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Eight Ace 03-24-2007 03:24 PM

Guy wows audience after murdering policeman
*Note: not new, so go fuk urself in advc

[url= ely_Annhilated:4eb34]Link[/url:4eb34]

he's a good boy who just fell in with the wrong crowd is all... cry:

Simo Häyhä 03-24-2007 03:31 PM

GYT HYM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pyro 03-24-2007 04:01 PM

well dude shot the cop...dude deserves it.

Miscguy 03-24-2007 04:02 PM


Sirus 03-24-2007 05:19 PM

ya the cops really shouldnt have beaten him to a pulp, but do I really feel sorry for him? no

Chronic Diarrhea 03-24-2007 05:26 PM

Fuck him, and fuck his family. I laughed when I saw how they fucked him up so bad. You kill somebody, and well, tough shit. He got what he deserved. He should have had his testicles yanked off along with his beating.

TGB! 03-24-2007 05:32 PM

Re: Guy wows audience after murdering policeman
[quote="Eight Ace":f3d1f]*Note: not new, so go fuk urself in advc

[url= ely_Annhilated:f3d1f]Link[/url:f3d1f]

he's a good boy who just fell in with the wrong crowd is all... cry:[/quote:f3d1f]

Never excuses police going beyond the pale. . .they went beyond the pale here. This isnt a one person is right one person is wrong - both sides were wrong, and the family should have gotten paid. . .just as the slain officers family should have gotten paid.

Its nonsense how we CONTINUALLY excuse police taking shit into their own hands, empowering them - and then you get shit like the female bartender getting the hell kicked out of her by a cop who thinks hes entitled.

Chronic Diarrhea 03-24-2007 05:39 PM

Re: Guy wows audience after murdering policeman
[quote="TGB!":7e256]Its nonsense how we CONTINUALLY excuse police taking shit into their own hands, empowering them - and then you get shit like the female bartender getting the hell kicked out of her by a cop who thinks hes entitled.[/color][/b][/quote:7e256]

He wasn't a cop. He was a soon to be cop. He was fired. Next?

There's plenty of shithead cops out there, but I don't have a problem with them beating the fuck out of this guy. I don't care what my profession is, but if you kill my co-worker, and usually these guys are all good friends, you're going to be beaten within an inch of your life. They weren't acting as cops, they were acting as human beings.

TGB! 03-24-2007 05:44 PM

[quote:5e12f]He wasn't a cop. He was a soon to be cop. He was fired. Next? [/quote:5e12f]

Ya might want to go and recheck that. He was/is a cop.

[quote:5e12f]they were acting as human beings.[/quote:5e12f]

No they werent. Because if they were "human beings" - they would have lost their jobs, had the shit sued out of them, and been charged with assault. As they are COPS however, noone bats an eye, or lifts a finger.

What happened here is laughable on SO many levels, even more so that people can move to defend it.

Proteus 03-24-2007 06:47 PM

[quote="TGB!":3ef41][quote:3ef41]He wasn't a cop. He was a soon to be cop. He was fired. Next? [/quote:3ef41]

Ya might want to go and recheck that. He was/is a cop.

[quote:3ef41]they were acting as human beings.[/quote:3ef41]

No they werent. Because if they were "human beings" - they would have lost their jobs, had the shit sued out of them, and been charged with assault. As they are COPS however, noone bats an eye, or lifts a finger.

What happened here is laughable on SO many levels, even more so that people can move to defend it.

So is the guy who shot the cop in the face with his own gun a human being? I wouldn't call him one. Fact of the matter is, nobody was there. Nobody saw the emotions leading up to the shooting, and then the chase and the beatings afterwards. I think, he shot the cop in the face, and got exactly what he got.

He may not have deserved a brutal beating in some people's eyes (IE blacks), but the cops that were there, and saw their (possible, not really sure) long time friend and co-servant, shot dead in the fucking face from point blank range, it's understandable to ME that they chased him down and beat the fuck out of him. It may not have been right, but there's no way I'm going to blame them for letting their emotions take hold. You'd have to be a fucking MACHINE to apprehend the man and drag him back without any emotions towards the "man."

You shoot a cop in the face with his own gun, you're not shooting just anybody. You're shooting a public servant who's putting their life on the line daily for his country(when not many people would anymore(say it's for pay and benefits, you're still in harms way)). This is how this officer died, and his family and friends now have to live with that. The worst part is it's not even honorable, and them memory will just eat away at everyone involved.

Fucking waste of flesh is lucky they didn't kill him.

TGB! 03-24-2007 07:08 PM

[quote:4577a]You'd have to be a fucking MACHINE to apprehend the man and drag him back without any emotions towards the "man."[/quote:4577a]

No. Not a MACHINE. . .a fucking PUBLIC SERVANT. So what, you want cops running around going off EMOTION, because well - theyre cops and theyre a special sort of people? They should have done their fucking JOBS, apprehended the guy, and put him back on trial. THAT is justice. What they pulled was vigilante justice, and excusing it in ANYWAY simply emboldens these guys to do whatever the FUCK they want.

Arguing about the innocence of the guy who killed the cop is fucking retarded. Its a non-fucking issue. Of course the kid deserves LEGAL justice, and he got it - if it had been in Cali. hed be on death row. That STILL doesnt excuse the cops behavior.

What if they had killed him in their pursuit of mob justice - would that have been cool too? "Oh well, he deserved it - cop knows best."

Arkan 03-24-2007 07:59 PM

Did anyone here take the time to note the perp dove out a 3 story window and landed face 1st?

Perhaps not all the visible injuries you saw on the video were caused by other cops beating him. Perhaps he wasn't even beaten to begin with.

I know if i jumped out of a 3 story window, i'd be cut to hell just by the glass alone, let alone any other injuries ensued by the fall itself.......thats if i even live through the fall.

Eight Ace 03-24-2007 08:12 PM

Re: Guy wows audience after murdering policeman
[quote="TGB!":25efa] This isnt a one person is right one person is wrong - both sides were wrong, and the family should have gotten paid. . .just as the slain officers family should have gotten paid.[/quote:25efa]
..and his family could then pass any money they got on to the 84yr old woman he stabbed.. if they had even a shred of decency.

Nyck 03-24-2007 08:14 PM

whaaa whaaa whaaaaaa fuck that shit. that piece of shit got every little bit he deserved. you see right at the end. he comes back in oct 2006 and is completely normal again. I'm pretty sure that the cop who he shot in the face and killed didnt have his face come back to normal

fuck that piece of shit and fuck anyone who says otherwise.

TGB! 03-24-2007 08:37 PM

[quote:19037]I know if i jumped out of a 3 story window, i'd be cut to hell just by the glass alone, let alone any other injuries ensued by the fall itself.......thats if i even live through the fall.[/quote:19037]

Come the hell on. Its three stories. . .not 8 or 10. And a three-story fall isnt going to give you those kinds of injuries. The police obviously beat the guy; if they hadnt all they would have had to do is release some sort of forensic report regarding the nature of the injuries.

[quote:19037]..and his family could then pass any money they got on to the 84yr old woman he stabbed.. if they had even a shred of decency.[/quote:19037]

While two wong's can make rice, two wrongs dont make a right. Like I said, because one scumbag is wrong - that doesnt automatically make the police right by default. Were now saying that it is A-Ok for people to operate off of emotion, because well they just cant help themselves.

[quote:19037]whaaa whaaa whaaaaaa fuck that shit. that piece of shit got every little bit he deserved. you see right at the end. he comes back in oct 2006 and is completely normal again. I'm pretty sure that the cop who he shot in the face and killed didnt have his face come back to normal [/quote:19037]

Moral equivocating - the bastion of the ignorant fool.

MadMan 03-24-2007 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
whaaa whaaa whaaaaaa fuck that shit. that piece of shit got every little bit he deserved. you see right at the end. he comes back in oct 2006 and is completely normal again. I'm pretty sure that the cop who he shot in the face and killed didnt have his face come back to normal

fuck that piece of shit and fuck anyone who says otherwise.

2nd that.

Chronic Diarrhea 03-24-2007 10:37 PM

3 stories high is a long way up. You'd be lucky not to severely snap a leg or arm in half jumping from that distance unless you've been trained on how to cushion a fall.

Nyck 03-24-2007 10:56 PM

[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":c40d9]3 stories high is a long way up. You'd be lucky not to severely snap a leg or arm in half jumping from that distance unless you've been trained on how to cushion a fall.[/quote:c40d9]

60 feet is what he jumped from

then this guy of course resisted arrest and fought back and got his ass stomped. he could have been shot considering the circumstances.

dont get me wrong I dont agree with cops going overboard with drinking arrests and shit like the rodney king and malice green fiascos. but when you shoot a married father of 2 point black in the face 2 times, and stab an 84 yr old woman beforehand. He's lucky to have gotten away with a beat down.

you can scream and woot and hollar all you want about morals, but everyone is human, the police are not Robocop, emotion less robots so yes emotions can get pretty high and tight. I want you to imagine that one of the people you care for the most in the entire world was shot dead in the face and you were chasing after him. I'm sure captain moral would just cuff all while fighting and swinging and resisting. So yea if this guy is going rage a beating may have been the only way to bring him down mace may have been inneffective. couple that with the fact that their friend was just shot in the face. he deserved it.

Arkan 03-24-2007 11:37 PM

[quote="TGB!":ca9ca]Come the hell on. Its three stories. . .not 8 or 10. And a three-story fall isnt going to give you those kinds of injuries. The police obviously beat the guy; if they hadnt all they would have had to do is release some sort of forensic report regarding the nature of the injuries.[/quote:ca9ca]

You can't be that naive can you? We're talking 3 fucking stories THROUGH a pane of glass. Ever see someones face after breaking the windshield with it in a car wreck? (and i'm not even talking going through it) You'll see those injuries are very similar.

I'm not disputing your thoughts (IF IN FACT THE COPS BEAT HIM TO MAKE ALL THOSE INJURIES YOU SEE) I just doubt that he didn't get injured while diving through a glass window and tumbling 3 stories to the street below. Heck, my lil' guy bumped his face on a brick fireplace and it looked like he went a round with Tyson. Black eye and 7 stitches later and he didn't fall 3 stories.

Madmartagen 03-25-2007 05:00 AM

I personally dont believe he received those facial injuries in the fall, but whatever. Cops are supposed to be held up to better standards and to use restraint. They are trained, paid and expected to enforce the law - the law doesnt say that they can beat the shit out of suspects just because he killed one of their own. Thats another thing im sick of. He killed a cop, so that makes it more horrible than killing someone else? So its ok for police to put more of an effort to bring in cop killers than people who victimize the rest of us? This is an extreme case, but if you think that they can toss in a few extra punches just because you think this guy deserved it then what about other scenarios?

Nyck 03-25-2007 09:05 AM

protip: people from california have less respect for police because of distrust issues stemming from rodney king and other fuck ups on their part.

geRV 03-25-2007 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
whaaa whaaa whaaaaaa fuck that shit. that piece of shit got every little bit he deserved. you see right at the end. he comes back in oct 2006 and is completely normal again. I'm pretty sure that the cop who he shot in the face and killed didnt have his face come back to normal

fuck that piece of shit and fuck anyone who says otherwise.


imported_Fluffy_Bunny 03-25-2007 10:14 AM

I wish the police in England would do stuff like that, average copper doesn't even carry a gun here. We got a guy who was caught on the underground with a bag/bomb & he's claiming that it was a fake only to scare people kus he was against the war in Iraq. annoy:

Ya right- I don't think so, if I was calling the shots we'd hang that muthafka from London Bridge, then have his head chopped off at the Tower of London & then drag whatever's left of him up the Mall & past Buckingham palace so the Queen can spit on em. cuss:

Madmartagen 03-25-2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
protip: people from california have less respect for police because of distrust issues stemming from rodney king and other fuck ups on their part.

hah, the distrust part is true not because of Rodney King or other people who've made it on the news, its because of regular people with past experiences that are such a common thing now. I would think it would be the same in all metro areas. You shouldnt just give the police and govt the respect and meet the demands of all their wishes, you should question their actions when theyre heavy handed and unecessary - like this case. Cops shouldnt go around beating up suspects like that. You dont see them do it to rapists or child molesters, they ONLY do it when someone fucks around with other cops. They arent doing it to protect you, they are only doing it to save their own pride and get revenge. Revenge by the police is not justice and is something we should all be wary about.

c312 03-25-2007 12:29 PM

when cops take things into their own hands, they violate the purpose of the judicial system. They aren't there to determine fault and execute punishment.

That being said, I can understand why the cops might beat this guy up, but that doesn't make it right.

Blase 03-25-2007 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by c312
That being said, I can understand why the cops might beat this guy up, but that doesn't make it right.

Well then fuck I guess no ass beating is right, but I'm not going to give this cop shit over it; I might wanna kick someones ass myself someday.

Proteus 03-25-2007 05:19 PM

The guy WAS a P.O.S.. He was on trial for murdering an elderly woman. They didn't think highly of him to begin with, and then he shot a cop in the face... in a court room. It's total disrespect to the country, not just the officer he killed and his family.. and friends.

The guy was lucky they didn't kill him. It's not right for cops to act out of emotion like that, but when some situations are that overwhelming you can't blame them. You can't. And if you do, then become a cop, and stfu.

c312 03-25-2007 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus
The guy WAS a P.O.S.. He was on trial for murdering an elderly woman. They didn't think highly of him to begin with, and then he shot a cop in the face... in a court room. It's total disrespect to the country, not just the officer he killed and his family.. and friends.

The guy was lucky they didn't kill him. It's not right for cops to act out of emotion like that, but when some situations are that overwhelming you can't blame them. You can't. And if you do, then become a cop, and stfu.

he wasn't on trial for the woman's murder and he wasn't in a courtroom when he shot the cop, but I think you're right about the cops just having unrestrained emotion, that's why I said I could understand WHY they did it, but I still don't think it was ok. I know sometimes people get carried away and sometimes because of their emotion, but that doesn't justify their actions.

Madmartagen 03-25-2007 08:54 PM

the cops should be prosecuted too, you cant say 'its ok because you wre under emotional stress.' fuck that, you are trained to deal with stress and remain calm under fire and under hostilities. If you cant remain cool and not pummel a guys face in, turn in your badge. if you do it anyway, you need to be prosecuted.

Whatada 03-25-2007 09:01 PM

Did it say if the guy kept the gun he stole from the cop? If so, he's lucky they didn't fucking shoot him to death.

Nyck 03-25-2007 10:15 PM

1. all witness accounts say he violently fought back against the cops trying to arrest him so obviously they are going to fight back.

2. the chief did say the situation warranted shooting him, yet they didnt.

that being said I or no one else here was there when he was arrested so who knows.

Eight Ace 03-25-2007 10:36 PM

if he'd been shot to death we wouldn't have seen his swollen noggin!!
and the torrent from bleeding hearts would have been a mere trickle.

Madmartagen 03-25-2007 11:34 PM

how can a group of cops not cuff or hog tie a guy who just jumped out of a 3rd story window?

if they had a clause to shoot him then im sure they would have done it. since he probably did not have the gun on him when he was arrested, they knew they would have been in some deep shit had they done so.

yeah we werent there, but does it matter? we're debating on whether cops have a right to beat someone. i think its scary that you guys condone this kind of excessive force during certain circumstances. the thing is you are letting the cops decide when they can do this or not. since i am already distrustful of them, i would rather have the whole decision making process determine that they are not allowed to use excessive force in any situation. shooting an armed suspect is not excessive - blasting him with 1500 rounds from 30 0fficers is excessive. handcuffing or hog tying a suspect is not excessive, but punching/kicking or smashing a dudes face in with a baton is - especially when they could have subdued him in numbers rather than relying on overwhelming force.

the fact that they put the mask on this guys face to cover up (i dont buy that shit about not wanting him to spit on people) shows that they knew there was going to be a reaction to this so they wanted to hide it or downplay it. i think its a clear case of cops taking the law into their own hands instead of enforcing it.

Coleman 03-25-2007 11:37 PM

you're all homophobic.

/end thread

Eight Ace 03-26-2007 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Coleman
you're all homophobic.

/end thread

shorly u meen homoerotic?

- Drajica

Arkan 03-26-2007 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Coleman
you're all homophobic.

/end thread

Amen to that

This thread has run it's course and we're getting nowhere.

Milla 03-26-2007 12:34 PM

Re: Guy wows audience after murdering policeman
[quote="TGB!":1e7b3][quote="Eight Ace":1e7b3][size=9] the family should have gotten paid. . .just as the slain officers family should have gotten paid.[/color][/quote:1e7b3][/quote:1e7b3]

LOL!!!!! So than the family who gets "paid" should in turn pay the dead cops family. That would be justice.

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