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Arkan 03-21-2007 03:13 PM

Milla, talk me out of getting this

M4A2 Izzy .223

Went to the gun store today to get some ammo for my lil' .22 revolver and saw that rifle. Oh man, i really wanted to walk out of the store with it but didn't want to buy something like that on impulse.

Milla (or you military guys), what do you think? The only long gun i own is a .20 ga shottie. Would like to add something like this to my collection.[/img]

butch 03-21-2007 03:26 PM

Whenever im lookin at a new weapon I ask myself, If I had it what would I do with it and how often would I shoot it. I have several myself. I do the cowboy action shooting, 12 GA. double barrel coach gun, winchester lever action and 2 single action colts.The pistols and winchestaer shot .357 or .38 special so I dont have to buy different ammo for both. I also have a 20ga. shotgun and a savage .22 long rifle target rifle, and a .50 cal hawkins black powder rifle.

Im always lookin at guns in shows or stores, But I ask myself the question, What would I do with it, and mostly walk away. What caliber is that thing, It is a fine lookin weapon. Probably would be fun at the range.

Sgt. Paine 03-21-2007 03:41 PM

how much was it? looks nice.

dont buy it :p

Arkan 03-21-2007 03:43 PM

Caliber is .223 and the price tag was a tad over $1000

I'll definately shoot it at an outdoor range with some of my friends who have hunting rifles. I was also thinking of a weapons ban. Fuckers are trying to pass another "assault weapons" ban and would like to get something before i can't. The .45 i want can wait. Been wanting a .45 since 1990 and still don't have one. Guess i can wait a few more months.

Milla 03-21-2007 04:00 PM

First of all 1000 for that is expensive. You can get yourself a Bushmaster with a 16 inch barrel, same flash hider we use in the military and a removable carrying handle for like 899.

But yes i want a M4 myself. My advise to you my good friend is shop around first. And defiantly look into getting a Bushmaster AR-15. They are probably the best for the money. ... inv_ID=823

Its called a Patrolmans Carbine

Arkan 03-21-2007 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Milla
First of all 1000 for that is expensive. You can get yourself a Bushmaster with a 16 inch barrel, same flash hider we use in the military and a removable carrying handle for like 899.

But yes i want a M4 myself. My advise to you my good friend is shop around first. And defiantly look into getting a Bushmaster AR-15. They are probably the best for the money.

Yeah Milla, i saw one online for $900 but i have to be careful it's NY legal. Shipping alone would probably be close to $100 for the stupid thing. Anything else i should know about Milla? Yes, it's a Bushmaster.

Arkan 03-21-2007 04:07 PM

Milla, NY law states: no Flash suppressor, no bayonet, and no foldable stock.

Yeah, sucks here with all the anti gun shit

c312 03-21-2007 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Milla, NY law states: no Flash suppressor, no bayonet, and no foldable stock.

Yeah, sucks here with all the anti gun shit


Milla 03-21-2007 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Milla, NY law states: no Flash suppressor, no bayonet, and no foldable stock.

Yeah, sucks here with all the anti gun shit

Move to VA. Otherwise i wouldn't even bother getting one if you cant own it the way its suppose to be. But the one in the pic has a foldable stock (the pic you originally posted)

Arkan 03-21-2007 04:55 PM

Perhaps i should buy one in VA and bring it home.

Arkan 03-21-2007 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by Arkan
Yeah, sucks here with all the anti gun shit


Well, we're all fucked in '08 when she wins. Better stock up now.

Milla 03-21-2007 05:00 PM

If she wins i move out of the country.

dr nein 03-21-2007 05:01 PM


ninty 03-21-2007 05:48 PM

the stock in his pic is telescoping, not folding. I think by folding stock they mean stocks that fold up on the side or on top like some shotgun stocks do.

I would be able to own that in Canada as long as it's semi auto, and depending on the barrel length, so i'm sure you could own one in NY.

I'm looking to get an m4gery. I think 16" barrel is smallest i can go and real m4 is 14.5".

You want to see stupid gun laws come here. Prohibited weapons are prohibited because of how they look. Someone sits at a desk and says "that looks scary, let's ban it" and they do. So i can't buy a FN FAL even though it's no different from 100 other rifles I can buy. Also .25 and .32 cal pistols are banned. Why? Nobody knows. I can buy a .50 cal, .45, .40 etc, but i can't buy a .32 or .25. oOo:

Sgt. Paine 03-21-2007 05:54 PM

arkan where did you get the info for weapons in ny state?

PS: my friend is getting a concealed weapons permit, and i dont understand why, is he wasting his time/money?

ninty 03-21-2007 05:56 PM

if i could get a ccw here I would.

in fact, i can take the utah permit course and then be legal to carry in 29 US states. i may do that in the future.

Miscguy 03-21-2007 05:57 PM

Telescopic stocks fall under the same regulation as folding. Likly that stock is "pinned" on tacked into a locked position. That was the case with many tele-stocks on M4gerys during the weapons "ban" imposed by Clinton that recently expired.

Im planning a purchase of an Ar15 (Bushmaster, Rock River Arms, or Colt) Since the ban lifted and i can get all the goodies on it; before a similar ban comes back into effect. As is Ark, i wouldnt buy that weapon, lacks features, and is priced to high for having them missing.

Milla 03-21-2007 06:14 PM

CCW permits are a good thing to have I plan on going for mine when i stop being lazy. You can carry your gun loaded in the car with you (as opposed to having to have the ammo in the glove box and the gun in the truck or some shit like that. Known as the 3 step rule. You have to be able to load the gun in 3 motions, if its less its illegal.

Plus carrying it with a jacket on is nice too.

Proteus 03-22-2007 05:50 AM

Not harping or anything, but is it just the feeling of knowing you could kill somebody in a few less motions the appeal of a CCW? I'm totally for gun ownership, and I don't even give a shit about CCW's but I wonder why it's worth the extra money and hassle to get the liscense when you could just carry it in your car with the 3 step rule.

ninty 03-22-2007 07:49 AM

pistol won't do you any good sitting in your glove box if your out of your car.

TGB! 03-22-2007 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Milla
If she wins i move out of the country.

Can we share a bungalo in Venezuela?

Sgt. Paine 03-22-2007 12:45 PM

So my dad has a M1903 Springfield its really nice, i was just wondering what you guys think of it? Its in perfect condition, since wwii it has only shot blanks once a year at memorial day.

Arkan 03-22-2007 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus
Not harping or anything, but is it just the feeling of knowing you could kill somebody in a few less motions the appeal of a CCW? I'm totally for gun ownership, and I don't even give a shit about CCW's but I wonder why it's worth the extra money and hassle to get the liscense when you could just carry it in your car with the 3 step rule.

You can't as much THINK about a handgun here in NY without a permit, let alone have one in your car. It's illegal in NY to have a handgun in your car unattended.

You need to apply for a CCW and the jurisdiction you're in places restrictions on them. Where i live, you can either get:
Sportman CCW: Only carry to and from a range or while hunting
Business CCW: Only carry while in the commission of business, during business times.
Premise: Gun can't leave premise.

It takes about 8 months for your application to be approved, or disapproved. You need to renew every 5 years.
If you're over the age of 21 and want to see a handgun in a hunting store here in NY, you need to show your CCW to the guy before he'll allow you to even handle said handgun.
These rules and regulations deter most from ever getting a permit in the 1st place. It really is a hassle

Simo Häyhä 03-22-2007 07:15 PM

The way to go is an AR15 kit. you'll have to get the lower reciever shipped to an FFL and have him assemble it. you'll save hundreds that way.

Simo Häyhä 03-22-2007 07:17 PM

[quote="Sgt. Paine":9194e]So my dad has a M1903 Springfield its really nice, i was just wondering what you guys think of it? Its in perfect condition, since wwii it has only shot blanks once a year at memorial day.[/quote:9194e]
M1903A3s usually go for +600 at gun shows. Whats the serial number on it? Has it been rearsenaled for WW2? If its a ww1 issue ww2 rearsenal in great condition i'd bet it would fetch 800-900

Whatada 03-22-2007 08:07 PM

Simo, shootin' cowads dead since da 1800s.

Short Hand 03-22-2007 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by Arkan
Milla, NY law states: no Flash suppressor, no bayonet, and no foldable stock.

Yeah, sucks here with all the anti gun shit


Hillary + Obama = huge smile on my face !

Simo Häyhä 03-22-2007 09:58 PM

[quote="Short Hand":e56cc]

Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by Arkan
Milla, NY law states: no Flash suppressor, no bayonet, and no foldable stock.

Yeah, sucks here with all the anti gun shit


Hillary + Obama = huge smile on my face ![/quote:e56cc]
rofl. i have a foldable stock, flash suppressor, and a bayonet lug. got them at a gunshow. NYS laws = a suggestion happy:

ninty 03-23-2007 08:07 AM

[quote="Short Hand":538c0]

Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by Arkan
Milla, NY law states: no Flash suppressor, no bayonet, and no foldable stock.

Yeah, sucks here with all the anti gun shit


Hillary + Obama = huge smile on my face ![/quote:538c0]

please no.

Simo Häyhä 03-23-2007 08:32 AM

Is short hand a Quebecois?

Mr_Gl@ss 03-23-2007 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Proteus
Not harping or anything, but is it just the feeling of knowing you could kill somebody in a few less motions the appeal of a CCW? I'm totally for gun ownership, and I don't even give a shit about CCW's but I wonder why it's worth the extra money and hassle to get the liscense when you could just carry it in your car with the 3 step rule.

That’s where I got to with the CWP, had it for a while however due to SC reg's all the places (anywhere that serves alcohol like concert, state fare, bar / restaurant, etc) that I would want to carry I couldn't. And since SC has decent carry allowances for your car (same as the ones mentioned I think) I let it go.

Funny story, got pulled by a cop once and when you have your CWP and get pulled you have to declare it and the fact that you have a weapon in the car. Cop spent a half hour on the radio trying to figure out what to do and by the time she had the procedure figure out she let me go on the speeding outa frustration :)

That said I work for a company that sells guns (all types) to retailers. Crazy thing is to walk into work and see a vendor (say Beretta) with a couple dozen guns set on a table... gives ya a warm feeling inside :)

Arkan 03-23-2007 05:02 PM

Well, after much research, looks like i'm building my own. I'll fill you in on the details later.

Simo Häyhä 03-23-2007 06:50 PM

which lower reciever are you using?

Arkan 03-24-2007 04:26 AM

[quote="Simo Häyhä":74ed0]which lower reciever are you using?[/quote:74ed0]

Dunno yet. Looking at Stag and LMT. What do you know about lowers?

Simo Häyhä 03-24-2007 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by "Simo Häyhä":ceb76
which lower reciever are you using?

Dunno yet. Looking at Stag and LMT. What do you know about lowers?[/quote:ceb76]
Not too much honestly. What i know is what i hear about them in the gun forums i visit. I'm trying to get my hands on a G3/CETME anyways hellfire:

Miscguy 03-24-2007 12:24 PM

I hear all kinds of good shit about MEGA uppers and lowers. But they can be difficult to locate. I turn you over to the good folks at [url:1bd1f][/url:1bd1f]. Those forums are filled with hand built AR15s and stock full of the knowledge you'll need. Check out the pictures thread and you'll see just about every configuration of Ar15 you can think of. You may see something you like in there.

Simo Häyhä 03-24-2007 01:49 PM

I hear good things about Bushmaster as well. Get one soon before Hillary takes office!

Arkan 03-24-2007 03:06 PM

Yeah, i've been a member over at AR15 for about a week now.....very informative site. I agree about Bushmaster, nobody has any complaints. I'll know more on Monday since i'll be going to the gun range/store to try out my .22 revolver. I'll take some time to see what they have available and pick the guys brain a bit. I'll tell you one thing, if i had $3000 to piss away, i'd get [url=]THIS[/url:fe011]. The civilian version of the MP5.

Sgt. Paine 03-24-2007 09:24 PM

simo check your pm's.

I cant wait until im old enough to buy a pistol. not to be a "tough guy" just because i like shooting them.

Arkan 03-24-2007 11:40 PM

[quote="Sgt. Paine":9f4d1]simo check your pm's.

I cant wait until im old enough to buy a pistol. not to be a "tough guy" just because i like shooting them.[/quote:9f4d1]

Yup, as soon as i was 21, i applied for my CCW and got my Ruger .357 magnum.

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