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geRV 06-28-2007 06:23 AM

cops and skateboarders


elstatec 06-28-2007 06:36 AM

Would like to see a follow up after he is fired with the skateboarders filming him.

tomxtr 06-28-2007 08:20 AM

It can't be easy being a cop when you got young punks testing you all the time. That being said, he should be fired.

TGB! 06-28-2007 08:32 AM

Fuck that bullshit. If you can't do it - DONT FUCKING DO IT. These kids know where and when they can skateboard. . .period. Yet they do it anyway, then get all "but I'm the victim" when someone actually enforces the law they are breaking. Then the old tried and true statement "Dont you have better things to do" - No you fucking dick, YOU are their job. The kid in the "choke hold" - rolleyes: - didn't seem to messed up, he had the presence of mind to request his skateboard. And good on the other guy for RUNNING from a Police Officer. These kids are fucking winners I tell ya.

Simo Häyhä 06-28-2007 10:06 AM

retard cop

Sgt. Paine 06-28-2007 10:09 AM

I say fuck the police thats how i treat 'em
we buy our way outta jail but we cant by freedom.

m00nraker 06-28-2007 10:11 AM

The choking was a little excessive, but when a police officer orders you to do something, and you dont follow his order, he has the right to stop you.

When he told the kid he was under arrest, he continued to struggle...a big no-no.

And the kid who ran - right before he took off, you hear the cop say 'come here' - duh

After being told they were under arrest, they all resisted. Which just makes his job even harder - 1 cop trying to deal with 4+ people.

I would have charged them all with disturbing the peace biggrin:

Bucknub 06-28-2007 10:16 AM

lol skaters

anti 06-28-2007 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Bucknub
lol skaters


RaNgeR 06-28-2007 11:08 AM

What a tool of a cop. Honestly...Ive dealt with the five oh before, and have gotten into plenty of trouble I shouldnt have, so Im somewhat biased; but, what this cop did was DEF. crossing the line. Sure the kids were "breaking a law," but the law they broke was somewhat different than grand larceny, grand theft auto, or a serious crime. If a police officer handled me that way, Id fucking sue in a second.

geRV 06-28-2007 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by anti

Originally Posted by Bucknub
lol skaters



Jimmy Paterson 06-28-2007 11:26 AM

[quote="TGB!":bd9a1]Fuck that bullshit. If you can't do it - DONT FUCKING DO IT. These kids know where and when they can skateboard. . .period. Yet they do it anyway, then get all "but I'm the victim" when someone actually enforces the law they are breaking. Then the old tried and true statement "Dont you have better things to do" - No you fucking dick, YOU are their job. The kid in the "choke hold" - rolleyes: - didn't seem to messed up, he had the presence of mind to request his skateboard. And good on the other guy for RUNNING from a Police Officer. These kids are fucking winners I tell ya. [/quote:bd9a1]

true dat. I was thinking of something along the same lines.

jujumantb 06-28-2007 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by RaNgeR
If a police officer handled me that way, Id fucking sue in a second.

and waste alot of time by losing your case. these punks were all resisting a police officer, he had every right to handle them in that way. they are in their teen rebellion years and will ahve to learn from their mistakes.

RaNgeR 06-28-2007 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by jujumantb

Originally Posted by RaNgeR
If a police officer handled me that way, Id fucking sue in a second.

and waste alot of time by losing your case. these punks were all resisting a police officer, he had every right to handle them in that way. they are in their teen rebellion years and will ahve to learn from their mistakes.

Regardless, I would do SOMETHING to make a point...skateboarding lol. I would make it hell for the police officer, court, blemish on his name... Do you think those kids will get in any trouble? I guarantee they wont.

Miscguy 06-28-2007 12:05 PM

Maybe im way off base, but isnt a misdemenor charge for something like skate boarding a simple fine most times, not something to haul you in over?

That and the video is one sided, it shows a photo of the kid being choked, before the camera got there, but cites no reason for it happening. You're left to assume from the rest of the footage that the cops just a dick, and he must have just choke slammed him for skate boarding. Frankly, he had to have gotten pretty worked up to choke him like that.

Now, that said. The officer should be placed in anger managment classes, since they are supposed to stay cool in such situations and not use such methods. Frankly he got lucky that when he went chasing the one kid the others didnt just take off as well. That would have been a fun report for him to file about why hes missing a pair of cuffs.

jujumantb 06-28-2007 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by RaNgeR
Regardless, I would do SOMETHING to make a point...skateboarding lol. I would make it hell for the police officer, court, blemish on his name... Do you think those kids will get in any trouble? I guarantee they wont.

of course they arent in any serious trouble with the law, they are minors...
the whole point of arresting them is to show them a little reality, dont disrespect/disobey cops. im sure the parents werent too happy having to pick them up from jail
Maybe im way off base, but isnt a misdemenor charge for something like skate boarding a simple fine most times, not something to haul you in over? [/quote:f6255]
im sure the cop was never planning on giving them a citation. i'd be willing to bet the confrontation started with the cop simply telling them to stop skateboarding as its against a city ordinance. the kids probably thought that was "stupid and unfair" as "we're JUST skateboarding" and they continued to do it and/or mouthed off. then things escalated from there.

these kids were clearly looking to cause a scene and thought that since skateboarding seems legal anywhere in their minds, they couldnt possibly get in any trouble. props to the cops for showing them the real world.

RaNgeR 06-28-2007 01:48 PM

Two of the kids were 19 and 21...Id laugh at the cop if he tried to put that charge on me. No doubt I WOULD stop skateboarding though

ps skateboarding is ghey

Jotun 06-28-2007 02:14 PM

skateboarding is not a crime.

most of the time i respect cops. for the most part, they do their job and genuinely care about the people of the town, but cops like the one in the video are fucking pigs.

Snuff 06-28-2007 02:35 PM

I live in Hot Springs. It is a major resort town. The place they were skating is the old historic bath house district. There is clearly marked signs an a city ordinance prohibiting skating there. Tourists don't want to be run over by skaters. Accounts from local merchants say that there is more to the story than just what the vid showed. Hot Springs also has a nice skate park. That same officer was one of the firsts one scene two weeks ago when a man rammed into the back of his ex- wifes car at an intersection, walked up beside her car and shot her in the head twice and shot her friend in the back as she was trying to get away. I'm sure he has had enough of bullshit lately.

Milla 06-28-2007 02:36 PM

You cant pass judgment on what exactly went down on video and what happened from the kids POV, because who knows if the kids were doing something else.

jujumantb 06-28-2007 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Jotun
skateboarding is not a crime.

umm if you define a crime as breaking the law... then what these kids were doing was a crime. clearly just skateboarding (breaking the ordinance) is not an arrestable offense, but like milla said, we didnt see anything that happened before the first kid was cuffed.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 06-28-2007 03:20 PM

[quote="TGB!":cfc1e]Fuck that bullshit. If you can't do it - DONT FUCKING DO IT. These kids know where and when they can skateboard. . .period. Yet they do it anyway, then get all "but I'm the victim" when someone actually enforces the law they are breaking. Then the old tried and true statement "Dont you have better things to do" - No you fucking dick, YOU are their job. The kid in the "choke hold" - rolleyes: - didn't seem to messed up, he had the presence of mind to request his skateboard. And good on the other guy for RUNNING from a Police Officer. These kids are fucking winners I tell ya. [/quote:cfc1e]

First time I have ever agreed with you. Those kids are worthless POS who deserved to be fucked. Its kids like that who need to learn some discipline rather than feel all great and talk shit to the cop while he is doing his job. I hate kids like that, fucking learn some respect.

anti 06-28-2007 04:15 PM

wtf debug mode

anti 06-28-2007 04:15 PM

wtf debug mode.

anti 06-28-2007 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by anti

Originally Posted by Bucknub
lol skaters





Originally Posted by RaNgeR
ps skateboarding is ghey

as gay as using ghey, or gay as a derogatory term.


Originally Posted by Jotun
skateboarding is not a crime.

keep in mind a lot of the times it's destruction of private property.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 06-28-2007 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by anti
wtf debug mode

yeah, wtf is this problem

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 06-28-2007 04:19 PM

I'm still on bail from Maidstone county court kus some fker ripped a webcam off the ceiling in the loo & the bouncers thought it was me! I have to go back on the 2nd July, I wonder what will happen? ed:

btw this makes me officially gangsta rock: -bust a cap in yo azz my gud chap

geRV 06-28-2007 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by anti

Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by anti

Originally Posted by Bucknub
lol skaters





anti 06-28-2007 04:30 PM


geRV 06-28-2007 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by anti


RaNgeR 06-28-2007 08:24 PM

[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":19966]I'm still on bail from Maidstone county court kus some fker ripped a webcam off the ceiling in the loo & the bouncers thought it was me! I have to go back on the 2nd July, I wonder what will happen? ed:

btw this makes me officially gangsta rock: -bust a cap in yo azz my gud chap[/quote:19966]


Arkan 06-28-2007 09:23 PM

I didn't read all the replies but let me ask this...........

Lets roll the clock back to the 1970's. What do you think would've happened to those kids? You don't know?, Well, let me tell you. They would've gotten 2 ass from the cop, the other from the kids father.
Those kids were nothing but disrespectful and one went as far as almost assaulting a police officer while he was trying to effect an arrest. Fuckers got off easy if you ask me. Break the law and take your lumps like a man. Don't be a pussy and cry brutality.

btw, it really had nothing to do with skateboarding.......think about it.

Jotun 06-28-2007 10:22 PM

how the fuck were they disrespectful? they were telling the cop to relax because they were just skateboarding, not harming anyone. they probably would have listened to him if he didnt go fucking nuts.

america needs to get out of this purile conservative bullshit and relax. skateboard culture is awesome and extremely interesting, and its good to see kids skateboarding and enjoying themselves. the law is bullshit.

Whatada 06-28-2007 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Jotun
skateboard culture is awesome and extremely interesting.


Jotun 06-28-2007 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Whatada

Originally Posted by Jotun
skateboard culture is awesome and extremely interesting.


people have such a problem with it. some kids just want to skate, and the town has to set up these bullshit laws. its the same with tattoo culture. the older generations have serious issues with tattoos and now people cant get jobs because it bothers these people. both these subcultures are shitted on because people wont open their fucking eyes.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 06-28-2007 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by Whatada

Originally Posted by Jotun
skateboard culture is awesome and extremely interesting.


people have such a problem with it. some kids just want to skate, and the town has to set up these bullshit laws. its the same with tattoo culture. the older generations have serious issues with tattoos and now people cant get jobs because it bothers these people. both these subcultures are shitted on because people wont open their fucking eyes.

not all tattoos bother people, just i think the new jersey wave tattoos bother certain people

Jotun 06-28-2007 11:16 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":58fa9]

Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by Whatada

Originally Posted by Jotun
skateboard culture is awesome and extremely interesting.


people have such a problem with it. some kids just want to skate, and the town has to set up these bullshit laws. its the same with tattoo culture. the older generations have serious issues with tattoos and now people cant get jobs because it bothers these people. both these subcultures are shitted on because people wont open their fucking eyes.

not all tattoos bother people, just i think the new jersey wave tattoos bother certain people[/quote:58fa9]
they can go suck a dick.

Eight Ace 06-29-2007 07:45 AM


anti 06-29-2007 08:23 AM

lol 8ace


Originally Posted by Arkan
Break the law and take your lumps like a man. Don't be a pussy and cry brutality.

i like how arkan condones police brutality. i love how you think violence is always ok arkan, let it be towards citizens from officers, or from fathers to their children.

some of the personal biases in this thread are pretty ridiculous. kids were being disrespectful yes, but did the cop need to treat them like that? no. did anyone notice the second cop doing nothing? probably a good chance he felt he didn't really need to do anything for something as petty as this; only proving that the first cop was being way too excessive. still, don't break the law kids and expect smiles and rainbows when you get caught for it.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 06-29-2007 08:32 AM

ya, unharmful violence is bad. I feel we need more undisciplined, disrespectful punks in this world too...

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