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Doctor Duffy 11-28-2006 10:40 PM

I hate ..
I didnt wanna name this "pet peeves" b/c something about that rings extremely fucking ghey to me, but we all like these threads, so I'll start

1) Fuckers who wear shorts when it's snowing
2) Those diarrhea sinks which spray water all over your crotch
3) Eating lunch at 12... I'm never hungry
4) Blacks who're convinced they themselves should be repaid for the shit they're ancestors went thru 500 fucking years ago. I'm pulling a kramer here, but it does fucking annoy me.
5) White kids who are terrified of blacks
6) How it's the coolest thing evar to be jewish
7) Raisin Bran
8) Fat chicks who wear tight fit clothes
9) Coma
10) Scratched DVDs... fucking waste of technology
11) Snow
12) Denver
13) Majority of Colorado, aside from mountains
14) Those fucking hats w/ out the folded brims... actually no, I was thinking about getting one... no, wait, yeah, they're stupider looking than fuck
15) Hair that grows out of your fucking nipple
16) PC games

OK, I'm done for nowe, post urs pls

Tripper 11-28-2006 10:49 PM

17) stfu

Doctor Duffy 11-28-2006 10:53 PM

Fuck yeah I rule the internet

Sniper101 11-28-2006 11:00 PM

I can agree with 4, 5, and 8. Fuck you on 1 since i do do it when its been a long cold winter and its finally decides to get up to 32F

to add some of my own...

1) White kids who think theyre black
2) People who are ignorant to things they dont understand
3) People who have kids that really shouldn't
4) Stupid people in general (low EQ not so much IQ)
5) Over cooked Beef, pork, Chicken, fish, etc
6) People who think the rest of the world owes them something
7) Blacks that can get away with racist comments but get whites in trouble for retaliating with one of their own
8) Can't emphasize this more: Fat chicks in Spandex!!
9) Bad drivers
10) People who think their shit don't stink

That's about it for now

Cpt. Obvious 11-28-2006 11:07 PM

Re: I hate ..
[quote="Doctor Duffy":69295]

1) Fuckers who wear shorts when it's snowing


I do that all the time.

Doctor Duffy 11-28-2006 11:18 PM

Lmao, well, I admit, I do it when it sometimes, as long as the temp isnt below 40... but then you have guys who will trod for fucking miles w/ hollister flip flops to school and then tell you "its not that bad"

eeves 11-29-2006 12:32 AM

I wear sandles when its cold.....matter of fact i only have a pair of shoes..and about four pairs of socks (excluding soccer socks)..

strvs 11-29-2006 02:25 AM

Re: I hate ..

Sgt>Stackem 11-29-2006 03:43 AM

Re: I hate ..
[quote="Cpt. Obvious":486df][quote="Doctor Duffy":486df]

1) Fuckers who wear shorts when it's snowing


I do that all the time.[/quote:486df]

me too, Ill even go to the mailbox barefoot

Johnj 11-29-2006 08:48 AM

I hate music, it ruined my life
I coulda had a job, a house and a wife
Instead I got no future, just a DUI
And I'll probly have to gig the rest of my life

Hillbilly Hellcats - I Hate Music

beer: dance:

Nyck 11-29-2006 09:33 AM


Zoner 11-29-2006 09:54 AM

I won't list peeves that I've mentioned before in past lists. I've got some new ones.

1. People who leave big shitty skidmarks on the back of the toilet seat in your favorite stall in the office shitter.

2. When you set a timer on your PVR/DVR and the show you want to record gets replaced with something WAY more shitty. Example, I wanted to record "Dexter" and got "The Man" starring Eugene Levy.

3. Eugene Levy. Yeah, you were Jim's dad on American Pie. Big fucking deal. You sucked on SCTV and you suck now.

4. Flavored coffee. Whoever decided that vanilla, hazelnuts and coffee go together should be shot in the dick with a blowdart. Especially when the first pot of the day is a flavored brew. Fuck THAT.

5. People who leave their cellphone ringers on at work. If I hear this cunt's BlackBerry play "Under the Boardwalk" one more time, I'm going to shove it so far up his french-canadian ass that he'll be able to click the trackwheel with his Adam's apple.

Nyck 11-29-2006 10:07 AM

[quote:71ea4]Whoever decided that vanilla, hazelnuts and coffee go together should be shot in the dick with a blowdart.[/quote:71ea4]


Mr.Buttocks 11-29-2006 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner

Whoever decided that vanilla, hazelnuts and coffee go together should be shot in the dick with a blowdart.


Originally Posted by Zoner
If I hear this cunt's BlackBerry play "Under the Boardwalk" one more time, I'm going to shove it so far up his french-canadian ass that he'll be able to click the trackwheel with his Adam's apple.


Coleman 11-29-2006 10:14 AM

yeah zoner, +1 for that rant. That's material that could be used in a new comedy movie script! biggrin:

Nyck 11-29-2006 10:20 AM

my list

1. My office ordering Indian food 3 consecutive days and 6 outta 10 days for lunch, what the fuck did I just get offshored to HP's tech support center is my name Nyckdshar now?

2. when a show goes past 2 minutes its scheduled time and my DVR stops recording and I miss the end of the show(even though I set it to tape 2 minutes past.

3. Ford fucking mustangs, always driven by
a. Baby Dicks
b. Old fucking Beef Jerky tanned ladies
c. Daddys Gurl

4. the fact that people in todays society line up days and weeks before the launch of something so that they have some type of story to tell when they get older, like they are missing out on some HUGE cultural event.

5. Topper Guy, this jerk off ALWAYS has to replay to anything anyone says with something better even though its probably bullshit.


Die via paper cut to the fucking jugular. WELCOME TO 1999 FUCKING CHRIST ENJOY YOUR GOD DAMN STAY.

Honestly anything with FWD on it should be instantly deleted.

7. Dr office/ Emergency room. I took my baby to an appt at 6:30 pm we were the ONLY people there and we were there for like 2 hours even though we only spent 10 minutes with the DR.

bukdez 11-29-2006 11:08 AM

Re: I hate ..
[quote="Doctor Duffy":a1f54]
6) How it's the coolest thing evar to be jewish

wtf does that even mean!?...

Simo Häyhä 11-29-2006 11:56 AM

hey duffy. nobody gives a shit dance:

Unknown_Sniper 11-29-2006 01:10 PM

1) when hangovers dont go away
2) those people you hate even though there realy is no reason to hate them.
3) When the shoer drain clogs and water starts to rise up to your ankles.
4) Girls only hitting on you when you are in a relationship but not when you are single.

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 11-29-2006 01:37 PM

4) Girls only hitting on you when you are in a relationship but not when you are single.[/quote:b293d] ya I hate that, go ages being single then suddenly they all want ya kus you got a hot ho & its a matter of pride & jealousy cuss:

1.) Hippies, my sister was on myspace the other day & said "OoOo look its one of my friends who used to go to Art College with me. Isn't he cool? He's so hot! OmG!" I looked at his pic & this guy looked like a fukin scarecrow... He had a big ol straw hat & a matty beard with old clothes. I asked what he was doing & apparently he used to do manual work on farms & fruit picking then he went off to india & now he's bumming it in Spain. Fair enough if hes a student but this guy is 25, he hasn't got career, hes a bum & going no-where. I bet in 10 years time he'll finally realise he can't get employed kus he has fa qualifications & then come back to scrounge on the taxes cuss:

2.) Emo kids who get tattoos & dye their hair black & kiss other guys to try & be cool rolleyes: Nice one mate, got a tattoo that will last for life & the fashion will last a year stupid:

3.) People who give a damn about power & suck up to other people in authority, rank, money etc. This is rife in some of the forces as class 'unofficially' still plays a big part.

4.) Old grannies who go to church every sunday without fail because they suddenly realise they may die & want to go to heaven. They go to church now kus in the 40s & 50s they were probably too busy gang banging & sucking more dix than a vietnamese hooker. They like to give off the impression that they are completely innocent & never seen a willy in their life.

5.) People who spit or degrade historic monuments & buildings of importance. Like those hippie sons o bitches that put graffiti on Churchills statue & the chav bastards who fk up poppy stuff.

6.) Pikeys & Chavs in general

7.) Girls who shave off all their eyebrows & then pencil them in for some bizarre reason. Then you wake up next to them in the morning & think you been shagging an alien.

8.) Girls expecting you to buy them drinks in clubs even though you don't know who tf they are. Or girls ya barely know coming up to you & asking for you to buy them a drink. WTF! Get a job bitch! Don't take advantage of male chivalry.

9.) Rich kids who don't have to worry about getting a decent job or having to work & save up for a car or driving lessons kus mummy & daddy can cover it all for them.

10.) Places that sell drinks at 50x the normal price as well as breaking your wallet over an entry charge, then you get in & the place is shyt.

Eight Ace 11-29-2006 01:40 PM

1) lebanese muslims
2) muslims
3) getting bbq sauce on my burger when I ask for tomato
4) people who have to talk 20x louder than anyone else just because they're azn
5) when comatose abreviates everyones name in an overly familiar way...and when he uses initials for everthing in an overly annoying way.
6) when Duffy doesn't post much

Tripper 11-29-2006 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
3. Eugene Levy. Yeah, you were Jim's dad on American Pie. Big fucking deal. You sucked on SCTV and you suck now.

He pwned in all those Christopher Guest movies...Waiting For Guffman and Best In Show most importantly, but yeah, guy gets way to much work doing shit movies and playing shit characters.

CoMaToSe 11-29-2006 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
5. Topper Guy, this jerk off ALWAYS has to replay to anything anyone says with something better even though its probably bullshit.

Recurring Dilbert character

Simo Häyhä 11-29-2006 03:11 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":ac8e0]1) lebanese muslims
2) muslims
3) getting bbq sauce on my burger when I ask for tomato
4) people who have to talk 20x louder than anyone else just because they're azn
5) when comatose abreviates everyones name in an overly familiar way...and when he uses initials for everthing in an overly annoying way.
6) when Duffy doesn't post much[/quote:ac8e0]


Sgt>Stackem 11-29-2006 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
my list

3. Ford fucking mustangs, always driven by
a. Baby Dicks
b. Old fucking Beef Jerky tanned ladies
c. Daddys Gurl


even worse is putting a 4 banger in them. Im NOT a Ford guy but thats an insult

Doctor Duffy 11-29-2006 05:40 PM

Re: I hate ..

Originally Posted by "Doctor Duffy":2d897
6) How it's the coolest thing evar to be jewish

wtf does that even mean!?...[/quote:2d897]

I know a lot of jewish kids and like em all, Denver for some reason has millions more than any city I've ever lived in (about seven), but it's not a fucking fashion statement. JEW 4 LYFE N PROUD

I had two more

1)Lacrosse... woulda been a cool sport if it werent for the fucking tools who play it.
2) Jack Black

anti 11-29-2006 06:07 PM

i had a huge list but it basically boils downt o;
people that can't put things into perspective
yeast on a vagina

m00nraker 11-29-2006 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
my list

3. Ford fucking mustangs, always driven by
a. Baby Dicks
b. Old fucking Beef Jerky tanned ladies
c. Daddys Gurl


even worse is putting a 4 banger in them. Im NOT a Ford guy but thats an insult[/quote:fca1a]

I would like to see a 4 banger 'Stang.

Doctor Duffy 11-29-2006 06:19 PM

Wait, tell me when did they ever fucking make 4 door mustangs?

unless u guyz meant seats, then I'm mistaken

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 11-29-2006 06:56 PM

O yer I also hate shaving, I got two job interviews in London tomorrow (gana take pic of bridge dance: ) so I thought it would be wise to shave my super sexy pr0n stache off. That wasn't a prob, but I ALWAYS fuck up my neck when shaving. Dunno why, it's just a bish to shave that part. Anyways now I cut myself in about 50 places on my neck & I've left some shaving cream on to try & soothe it. But tomorrow I have to wear a white collar shirt & tie which, no doubt, will irritate it like a bitch so when I walk in for the interview it's gana look like I got a love bite from a polar bear cuss:

Coleman 11-29-2006 06:57 PM

have you tried to shave after a hot shower? That seems to work well for me.

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 11-29-2006 07:00 PM

Na not tried that, will give it a shot. I usually put a lil bit of shaving foam back on after I finish. Maybe I should just make a lemon/vinegar/salt mix & rub that on & take it like a man.

Doctor Duffy 11-29-2006 07:01 PM

Mach 5 ftw... lmao, I've got shit to shave actually, I just get a moustache and clumps of beard hairs, but Mach 5 is 300x better than the dollar blades I got, which cut my chin up like fucking crazy

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 11-29-2006 07:04 PM

I'm using mach3 power, ya my dad uses those lil throwaway razors I used to use those but almost committed suicide by accident one time.

Doctor Duffy 11-29-2006 07:07 PM

[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":0f58f]I'm using mach3 power, ya my dad uses those lil throwaway razors I used to use those but almost committed suicide by accident one time.[/quote:0f58f]

Yah, they dont even produce 5's, the 3 is what I meant... it doesnt say on the handle

lmfao at suicide, they're scary as fuck

Unknown_Sniper 11-29-2006 07:49 PM

I use the quattro. I went out and got some of hte titanium blades for it and all I can say is its amazing. Also look for a good after shave. I use this shit called Afta Shave made by gilette. Awesome stuff, really sooths the skin.
I would like to see a 4 banger 'Stang[/quote:1c977]
[url= QssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewIteml:1c977]4 banger stang[/url:1c977]
another one here ... 000-15000/

mr.miyagi 11-29-2006 07:50 PM


[DAS REICH] Blitz 11-29-2006 08:22 PM


1) Israeli Jews
2) Regular Jews who make it a known fact they are jewish and are proud of it
3) Minorities who want to be different and complain when they aren't being treated fairly. Example, poor blacks constantly using the "Reverend" to come to their rally's and complain about black and white problems.
4) Diversity, AKA racism without the hate. So what if we are all different, can we not rejoice about it every second?
5) Tweens who try to hard to be cool and preppy
6) People who brag about drinking, smoking, drugging, banging chicks, etc.
7) People who spend too much time dressing up...
8) Fagzors who want everyone to know they're gay.
9) Men/Boys with absurdly long hair that covers their eyes, or guys with ponytails...
10) Fake people. Those who smile and say "hello" to everyone, regardless of who they are and if they actually like them.
11) The addiction known as facebook...
12) Annoying people who don't know they're place, aka nerds hanging with jocks despite no one wanting them there.

Doctor Duffy 11-29-2006 08:59 PM


20) Mexicans who're convinced they're directly related to the godfather

lasagna 11-29-2006 09:27 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":a93df]Another

20) Mexicans who're convinced they're directly related to the godfather[/quote:a93df]

what the fuck are you talking about?

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