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Nyck 04-10-2007 10:53 AM

imus ... index.html

fucking enough already..jesus christ he said sorry, he got suspended for 2 weeks but now the rutgers girls team gets up crying about being called a fucking name!


"Before you are valedictorians of their class, future doctors, musical prodigies, and yes, even Girl Scouts," she said. "They are young ladies of class, distinction, they are articulate, they are brilliant, they are gifted. They are God's representatives in every sense of the word."

okay great you can still call them a name fuck we do it all the time. But omg because he said Nappy headed ho's you got captain civil rights al sharpton and jesse jackson shitting a brick.

this fucking country anymore jesus christ he called them a name its not like he called them a butch of jiggaboo spear chucking welfare check collecting baby momma's...he called them ugly.

Sticks N Stones.

Whatada 04-10-2007 11:43 AM


"them's some nappy-headed ho's i'll tell ya."

Zoner 04-10-2007 01:02 PM


Chronic Diarrhea 04-10-2007 01:08 PM

I really fail to see how his comment was racist. Stupid? Sure. Sexist? Perhaps. Not racist. That is, unless, of course, the black race is admitting their women are categorically both nappy-headed and hos, and both terms apply only to blacks.

This is just a small step in the process I like to call "the pussification of America." Don't give these fucks the attention they want. Nobody cares about Imus, he's 100 years old. He's done this for years and years.

TGB! 04-10-2007 02:24 PM

Thats not what makes a comment racists. What makes it "racists" is the perceived stereotypical deragatory nature of the comment. Folks view the comment as "racist" because of the imagery brought up by a "nappy headed" (unkept, disheveled) person.

Does it warrant the attention its getting. No. Should it be excused. No.

Whatada 04-10-2007 02:25 PM

[quote="TGB!":51195]Does it warrant the attention its getting. No. Should it be excused. No.[/quote:51195]

Proteus 04-10-2007 02:29 PM

Rutgers aint got shit on the huskeys anyways.

c312 04-10-2007 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by "TGB!":f27a8
Does it warrant the attention its getting. No. Should it be excused. No.


Tripper 04-10-2007 03:01 PM

I watched a debate on Hannity & Colmes on Fox about this (I usually watch for a laugh - but this was actually mediated quite fairly) and two of the black guests made some interesting points:

One guy who was a comedian said that he perceived it as Imus trying to crack a joke that went wrong for him, he thought that was the only way anyone like Imus would utter the phrase which even a redneck racist wouldnt understand or say - but then he went on to say that you should be allowed to say anything in the name of comedy, as black comedians like him get to say pretty much whatever they want.

Another guy said he remembered that during Katrina, imus was one of the first to publicly address the bush administrations weak response to the disaster because the people in New Orleans mainly had black skin, he said that it was very wrong and someone should be held accountable - These arent the words of a redneck racist. The guy went onto say before destroying this guys career, his whole persona on-air should be evaluated, not just that one mistake.

That made alot of sense to me. If he got fired for this, then its gonna defame his name for good, he's going to be remembered as the guy that got fired for being a racist. Even though the guy doesnt seem like much of a racist.

The guys at Fox also thought it was silly of Sharpton to attack this guy while he was trying to apologise on his show because in the past Sharpton himself has said some very questionable things about Jews and called New York
Hymie town, he commented that Sharpton still has his career after all that and that there is a major double-standard there.

I watched some of the apology too, and I felt as though Sharpton was being a fucking douche. When he said "you people" and sharpton shat a brick, that pissed me the fuck off. I know for a fact the guy was just addressing the people that he had offended and not necessarily black people in general. Even if he were just talking about black people, how is that offensive? Its wrong for black community leaders who are role-models to promote this kind of mega-sensitivity.

Overall, I think he made a mistake, and a public apology should be enough. If the guy were to be fired, it wouldn't help anyone. Blown way out of proportion.

Nyck 04-10-2007 03:04 PM

^ solid statement man

ps. i think it was Jesse Jackson who called New York Hymie town. and it was when he was running for president

Coleman 04-10-2007 03:27 PM

yep tripper, just got done watching it on

I do feel like the whole thing is out of proportion.

Why aren't they doing anything about Rosie O'Donnel yet if they really want to get technical. She doesn't say racist shit, but she says "hurtful things" like that one doctor from Temple was saying. It's a stupid double standard in my opinion.

c312 04-10-2007 03:28 PM

I saw that same thing Tripper. It was Patrice O'Neal right? I agree with what you said about the guests' responses. And there does seem to be a double standard, I think some people tend to be overly emotional about this. Sharpton and Jackson may think they are pursuing equality, but all they are doing is further dividing blacks and whites.

KTOG 04-10-2007 04:01 PM

Ban Napster cuz it was named after the creator having nappy hair.

EDIT: ... son.ap.gif

Not a very flattering picture.

TGB! 04-10-2007 04:34 PM

All these chicks are on steroids. . .

And IMUS isnt a racist. NYCK is. But not IMUS.

Sniper101 04-10-2007 04:43 PM

Imus is the fucking man!! any one who thinks otherwise needs to be examined

Douchetallica 04-10-2007 07:35 PM

I go to school a few blocks away from the NBC building where he works at.

Whatada 04-10-2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
I go to school a few blocks away from the NBC building where he works at.

are you black?

if so, are you offended?

Douchetallica 04-10-2007 07:48 PM

I'm not black. But I do see all the protesters outside on my way to class.

Black or not, you guys pretty much summed up how anyone should feel about the situation. He made a mistake, he apologized, he was on suspension for a day, and Al Sharpton got a chance to grill him on the air during Imus' apology... what more do people want?

Whatada 04-10-2007 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
I'm not black. you're racist?

Douchetallica 04-10-2007 08:13 PM

Heck nooooo.

But I do chuckle when I see the protestors.
A) They're wasting their time over something so little
B) Pa-leaze, none of them have ever called someone a honky, cracker, chink, etc...
C) It's butt cold in Chicago right now for being Spring

MadMan 04-10-2007 08:29 PM


Nyck 04-10-2007 09:38 PM

[quote="TGB!":d0399]All these chicks are on steroids. . .

And IMUS isnt a racist. NYCK is. But not IMUS.

I lol'd

i'm not racist unless arrogant dickhead know it all is a race.

gtboys34 04-11-2007 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Whatada

Originally Posted by Sparks
I go to school a few blocks away from the NBC building where he works at.

are you black?

if so, are you offended?

he didnt have to call em ho's though man. wtf, really? have he witnessed these chicks giving head on the street or some shit or maybe even seen some vids of them in porn? dont think so so the ho's and the nappy headed combo ended that fuckers career.

Douchetallica 04-11-2007 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by gtboys34

Originally Posted by Whatada

Originally Posted by Sparks
I go to school a few blocks away from the NBC building where he works at.

are you black?

if so, are you offended?

he didnt have to call em ho's though man. wtf, really? have he witnessed these chicks giving head on the street or some shit or maybe even seen some vids of them in porn? dont think so so the ho's and the nappy headed combo ended that fuckers career.

I'm going to bet you've called someone a ho or b*tch, not necessarily to their face, but when other people are around. Do you think your future career should end when an employer calls one of your past references and they noted you mistakenly swore?

I bet only 1/3 of those protesters actually listened to Imus before the incident. I say let the first person cast the stone at Imus who's never called someone a ho, b*tch, whore, or any other mischievous word in front of someone or behind someone's back.

Another view we can get into is the "N" word. God forbid someone calls a black person it, but we hear them say it to each other all the time. If you're going to get into "It's ok for black people to say it to each other because of the context they use it in..." gestapo crap, then Imus was using "ho" in the context of something other than a prostitute -- crazy looking girl.

People are making too big of a mess out of something so small, though the black communities are known for feeding on/building up drama... *just pulled an Imus*. calmdown:

Simo Häyhä 04-11-2007 02:08 AM

wite pride wurldwide

Tripper 04-11-2007 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sparks
Another view we can get into is the "N" word. God forbid someone calls a black person it, but we hear them say it to each other all the time. If you're going to get into "It's ok for black people to say it to each other because of the context they use it in..." gestapo crap, then Imus was using "ho" in the context of something other than a prostitute -- crazy looking girl.

You're not seriously comparing the use of the word HO with the use of the word NIGGER are you? Jesus.

Ho isnt the part that the black community finds offensive, its more the "NAPPY-HEADED" side, and the HO following it just made it worse.

When black people use the N-word with each other it is a VARIATION on the word 'NIGGER,' its a term of endearment based on the fact that they are both BLACK and it isnt racially charged.
If a white person were to use it towards a black person, it loses that status automatically.
Granted some people are maybe a bit too sensitive about the use of the word (for instance a black guy getting offended at his white friend who is clearly using it in its term-of-endearment form - or is quoting a rap lyric), but even then its no place for us to judge, as white people, because the word would never be used offensively towards us. Its easier just to not say it at all. I dont see how not using it puts anybody out. You wouldnt call someone a CUNT for the same reason.

HOWEVER - Having said that, I do agree with you that Imus has been taken out of context here, and it does seem like it was a failed attempt at comedy and not intended to be offensive. That doesn't change the fact that it was a mistake and he shouldn't have said it simply because of the position he is in as a radio talk-show host, with the publics ears listening to him.

Chronic Diarrhea 04-11-2007 08:20 AM

[quote:ec10e]Ho isnt the part that the black community finds offensive, its more the "NAPPY-HEADED" side, and the HO following it just made it worse. [/quote:ec10e]

But why? I still don't get it. Are blacks saying only black women are nappy-headed?

Of course it was supposed to be a stupid comment. Imus does it all the time. Men don't say "nappy-headed" and be serious about it.

Douchetallica 04-11-2007 10:24 AM

I was comparing the "N" word to the whole phrase "nappy headed ho".

Where are Al Sharpton and the protesters when rap albums are coming out? I don't remember seeing them take a stand against Eminem's songs:
"Slut, you think I won't choke no w---- 'til the vocal cords don't work in her throat no more? B---- I'ma gonna kill you! Like a murder weapon, I'ma gonna conceal you in a closet with mildew, sheets, pillows and film you."

And the music videos that represent the lyrics, oh boy.

It's raining right now with snow... so the sky is pouring slush, and it's 25 degrees F. I wonder if the protesters are out, I only have a night class today so they'll probably be gone by then.

Nyck 04-11-2007 10:51 AM

great article

she basically says everyone shits a brick and screams because some Jurassic old white shock jock calls women derogatory names, yet half the songs on the hip hop chart refer to them as bitches, niggas. ho's, tricks etc.

I no way condone his actions. it was retarded and a shitty joke. but dropping race cards and stuff into is ridiculous especially when you have half the popular MC's of todays mainstream hip hop referring to women the same way.

Whatada 04-11-2007 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
I no way condone his actions. it was retarded and a shitty joke. but dropping race cards and stuff into is ridiculous especially when you have half the popular MC's of todays mainstream hip hop referring to women in a much worse way.

Nyck 04-11-2007 11:04 AM

by the way. why isnt anyone shitting a brick when billy packer told some guy he always "fags out"

thats just as bad as the nappy headed hoes.

Douchetallica 04-11-2007 11:08 AM

Just saw the news... Whoopi Goldberg is supposed to be giving a public speech addressing Imus.

c312 04-11-2007 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
by the way. why isnt anyone shitting a brick when billy packer told some guy he always "fags out"

thats just as bad as the nappy headed hoes.

One of the meanings of "fag" actually made sense in the way he used it. It's like when that guy said "niggardly" and everyone flipped a shit until they realized it was a real word.

Chronic Diarrhea 04-11-2007 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

great article

she basically says everyone shits a brick and screams because some Jurassic old white shock jock calls women derogatory names, yet half the songs on the hip hop chart refer to them as bitches, n*****. ho's, tricks etc.

I no way condone his actions. it was retarded and a shitty joke. but dropping race cards and stuff into is ridiculous especially when you have half the popular MC's of todays mainstream hip hop referring to women the same way.

But...but...they're's OK for them to do it. The only group it's not OK to say anything bad about anybody is a straight white man.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 04-11-2007 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
Just saw the news... Whoopi Goldberg is supposed to be giving a public speech addressing Imus.

YES! It's about time some really qualified people, like the reverends, talk about this disgraceful incident in black history. People like Imus should be fired for incidents like this ([url=]like here[/url:f1e10]) and the Duke boys should be in jail for ruining that fine black stripper's reputation. EDIT: mwah:

EDIT by Blitz: my racially sarcastic HTML tag is gone! loney:

Douchetallica 04-11-2007 02:46 PM

Oh man, I'm a FaceBook member (non-addict, thank you), I joined a group of people wanting Imus fired and started to defend the situation against these die-hard "he should be fired and not forgiven" people. They take this crap seriously:

Some Chick "You appareantly failed to read the part about the comment being made about them being jiggaboos and wannabe's this "name calling" stems from spike lee's movie Do the right thing and refers specifically to BLACK people. All you're doing is making excuses."


ME: "Hey Aisha, did you even listen to Imus on a regular basis prior to the incident?

Were you even listening to him live on the air when he said those comments?"

Same Chick "Hey Alex,
Do you defend all racists? or just the ones who have radio shows?
Who are you going to defend next, Richards? "

Zoner 04-11-2007 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
Who are you going to defend next, Richards? "


Douchetallica 04-11-2007 03:07 PM

What did he say/do?

Nyck 04-11-2007 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
What did he say/do?

think shes refering to kramer. also you can let her know that it was sid rosenberg that said jiggaboos vs wannabees which was in reference to the spike lee movie school daze. not Imus

Tripper 04-11-2007 03:27 PM

[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":1b58c][quote:1b58c]Ho isnt the part that the black community finds offensive, its more the "NAPPY-HEADED" side, and the HO following it just made it worse. [/quote:1b58c]

But why? I still don't get it. Are blacks saying only black women are nappy-headed?

Of course it was supposed to be a stupid comment. Imus does it all the time. Men don't say "nappy-headed" and be serious about it.[/quote:1b58c]

lol - of course only blacks have nappy hair...White people's hair is too straight.

...and did you read where I said that I thought he was making a joke too? Of course I don't think he was serious.


Originally Posted by Sparks
I was comparing the "N" word to the whole phrase "nappy headed ho".

Where are Al Sharpton and the protesters when rap albums are coming out? I don't remember seeing them take a stand against Eminem's songs:
"Slut, you think I won't choke no w---- 'til the vocal cords don't work in her throat no more? B---- I'ma gonna kill you! Like a murder weapon, I'ma gonna conceal you in a closet with mildew, sheets, pillows and film you."

And the music videos that represent the lyrics, oh boy.

First of all, Sharpton represents the BLACK community. Not the feminist community....I don't see any "nappy head" or N-word comments in there, so I don't see Sharpton intervening.
Also, he's not necessarily being mysogynistic, seeing as he is talking about a particular woman in his life who has apparently done him wrong. Not all women in general.....

and FUTHERMORE, people DID shit a brick when that song came out, it was a lot bigger deal at the time than this Imus thing, so I don't know what you're talking about dude...


Originally Posted by nyck
great article

she basically says everyone shits a brick and screams because some Jurassic old white shock jock calls women derogatory names, yet half the songs on the hip hop chart refer to them as bitches, n*****. ho's, tricks etc.

I no way condone his actions. it was retarded and a shitty joke. but dropping race cards and stuff into is ridiculous especially when you have half the popular MC's of todays mainstream hip hop referring to women the same way.

I don't think the black community is getting fired up over the mysogynistic comments - Like I said earlier. Its the combination of the word hoe with nappy-headed, that means its directed at BLACK women.

...and I know it doesnt change anything, but if you listen to the songs, generally, for the most part - not necessarily always, but for the most part those rappers are talking about a particular type of money-grubbing, slutty woman and not all women....and even then you can't compare it to this, because that isnt a racial thing - That's a feminist issue, and that shit goes on so much day to day that people dont care about it usually. Throw in a racial comment alongside it (nappy-headed) and it becomes an issue for people to sink their teeth into....

...and also, no rapper refers to women as 'niggas' - they're refering to guys when that appears in rap songs. lol.

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