to jack off in her face while she sleeps and splooge all over her face and if she questions why her face is glazed when she wakes up, tell her that you were so drunk last night you had a "nocturnal emission" ahahaha seriously..........TRY IT!!!!!!!!!

Chronic Diarrhea 11-11-2006 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Eames

Originally Posted by Merlin122
[quote:e9df6]let me put it in your butt

ok, but only because i love you

who said that again?

ROFL I remember that shit. i think it was like jotun or judas that had that thread. i remembered i about shit myself laughing the first time i read that.

as for this. she definitly is hot, i say the easiest way to solve this problem with the minimal effort is to either start fucking at her place or if you have to fuck at your place, just fuck somewhere other then the bed. that way way when she falls asleep you can get up and go sleep in your nice DRY bed.

i also think it may be hilarious to jack off in her face while she sleeps and splooge all over her face and if she questions why her face is glazed when she wakes up, tell her that you were so drunk last night you had a "nocturnal emission" ahahaha seriously..........TRY IT!!!!!!!!![/quote:e9df6]

oOo: eek:

Have fun in prison some day.

eeves 11-11-2006 12:28 AM

^that made me laugh

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