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Forte 08-20-2007 02:15 AM

Need some advice for teh college.
Well i'm at the bottom of the totem pole again. If you guys have any advice for a hopeless romantic dyslexic college student that would be top notch. Funny stories/anecdotes would be awesome also. I need advice for dorms, showering in communal showers, and anything else you think would be important.

thanks, now here are some pictures of my pussy.

mopface 08-20-2007 02:23 AM

lol ur gay.

Forte 08-20-2007 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by mopface
lol ur gay.

i'm sorry do I know you?

mopface 08-20-2007 03:30 AM


anti 08-20-2007 07:09 AM

don't call yourself a hopeless romantic dyslexic college student

Chronic Diarrhea 08-20-2007 07:37 AM

Go to class. Most students who do poorly don't go to class. It's not like high school where you've got a test once every 2 weeks, and therefore easy to study for. I've had classes where I've had an exam once every 2 1/2 months. That's a lot of material to prepare for. Going to class everyday will get you recognition from your professors, because not many people do it. Maybe not your first year, since you'll probably have large classes in an auditorium. If nothing else, you may find a girl to hook up with. My first girl in college I met in class.

I lived in a dorm my first year. I wouldn't change that decision; it was awesome. I did most if not all of my partying my first year, and then I settled down. There's too many stories to tell, so I won't. As far as showering, don't be a pussy. I presume you never played sports in high school. Wear flip flops to that bathroom though, regardless of what you're in there for. Guys jack off in those showers, because they're not going to do it in the dorm with their roommate in that 7 x 12 room with them.

Don't be an asshole in the dorm. Don't be loud or fuck up shit in the hallways. Your RA will want to suck you off if you're a good tenant, and then you can probably get away with more. It's best not to have a stash of alcohol in the room for any reason. If you want to drink, buy what you expect to drink, and drink it. People will pull that fire alarm, and when you have to evacuate, the firefighters will go in and inspect every room, opening cabinets, drawers, etc. I saw way too many people get kicked out of the dorm for possession of marijuana and such, and tons of people get large fines because they found their stash of Everclear, Malibu, Goldschlager, Jager, etc.

That brings me to another point: don't be a fag and drink Natty Light. It's piss water, not beer. Just because it's cheap doesn't mean you have to drink it. When I see people who drink Natty Light I think one thing: unemployed slackoff with $20 in his pocket. You're better than that. Drink Guinness. Don't be afraid to experiment with different cocktails, either. Who knows, if you learn enough about it, you can be a bartender, and that's probably the best way to make good money in college.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-20-2007 08:21 AM

what did you do your final 3 years if you did all your partying first year?

Chronic Diarrhea 08-20-2007 08:34 AM

Focusing on class, preparing for the MCAT, and going to med school.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-20-2007 08:35 AM


Chronic Diarrhea 08-20-2007 08:50 AM

Yeah. Well I don't graduate until May, but I did well on the MCAT.

1080jibber 08-20-2007 09:07 AM

Re: Need some advice for teh college.

Originally Posted by Forte
showering in communal showers,


other than that, try to eat healthy, i gained alot of weight cause i was only eating cafeteria food.

Colonel 08-20-2007 10:06 AM

Good advice CD! and eating healthy is good advice too. Hard to do in college, but good advice.

The main thing is, don't lose sight of what you're there for. It's real easy to let classes and studying get in the way of all the parties, booze and women ... uh ... wait ... reverse that.

Budget your time. I had a friend in school that went out with us drinking all the time. He was always hanging out in the fraternity house at night, etc. I never could figure out how he made straight A's. It took me a couple of years to finally catch on to his secret. Most of us finished class at noon and then goofed off all afternoon. This guy would go straight from class to the library and study all the stuff while it was still fresh in his head. By the time everybody headed for the bars he already had several hours of study time under his belt. And like CD said, it's hard to cram for tests in college because there is so much information. You have to keep up as you go along.

jujumantb 08-20-2007 11:32 AM

[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":29f1f]

That brings me to another point: don't be a fag and drink Natty Light. It's piss water, not beer. Just because it's cheap doesn't mean you have to drink it. When I see people who drink Natty Light I think one thing: unemployed slackoff with $20 in his pocket. You're better than that. Drink Guinness. Don't be afraid to experiment with different cocktails, either. Who knows, if you learn enough about it, you can be a bartender, and that's probably the best way to make good money in college.[/quote:29f1f]
oOo: part of being a college student is drinking cheap booze to get drunk... you (should) have better things to spend your money on than expensive booze... there is nothing wrong with starting the night with good beer, but good luck drinking guiness all night rolleyes: most parties will have cheap ass beer (natty light).. you will drink it and you will get drunk off it period. dont waste what money you have at college on getting drunk off expensive alcohol.

it was difficult to keep beer in the dorms freshman year so i stuck to cheap ass vodka or rum for pregaming.

RaNgeR 08-20-2007 11:58 AM

I partied really hard all the time last year. Im over'll be the same way. Sure, Im going to get fucked up and do drugs this year, but it wont be the same. GO TO CLASS, the one thing you MUST'll learn. I cant give you any advice for the shower, since I had my own in my triple...this year Im stuck in the communal showers too! ed:

Where are you going to school?

Bean 2 08-20-2007 12:16 PM

My college years were the best years of my life and I still have one more year to go. Obviously you should go to class, but get involved in anything that interest you. Youll meet a lot of people like that, especially girls. Do you work during the week so you have the weekends to hang out. Also try to meet someone that has a car if you do not have one, it will make your life a lot easier. And you dont have to start figuring out what you want to do your freshman year, but definitely start getting ideas and start heading in that direction. That was probably my biggest mistake, I kind of just went with the flow for 2-3 years and then just picked a major that interested me, but I didnt see any career I wanted to do with it.

Jotun 08-20-2007 02:06 PM

college rules.

the best advice i can give is to be nice to everyone at first, because you never know who you are going to hang out with later on. Also, get involved with some kind of organization. I got into the radio station and met soooo many friends there.

go to class, because you are paying for it. my first semester, i didnt go to my chem class sometimes because it was across campus and my first class of the day. i ended up with a pretty low C and that lowered my GPA.

oh, and try to avoid night classes. i had a class at 6:35 PM three times a week and at first it wasnt so bad, but i couldnt get dinner with friends.

good luck, but dont get too overwhelmed, college isnt as scary of a change as most people make it out to be. its just a lot of fun.

Simo Häyhä 08-20-2007 02:17 PM

1) find a drunk girl
2) rape her
3) ?????
4) Profit!!

Zoner 08-20-2007 02:23 PM

Balance out the partying and the work and you'll be fine.

I drank my fucking face off every weekend, but I ended up with a solid B average.

Mighta been an A, but I wouldn't have had any fun. biggrin:

Forte 08-20-2007 05:40 PM

Thanks for the advice guys. I won't have to worry about the liqour situation as I don't drink.
@Ranger - I'm going to MTSU.
@Bean - I am going in as an undeclared major, and taking 15 hours of courses.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-20-2007 05:48 PM

middle tennessee state?

Pyro 08-20-2007 05:50 PM

college is ok man...just ahve fun with it and go to class.

Forte 08-20-2007 06:28 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":2417a]middle tennessee state?[/quote:2417a]

Whatada 08-20-2007 07:35 PM

[quote="Simo Häyhä":68db9]1) find a drunk girl
2) rape her
3) ?????
4) Profit!![/quote:68db9] rock:

Proteus 08-20-2007 09:24 PM

Don't drink? Do you smoke?

I smell crash and burn.

My friend was hardcore straightedge going into college and then couldn't handle partying and work.

Forte 08-20-2007 09:36 PM

no I don't smoke or drink. I dont do either for my own reasons.

Coleman 08-20-2007 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus
Don't drink? Do you smoke?

I smell crash and burn.

My friend was hardcore straightedge going into college and then couldn't handle partying and work.

ok bozo

i smoked two cigars in my life. I was drunk twice in my life. Never really liked any of it. Tried it. Wasn't for me. i'm not the loser that sits in the library on a Friday night either. I definitely get my fun in.

Sgt. Paine 08-21-2007 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Proteus
Don't drink? Do you smoke?

I smell crash and burn.

My friend was hardcore straightedge going into college and then couldn't handle partying and work.

ok bozo

i smoked two cigars in my life. I was drunk twice in my life. Never really liked any of it. Tried it. Wasn't for me. i'm not the loser that sits in the library on a Friday night either. I definitely get my fun in.

shut up homo.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-21-2007 08:54 AM


Jotun 08-21-2007 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Forte
no I don't smoke or drink. I dont do either for my own reasons.

thats cool bro, i dont drink or smoke either. i still go to parties though. i just carry around a gallon of Arizona green tea or something.

RaNgeR 08-21-2007 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by Forte
no I don't smoke or drink. I dont do either for my own reasons.

thats cool bro, i dont drink or smoke either. i still go to parties though. i just carry around a gallon of Arizona green tea or something.

so you're that guy

Jotun 08-21-2007 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by RaNgeR

Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by Forte
no I don't smoke or drink. I dont do either for my own reasons.

thats cool bro, i dont drink or smoke either. i still go to parties though. i just carry around a gallon of Arizona green tea or something.

so you're that guy


[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-21-2007 12:25 PM


Nyck 08-21-2007 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by RaNgeR

Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by Forte
no I don't smoke or drink. I dont do either for my own reasons.

thats cool bro, i dont drink or smoke either. i still go to parties though. i just carry around a gallon of Arizona green tea or something.

so you're that guy


why an entire gallon, I have never been ANYWHERE where im like dude I wish I had a gallon of something to drink all night.

Simo Häyhä 08-21-2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by RaNgeR

Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by "Forte":9e397
no I don't smoke or drink. I dont do either for my own reasons.

thats cool bro, i dont drink or smoke either. i still go to parties though. i just carry around a gallon of Arizona green tea or something.

so you're that guy


why an entire gallon, I have never been ANYWHERE where im like dude I wish I had a gallon of something to drink all night.[/quote:9e397]
i fucking lol'ed

Jotun 08-21-2007 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by RaNgeR

Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by "Forte":2fb58
no I don't smoke or drink. I dont do either for my own reasons.

thats cool bro, i dont drink or smoke either. i still go to parties though. i just carry around a gallon of Arizona green tea or something.

so you're that guy


why an entire gallon, I have never been ANYWHERE where im like dude I wish I had a gallon of something to drink all night.[/quote:2fb58]
long nights, i guess

jujumantb 08-21-2007 01:33 PM

i just feel awkward if im sober and everyone or most everyone else is drunk.. and if a drunk girl tries to get on you while youre sober its extremely awkward

Simo Häyhä 08-21-2007 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by RaNgeR

Originally Posted by "Jotun":968e8

Originally Posted by "Forte":968e8
no I don't smoke or drink. I dont do either for my own reasons.

thats cool bro, i dont drink or smoke either. i still go to parties though. i just carry around a gallon of Arizona green tea or something.

so you're that guy


why an entire gallon, I have never been ANYWHERE where im like dude I wish I had a gallon of something to drink all night.[/quote:968e8]
long nights, i guess[/quote:968e8]

Jotun 08-21-2007 01:47 PM

im just surprised you wasted your time on me. hahaha.

Nyck 08-21-2007 01:50 PM

lol pretty good representation of me with the stubble...not fat enought Reminds me of a character from Maniac Mansion


Chronic Diarrhea 08-21-2007 01:50 PM

ROFL holy fuck that may be the greatest thing I've seen on this forum. Well done.

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