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elstatec 04-28-2007 05:29 AM

weight traininggg
well then, ive finally got off my ass and decided to start weight training with all my spare time and so I can buff up a bit so that when I meet needs mother I give the right impression, ive got like 4 months membership that I want to make the most of and build myself up on the weight training.

Im a novice to using all of the bits and pieces there but its more of the routine that Im looking for advice on, how many times a week should I go, how long, how many sets and reps are enough etc etc.

Any help advice would be much appreciated and returned with thanks and buttsexs. freak:

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 04-28-2007 05:57 AM

As a rookie my advice would be to eat lots of meat & generally anything, try & make it so that your stomach is always full. You don't have to eat large meals just lots of small snacks in order to gain muscle mass.

Then go to the gym & experiment with all the weights, find out what the heaviest weight is that you can lift 12x in a row with about a minutes rest in between each lift. Do this for arms/legs etc.

You can prolly go a bit nuts for the first few times & work out for a while, but it's probably best to try & keep it down to an hour a day. If you can't spare an hour try using heavier weights & less repetition, like 1 & 1/2 the weight & lifting it 6x with 30 seconds rest.

I also recommend doing sit ups too, try to do two lots of 50. I try to do the Royal Navy fitness test requirements which is something like 42. But you gotta do that to a bleep test, so no slowing down, which is a bit of a bitch. But that way you'll have a nice 6 pack in no-time. Which the girls seem to admire above all else. rock:

As I said I'm just a rookie & use my own weights so if anyone else comes along with pro advice I've only one book by some random author to back my statements up.

Sgt. Paine 04-28-2007 08:54 AM

With a 4 month subscription dont think you are going to see crazy results in your bicep area. Ill input more info later im just hungover as fuck right now.

gtboys34 04-28-2007 09:24 AM

4 month is good as long as your eating and dieting right everyday (especially training days)

Jotun 04-28-2007 10:21 AM

[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":53714]You can prolly go a bit nuts for the first few times & work out for a while, but it's probably best to try & keep it down to an hour a day. If you can't spare an hour try using heavier weights & less repetition, like 1 & 1/2 the weight & lifting it 6x with 30 seconds rest.[/quote:53714]
worst advice ever.

if you arent used to working out every day, dont push yourself, you'll end up hurting yourself, sometimes permanently. i recommend just going easy the first few times and building up some tolerance. use lighter weights and do a lot of reps, not really heavy weights a few times.

butch 04-28-2007 10:33 AM

Id say no more then 4 times a week. Work on legs one time then upper body the next, alternate back and fourth. On upper body weights, start your work out light and increase it as the work progresses for an hour. On the final lift go heavy but not to the point of hurting yourself. If you pull a muscle your done for a few weeks. It aint goinna happen over night so dont work out like it will. Take your time and work up slowly. Youll notice after a month or so you can lift more then when you started. Dont go crazy and try and lift too much because you think you can.

On lift days it wont hurt until the second day. Let the upper body rest and work on the legs, Thats why you alternate back and forth to let one part of you body heal while you work on another. Youll see and feel a difference in the 4 months you have. Above all, slow and easy is the key.

Chronic Diarrhea 04-28-2007 11:58 AM

Actually you shouldn't work out any muscle group, sans abdominals for more than one time per week. A tentative schedule would look like:

Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Biceps, Triceps, Abs
Wednesday - Deltoids (shoulders), Trapezius ("traps")
Thursday - Back
Friday - Chest

The split can work in many ways. You could group chest with triceps in one workout, and back with biceps. in another day. The reason for this is chest exercises train the triceps as a secondary muscle and back exercises train the biceps as a secondary muscle. When you push (i.e. bench press) you work your triceps. When you pull (lat pull downs, cable rows, etc) you work your biceps.

Diet is by far the most important aspect of weight training to gain mass, especially bodybuilder-type mass. You won't go very far even if you have 4-5 cheat meals per week. You do want to eat a lot of meat, in particular boneless, skinless chicken breast. The breast is low on fat and a good source of protein. The most protein dense red meat is the top sirloin. a 16 oz cut contains about 81 grams of protein, which is almost 2x the amount of protein that the average person consumes in a day. It only contains about 17 grams of fat, which is quite low for red meat. Compare that with a ribeye cut, which contains only 63 grams of protein per 16 oz cut, and about 47 grams of fat.

Other great meats are tuna, which is a ridiculous source of protein. Even better is tuna's fat content is almost non-existent. 16 oz of canned tuna in water yields 115 g of protein and 3.7 g of fat. the protein/fat macro is very positive. Salmon is a good fish to eat as well. Flounder is excellent, with 99 g of protein per 16 oz cut and 15 g of fat.

You would wonder why I would recommend any fish over tuna, given the extreme low fat content. Many finfish meats contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which is a "good fat." Many people don't realize this, but the body needs fat to burn fat, as long as it is a good fat. So even if you're eating flounder, the fat content is, for the most part, good.

Aside from meat (which is the most important food you're going to need), I usually back up my meals with a lot of brown rice, broccoli, and cauliflower.

You'll need enough fiber to offset the high protein intake (prolonged intake of protein with inadequate fiber creates kidney stones). You'll want whole grain, whole wheat bread.I just eat a slice or two with my meals for a bread source. I'll also eat all-natural peanut butter (ANPB) with whole wheat bread as snack meals. ANPB's fat content and protein content is identical to regular peanut butter, but the fat source comes from natural peanut oil, which is a source of polyunsaturated fat, and a small source of Omega-3 fatty acid. Sometimes nutrition isn't about how much or low little the values say on the back, but what those numbers consist of. regular peanut butter and ANPB are vastly different.

Your first week of lifting, you'll want to learn proper form, good technique, and get a feel for where your limit is on each core lift. Weight lifting is technically meant to prevent injury in the sports world, not to get huge or stronger, although those two results are certainly positive. With proper form and technique, the risk of injury will decrease over time.

Here's a free and very good lifting program to read over. I wouldn't recommend using it until you're familiar with the weights, but the entire program goes into very, very good detail about warming up, stretching, and preventing injury. Most importantly, it gets everything right when it comes to weight lifting IMO.

You have to sign up to read it, but it's completely free and I've never been harassed with e-mail:

Here's a great way to keep a tab on your diet:

Simo Häyhä 04-28-2007 01:29 PM

I carved out a 6 pack of abs in 2 months with diet and excersize.

I highly highly highly recommend you buy the AUDIO book called The Abs Diet ... Cookie=Yes

1) Listen to the book
2) Buy the food
3) Do the excersizes
4) ????

Seriously dude, this book has changed my life. Girls that used to ignore me all of a sudden want to talk to me now. A 6 pack is probably the best gift you could ever give yourself.

Short Hand 04-28-2007 04:19 PM

Just keep the workout decently sensible, but most of all have fun and keep your self motivated and entertained while working out. It is hard for new comers to keep that discipline that the guy who have been doing it for years have. Get yourself comfortable, then start worrying about developing that amazing workout plan, and eating regime. ect ect. AND mOST OF ALL !, it takes time !

Jotun 04-28-2007 05:36 PM

[quote="Short Hand":dd19c]AND mOST OF ALL !, it takes time ![/quote:dd19c]
best advice ever.

Pyro 04-28-2007 06:10 PM

Thigh N' Bun Rocker

Short Hand 04-29-2007 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by "Short Hand":7c83d
AND mOST OF ALL !, it takes time !

best advice ever.[/quote:7c83d]

har har. i fucked Joe Sat.

Coleman 04-29-2007 01:22 AM


elstatec 04-29-2007 09:54 AM

went friday for an hour. might of over done it, my arms are achingggg

thanks for the advice all ill take it into context

ive been eating alot of egg and bakes beans so the protein is coming in good.

Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 04-29-2007 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Coleman


But the presenter type guy is seriously gay¬¬

Coleman 04-29-2007 11:32 AM

[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":9bd05]

Originally Posted by Coleman


But the presenter type guy is seriously gay¬¬[/quote:9bd05]haha yeah

Proteus 04-29-2007 01:10 PM

I used to use a 4 but narrowed it down to a 3 day routine with all the different groups of the upper body. I don't do legs because I played hockey for 10 years so they weren't a priority really.

Day 1 is chest. Bench, wide chest, pec fly, cable curls(kind of like a fly only with cables) declined bench, and inclined bench.

Day 2 I do shoulders. Shoulder press, miltary press, shrugs(25 a set), anterior deltoids which is pec fly only reversed, and and a thing I just call the disco inferno because you pull up accross your body like the disco dance on a cable.

Day 3 I mashed arms and back together, because I dont really like doing back and your triceps get worked with most back exercises, so it's really like back and bicep exercises. I do dumbell curls, barbell curls, seated bicep curl that just works to inside of the bi, then this thing with cables where you make a macho man pose and curl your hands into your head like your flexing. Then lat pulldowns, chin ups, and back machines. I forget like all of the names but if you joined a gym they have pictures with all the muscle groups that it works right on the machines.

Do 4 sets of 10 for everything except the shrugs. It's a good routine because I eat whatever the hell I want and not really care.

I do the hammer ab crunch machine thing every day just for shits too. 25 x however many sets I feel like after the regular days thing.

evenflow 04-29-2007 03:43 PM

why do 25 reps (i think you mean reps not sets) for traps? traps are like every other muscle in your body... 8-12 reps is ideal for building mass.. including abs

Short Hand 04-29-2007 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by evenflow
why do 25 reps (i think you mean reps not sets) for traps? traps are like every other muscle in your body... 8-12 reps is ideal for building mass.. including abs

6 for strength.
8-10 for mass
10-12 for endurance.

AND if your flying threw your lifts like a Honda built motor.. then you can throw this whole concept out the window.

Nyck 04-29-2007 04:37 PM

anybody got a bandaid cause im cut

eeves 04-29-2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
anybody got a bandaid cause im cut

lol gay but funny..

elstatec 04-30-2007 04:30 AM

any recommendations to quick recovery/repair think I over did it on thursday and my arms are still aching.

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 04-30-2007 04:56 AM

Yer that happened to me one time when I was looking at the Girly thread.

Simo Häyhä 04-30-2007 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by elstatec
any recommendations to quick recovery/repair think I over did it on thursday and my arms are still aching.

creatine and whey protein are what we all use for fast recovery

Nyck 04-30-2007 06:49 AM

Wolverines Healing Factor

9mm BeRetTa 04-30-2007 09:57 AM

I've been trying Muscle Milk lately after workouts.

Actually tastes decent. No creatine either, I want to stay away from that.

RaNgeR 04-30-2007 10:12 AM

yeah, what are the affects of creatine? I dont think anyone has tested the long term affects yet?

Chronic Diarrhea 04-30-2007 10:29 AM

There are no long term effects. Creatine is a naturally-occurring substance in your body. The only effect creatine supplements have on the body is bloating due to increased water retention. However, creatine ethyl ester (or CEE) eliminates this bloat. The bloat isn't even a big deal in the first place, just some people don't like how it looks because they want to look like they have 4% body fat immediately.

9mm BeRetTa 04-30-2007 11:28 AM

If you take creatine you have to drink a ton of water a day as well.

I just want some protein, I don't want to be worried about my water intake or cycling of creatine.

Sgt. Paine 05-01-2007 03:25 PM

my friend drinks 2 gallons of water daily, hes big as fuck. but I think he got big because hes lacking in other areas. haha. he takes Protein and Creatine and has made very visible gains since november.

elstatec 05-01-2007 04:31 PM

im keeping away from all creatine and supplements or whatever.

just eating carbs before going then filling up with egg/beans/meat when i get home from the gym.

Proteus 05-01-2007 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by evenflow
why do 25 reps (i think you mean reps not sets) for traps? traps are like every other muscle in your body... 8-12 reps is ideal for building mass.. including abs

It's just the exercise. With shrugs the weight you do your hands will give out before your traps. So lower weight for the hands and just do a whole bunch to make up the weight.

Chronic Diarrhea 05-01-2007 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus
It's just the exercise. With shrugs the weight you do your hands will give out before your traps. So lower weight for the hands and just do a whole bunch to make up the weight.

That's why we invented straps.


Proteus 05-01-2007 07:00 PM

[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":6bcfe]

Originally Posted by Proteus
It's just the exercise. With shrugs the weight you do your hands will give out before your traps. So lower weight for the hands and just do a whole bunch to make up the weight.

That's why we invented straps.


Well invent some enthusiam for me so I can give a shit to buy them.

Mr.Buttocks 05-02-2007 12:57 PM

Fact: I increased the size of my biceps from 11" to 37" by working out regularly and eating nothing but a diet of baked beans.

Eight Ace 05-02-2007 06:10 PM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":2013d]Fact: I increased the size of my biceps from 11" to 37" by working out regularly and eating nothing but a diet of baked beans.[/quote:2013d]
can ur erection now support a .303 rifle, or was that already the case?

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