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CoMaToSe 12-02-2006 01:11 AM

Workout tips
I've been doing serious working out lately, especially calisthenics. However, I find some areas harder to work than others. Can anyone here suggest some good workouts to target gluts, the inside of the thighs, lovehandles, pecs, and forearms? Thanks to anyone with good advice.

Simo Häyhä 12-02-2006 01:13 AM


Doctor Duffy 12-02-2006 01:21 AM

I want to massage your rippled thighs in the morning sun and feel the soft bushels of hair rub unto my cheek and I will kiss you until time's end and forever together forever

Doctor Duffy 12-02-2006 01:28 AM

Oh, I do 100 pushups a night and 45 situps before I go to bed, fuck yeah I'm beefy.

lasagna 12-02-2006 01:29 AM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":4930b]Oh, I do 100 pushups a night and 45 situps before I go to bed, fuck yeah I'm beefy.[/quote:4930b]


Doctor Duffy 12-02-2006 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by "Doctor Duffy":19d70
Oh, I do 100 pushups a night and 45 situps before I go to bed, fuck yeah I'm beefy.



Doctor Duffy 12-02-2006 01:38 AM

Actually I was lying, I only do 70 a night and situps only when I feel like it, which is never.

TonyMontana 12-02-2006 01:39 AM

Re: Workout tips

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
I've been doing serious working out lately, especially calisthenics. However, I find some areas harder to work than others. Can anyone here suggest some good workouts to target gluts, the inside of the thighs, lovehandles, pecs, and forearms? Thanks to anyone with good advice.

Cardio. Lots of it.

Jakke 12-02-2006 03:09 AM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":3dbde]Actually I was lying, I only do 70 a night and situps only when I feel like it, which is never.[/quote:3dbde]
the only exercising you do is mastrubating

Eight Ace 12-02-2006 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by "Doctor Duffy":623da
Actually I was lying, I only do 70 a night and situps only when I feel like it, which is never.

the only exercising you do is mastrubating[/quote:623da]
ceiling cat..?

snipeymagoo 12-02-2006 04:19 AM

Re: Workout tips

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
I've been doing serious working out lately, especially calisthenics. However, I find some areas harder to work than others. Can anyone here suggest some good workouts to target gluts, the inside of the thighs, lovehandles, pecs, and forearms? Thanks to anyone with good advice.

To workout your ass...leg presses and squats work well...although squats tear up your knees and back....

Inside of the thighs, they have machines for this (I dont use machines so I dont know what its called) but you sit down and youput your legs in this thing, basically you're trying to touch your knees together with resistance, let go, do it again...probably 3 sets of 10 (3x10)

Lovehandles only come off like everything else, there is no specific workout for any specific part of the body to lose weight...regardless of what people say.

Pecs, that would be benching, dumb bell benching, and there is machine where you sit down, put are arms in it and basically put your elbows the inner thigh workout.

The best workout I ever used for my forearms would be where you get a barbell with no weight, just the bar. Hold it by the tips of your fingers and make a fist, causing you to grip the that 3x10 then do it behind your back, 3x10. Another thing is wrist curls, get a dumb bell and basically curl your wrist instead of your shoulder.

Leg press 3x10
Machine 3x10
Lovehandles (Just run a couple of miles a day)
Bench 3x10
Dumb bell press 3x10
Pec Deck 3x10
Wrist rollers 3x10
Wrist Curls 3x10

Poseidon 12-02-2006 05:03 AM

Cycling is great on your legs. Most of you know im really thin, but my muscles really stand out on my legs because I do alot of cycling.

Michael 12-02-2006 06:58 AM

Coma, are you trying to lose weight (fat) or are you trying to get buff? Because there are specific ways to do either one. If you're trying to burn fat off, as Tony mentioned, do lots of cardio. If you're not used to that, start off slowly. Just make sure you do at least 20 minutes or so every day, which is when your body begins to burn fat. Assuming you go for the 20 minutes without stopping. If you're trying to get buff, basically you just need to lift heavy weights with low reps. Just don't, you know, kill yourself lol And don't cheat with the form, as far as weight lifting goes. You'll just end up injuring yourself, and not getting any actual benefit from it. If you're trying to simply get fit....well, you still need cardio. Afterwards, you should probably lift light weights with very high reps. As for love handles, well, sit ups. Side sit ups also. Test yourself and see just how many you can do until you can't go any further, then you'll know your limit and know up to what point you can/need to go everytime you do sit ups. You can also do crunches, those are pretty good.

Squats....usually people do them either to tone their quads, or build up their muscle mass in that area. So if you are actually going for weight loss, I wouldn't recommend you do squats for that. You'd just end up getting injured.

By the way, what are your eating habits? Just wondering. I'd hate to see you work your ass off only to know that you eat like 2 pounds of food in one sitting lol You'll drop the pounds/tone up through work, but you also need to eat well also.

Chronic Diarrhea 12-02-2006 08:55 AM

No, no, no, no....high rep sets are worthless. There is only one reason a muscle has for becoming stronger: progressively increased overload. The only reason a muscle will become stronger is by increasing the amount of overload, or “work” on that muscle. A muscle responds to stress (weight training) by adapting and growing to handle future stress that will be placed upon it. Continue to train a muscle with the same weight and you will get the same results. You need to progressively “force” the muscle into growing stronger or it will not. So in order to increase resistance, you need to increase the amount of weight, or work, you are doing.

Lower repetitions of an exercise will allow you to increase the overload to that muscle instantaneously. This forces the stimulation of new muscle fibers that will be recruited to handle the additional stresses that will be placed upon the muscle. This is where the notion that “high reps, low weight to get ripped” is flawed. Since the only reason a muscle will create new fibers is by increased overload, or heavy weight and low reps, it is impossible to train the muscle with low weight. As a result, you will never get “cut” by lifting light weight for burnout or high rep sets. You can only achieve this by lifting heavy.

Low reps will strengthen and “tone” your muscles quicker than higher reps. It is easier to train more intensely if you are only focusing on four-to-six rep sets instead of fifteen. If you can do ten reps of an exercise, the weight is too light to achieve overload. If you are new to an exercise, ten repetitions are fine. We don’t want to sustain in injury because we jumped right into doing 4 rep sets. The first few workouts will be a trial and error process in regard to how much weight you need to use. You will quickly learn which weight you should be using. If you can do more than six reps on your heavy sets for an exercise, the weight is too light. If you cannot do at least four, the weight is too heavy. That is how you tell.

1) Before engaging in any form of weight training, warm up on a cardio machine for 5 minutes. You do not want to start cold. You will not be as strong or energetic. Hell, if you just jump around in place a little bit before your first warmup set, that is better than nothing.

2) Start your first exercise with a very light, easy set of ten reps. Never warm up to the point of failure or exhaustion. You will be wasting energy that will be needed for those heavy sets.

3) The next set should be what is called a weight acclimation set. It’s sole purpose is to get your muscles ready for an increasingly heavier weight that is to follow. If you went from a light-warm up to your heavy sets, you would risk injury and not be as strong. So progress into your heavy sets with a moderately heavier set for six to eight repetitions or less.

4) After the weight acclimation comes either one or two heavy sets. If done correctly, you should never need to do more than two heavy sets. If you can do three or more, the first two were not heavy enough or intense enough.

5) Each heavy set will consist of four to six repetitions. This lower rep range is extremely important. For either men or women, you must stay low in reps in order to gain any lean muscle. A muscle will only become stronger and more defined if it is forced to do so. This is our way of forcing it. I often ask people (male and female) why they do ten repetitions per set, and I’ve never had one person actually give me an answer. They’ve just always heard this or read to do this. Always ask yourself why.

6) Do not do cardio and weight training in the same day. Again, if you’ve already expanded most of your energy, what good is a half-assed cardio session going to do? Also make sure to rest enough between sets. You should be as strong or stronger on each forthcoming set for each exercise. Think of each set as a certain high point. You want to always break this barrier on each set.

7) Only train one or two muscle groups per workout. As a kid when you took a test the teacher didn’t make you take a test covering every subject all in one, did she? I didn’t think so.

geRV 12-02-2006 09:29 AM


CoMaToSe 12-02-2006 10:46 AM

I dont really have any fat on me anymore, but I dont want to get ripped, just toned. Im oddly shaped, some areas are hard and tone, some have a lot of loose skin left over from the thatty days.

Eames 12-02-2006 12:03 PM

although i agree with alolt of what has already been posted, i am assuming that you know absoulty nothing about weight lifting, running, or basically staying in shape.

i think the best advice that can be given to you over the internet is to either:

- find a friend who does workout regulary and workout with him
-if that fails at least find a friend who is willing to workout with you that isnt a pussy and will motivate you.
-and if all else fails hire a personal trainer.

the problem i see with most people who have never done anything physical before in their lives coming into the gym is they don't have a clue what they are doing and almost all of the time they don't train with nearly enough intensity as they should be to see some results.

it sounds like all you really want to do is basically lose weight, so the best thing to do is cardio and dieting. again, i think you need to get a personal trainer because they will explain to you everything you need to know about this.

if you can't afford a personal trainer then i suggest going and visiting your schools health exercise/ sports science department and maybe you can find someone there who can help your fat ass out.

but the three things you gotta remember if you wanna see results are:

1. dedication
2. intensity
3. diet

if you aren't commited your really just wasting your time.

descry 12-02-2006 12:58 PM

ive been working out for about two years now, and well most of the advice given here is crap, no offence, its always 90% diet. i never had a weight problem so i dont know much about loosing it, but if you want some real help goto . theres a weight loss section, and a teen section. post your weight, height, what your goals are and there are plenty of real experts there to help you.

CoMaToSe 12-02-2006 01:24 PM

Im not looking for weight loss. Im down to 180, Im happy for now. I need to get rid of all this loose skin

Proteus 12-02-2006 02:02 PM

Eat less calories than you work off. FUCKING AMAZING. I should write a book.


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Im not looking for weight loss. Im down to 180, Im happy for now. I need to get rid of all this loose skin

And read your posts, that will help the eating because I just lost my appetite.

Milla 12-02-2006 02:25 PM

lol ppl on internetz giving workout advice.

In order to work out you must


gtboys34 12-02-2006 02:52 PM

good advice guys!

Doctor Duffy 12-02-2006 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by gtboys34
good advice guys!

Why....why, why do you make posts like this??

I weigh 168 at 5"10 or 5'11, actually I dunno, I just know that I'm always one of the tallest guys in the school halls

Crazy advice, you guys take working out religiously, I eat pretty gud cause my parents never buy any junk whatsoever, just stick to eating fruits whenever you're hungry and flex that ass

gtboys34 12-02-2006 03:00 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":e0445]

Originally Posted by gtboys34
good advice guys!

Why....why, why do you make posts like this??

I weigh 168 at 5"10 or 5'11, actually I dunno, I just know that I'm always one of the tallest guys in the school halls

Crazy advice, you guys take working out religiously, I eat pretty gud cause my parents never buy any junk whatsoever, just stick to eating fruits whenever you're hungry and flex that ass[/quote:e0445]they gave great advice. i work at the gym and coudn't add anything more to the thread in a helpful manner.

how's life treating ya bdg?

you know its hard out there for an infant
when he trying to make the money for implant
with the breast milk and pamper money spent
will cause a whole lotta infants jumpin out the crib

Mr.Buttocks 12-02-2006 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by gtboys34
how's life treating ya bdg?

you know its hard out there for an infant
when he trying to make the money for implant
with the breast milk and pamper money spent
will cause a whole lotta infants jumpin out the crib

loooooooooool biggrin:

Doctor Duffy 12-02-2006 03:16 PM

gtbois tries too hard
he isnt much more than lard
Wait,a better word
a retard
Cause he knows Duffy is the best in the west
Got a beef with? He'll pass the test
He likens gtbois to K-fed
Who has the lyrical rhymes of stale bread
Duffy knows he's a pimp
On the other hand,
gtbois aint noting more than a wimp
Duffy'll just give you a dolla
gtbois so broke he cant pop his colla
Walking into the 711 just shirtless
No shoes, no service, but Duffy?
He's dirtless


Fuck yeah ethug mothafucka g-r-o-u-n-d-f-1

Doctor Duffy 12-02-2006 03:17 PM

Here ... ple_eat_dc

c312 12-02-2006 03:28 PM

Re: Workout tips

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
I've been doing serious working out lately, especially calisthenics. However, I find some areas harder to work than others. Can anyone here suggest some good workouts to target gluts, the inside of the thighs, lovehandles, pecs, and forearms? Thanks to anyone with good advice.

for your legs and gluts, try doing some lunges with dumbells, lovehandles you need to just lose weight, but you can tighten the muscles under them by doing sideways sit-ups, bench (incline, regular and decline) and flies are good for pecs, and for forearms, you can do hammer curls which are with a special curling bar that orients your grip in a way like they would be if you are giving a thumbs up.

CoMaToSe 12-02-2006 03:34 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":3c1b0]

Originally Posted by gtboys34
good advice guys!

Why....why, why do you make posts like this??

I weigh 168 at 5"10 or 5'11, actually I dunno, I just know that I'm always one of the tallest guys in the school halls

Crazy advice, you guys take working out religiously, I eat pretty gud cause my parents never buy any junk whatsoever, just stick to eating fruits whenever you're hungry and flex that ass[/quote:3c1b0]
I am the same height and only weigh 10 pounds more. My dried fruit collection would destroy yours

Eight Ace 12-02-2006 04:29 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":b3e48]gtbois tries too hard
he isnt much more than lard
Wait,a better word
a retard
Cause he knows Duffy is the best in the west
Got a beef with? He'll pass the test
He likens gtbois to K-fed
Who has the lyrical rhymes of stale bread
Duffy knows he's a pimp
On the other hand,
gtbois aint noting more than a wimp
Duffy'll just give you a dolla
gtbois so broke he cant pop his colla
Walking into the 711 just shirtless
No shoes, no service, but Duffy?
He's dirtless


Fuck yeah ethug mothafucka g-r-o-u-n-d-f-1[/quote:b3e48]


btw, if some overzealous mod is gonna start deleting duffys raps,
don't forget to delete gtboys as well...and any other "off topic" posts
for that know, like the ones all of us make all the time
kthx. beer:

Pyro 12-02-2006 05:16 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":fb9cb]gtbois tries too hard
he isnt much more than lard
Wait,a better word
a retard
Cause he knows Duffy is the best in the west
Got a beef with? He'll pass the test
He likens gtbois to K-fed
Who has the lyrical rhymes of stale bread
Duffy knows he's a pimp
On the other hand,
gtbois aint noting more than a wimp
Duffy'll just give you a dolla
gtbois so broke he cant pop his colla
Walking into the 711 just shirtless
No shoes, no service, but Duffy?
He's dirtless


Fuck yeah ethug mothafucka g-r-o-u-n-d-f-1[/quote:fb9cb]

big nose whitey 1 big nose blackey 0

Coleman 12-02-2006 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Milla
lol ppl on internetz giving workout advice.

In order to work out you must


lol i totally agree with milla

And duffy, you're gay. No one cares that your small stature is considered tall in your "halls" rolleyes:

Doctor Duffy 12-02-2006 05:33 PM

I was just relating pounds to height, you can make an argument out of fucking anything. I got years to grow anyway, obviously I'm the youngest fucker on these boards.

Coleman 12-02-2006 05:37 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":1468b]I was just relating pounds to height, you can make an argument out of fucking anything. I got years to grow anyway, obviously I'm the youngest fucker on these boards.[/quote:1468b]no you were obviously comparing our height (thinking you're 'tall') to other kids' heights in the hall.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 12-02-2006 05:39 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":6bfe6]I was just relating pounds to height, you can make an argument out of fucking anything. I got years to grow anyway, obviously I'm the youngest fucker on these boards.[/quote:6bfe6]

no your not

Doctor Duffy 12-02-2006 05:39 PM

I said I was one of the tallest kids in the hallway. Great. What are you trying to fucking prove?

[DAS REICH] Blitz 12-02-2006 05:45 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":e2ed3]I said I was one of the tallest kids in the hallway. Great. What are you trying to fucking prove?[/quote:e2ed3]


CoMaToSe 12-02-2006 06:26 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":a5506][quote="Doctor Duffy":a5506]I said I was one of the tallest kids in the hallway. Great. What are you trying to fucking prove?[/quote:a5506]

rofl he isnt cool enough

Doctor Duffy 12-02-2006 06:44 PM

Yeah, having a girlfriend that looks like a man is the ultimate definition of cool.

CoMaToSe 12-02-2006 06:46 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":73636]Yeah, having a girlfriend that looks like a man is the ultimate definition of cool.[/quote:73636]
that would be prot

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