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Sh3ll_Sh0ck 03-03-2002 12:00 AM

non-scoped Kar98? I can two but it's damn annoying when the sniper kar can do it in one shot while my non-scoped needs two.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I wished Mohaa had motars<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh dear god no........

Fear is the weakness of the mind. Remember that next time you see me on the battlefield.-ShellShock

b_ball12_99 03-03-2002 12:10 AM


Steel 03-03-2002 12:18 AM

Stony speaks the truth. Nice post.

I use the MG (BAR or Stg44) as my main weapon and get decent kills. The only thing I have seen from realism servers is that I get quicker kills (1 head shot).

ppl camp (as it seems to be called) in realism because sticking your head out just about anywhere means instant death. Err....kinda realistic

Doesn't bother me either way. Normal or realism. My style of play works on both. As said I just get quicker kills (not more) on realism.

I also get killed quicker



03-03-2002 12:20 AM

yeah...kinda realistic actually dieing from running out in the open with MGs firing at you. not like youre going to have much more time to react when youre being shot in the chest in any mod

Vassili 03-03-2002 12:21 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jc84corvette:
I wished Mohaa had motars<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

yes yes!YES!

If this guy is saying rifles are useless in realism mods, then explain to me why do I get top score in almost every server I play on with the KAR 98k !

dumbass topic by the way..

03-03-2002 12:24 AM

IMO realism rocks. It gets me more pumped when I know that at any moment a stray bullet is gonna end my life. People have different styles, I just prefer to play realism because it suits my particular style of play. I'm not one to go all Rambo and run full bore into a guy with a shotgun. To me it just doesn't make sense to unload a whole clip into a guy and have him sit there and laugh at you while he pumps your ass full of buckshot. Well that's just my opinion.


03-03-2002 12:29 AM

Harry your a spammer now!!!!!

Vassili 03-03-2002 12:29 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CAPT._CAVEMANN:
when i win its b/c i see the person i killed a split second before they see me.

You must be messed in the head to hate realism mods, then going into one, then complain about things like this^...Realism mods tend to make the game more like in REAL LIFE(lmao)... there are thousand of non-realism servers out there, so why go out of ur way to go into one, then come all the way to a forum and bitch about it????

the thought of ppl doing that just leaves me mind-fucked...*throws another violent fit*

[This message has been edited by Vassili (edited March 03, 2002).]

sgt.sayian 03-03-2002 12:33 AM

Well, put it this way ( the way I do put it), realism, think when your playing the game that your in the war

Vassili 03-03-2002 12:41 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sgt.sayian:
Well, put it this way ( the way I do put it), realism, think when your playing the game that your in the war<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

EXACTLY!!! thats the whole point of realism mods I think

I just love the suspense of being in Destroyed Village hidding in a building, being the last one left, going against the top 2 enemys which happen to be snipers!
...and all u got is a SMG...shiieett!!
-clutching a nade- in a corner LMAO

The funny thing, is I saw this happen lol

Sh3ll_Sh0ck 03-03-2002 12:48 AM

Grenade spam is the thing that ruins non-realism servers. How much fun is it when both sides are just sitting and chucking grenades at each other? You could try and rush out, but sooner or later one of those 'nads is gonna get 'ya.

The fact that realism servers limmit grenades means that face-to-face fire fights are alot more prominant.

Fear is the weakness of the mind. Remember that next time you see me on the battlefield.-ShellShock

Lorenz 03-03-2002 01:18 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vassili:
The funny thing, is I saw this happen lol<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ya thats funny.

03-03-2002 01:32 AM

cavemann, go join ravirs server on objective based maps. youll probably meet some good people there

+azn gamers clan coming soon
+i am a renegade gamer

Hellbaby2065 03-03-2002 01:57 AM

I just don't understand why Caveman thinks the rifles are LESS effective on realism servers...

In my opinion, they are the most powerful weapon. They are extremely accurate at range, and with the increased damage they rock.

I love takin' out rocketeers at 200yds.

I admit, the Stg44 is very powerful in realism servers. This is exactly why they are "realism" though. In real life, the Stg44 was devastating.

03-03-2002 02:06 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stony:

If you ever consider giving the realism mod another try, make sure you find yourself in a server that has more skilled players. Believe me it will make all the difference.

True, there is more camping that goes on in realism servers, but think about it. If one or two shots with nearly any gun is enough to drop someone then of course people are going to be more cautious with their gameplay. This is especially true on the round-based or objective-based servers, where careless gameplay is punished by forcing you to wait until the next round to respawn if you get killed. Naturally this will slow the gameplay down almost a crawl at times, but it makes the experience more intense and challenging, and this is the reason why I choose to play on these types of servers. The DM rushers are easily weeded out because more often that not, they're the ones dying first, and they're waiting more than they are playing.

It's just slower, more deliberate gameplay, and it adds to the suspense (even more with FF turned on too). It is also where the men separate themselves from the boys.

Thankyou, Stoney, for your post and i will give the realism mods another try. i would like to say that this post is the IDEAL post that most people should aspier to(lol) he stated his opinion without putting me down for my own opinion. This was a mature response instead of the typical "GOD DAMN YOUR STUPID,REALISM MODS ROCK DUDE, YOU JUST MAD CUASE YOU GOT NO SKILLS, DUDE"

Vassili 03-03-2002 02:08 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> It is also where the men separate themselves from the boys.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Vassili 03-03-2002 02:12 AM

Play on Saving Ryans Privates Server, CPR & FF

03-03-2002 03:03 AM

None of the realism mods are tuned for gameplay. All of them make the MP44 overpowered and too accurate, making it difficult to choose any other weapon.

If you want a mod to inject a little realism into MOH, but still keep gameplay balanced, try this one.
[GLW]GenghisLAN MP Weapons Mod:

I wrote it for my regular LAN party and we like it better than anything else out there.

The MP44 is still the best all-round weapon in the game, but not by much. You can kick ass with any weapon, provided you have skill and a little luck.


PS - Here's a bit from the readme file:
This server-side mod changes the weapon settings for multiplayer MOH:AA. The
goal is to provide balanced gameplay with more powerful weapons. Weapon damage
has been increased, accuracy and movement modifiers adjusted.

GLW isn't strictly a "realism" mod, we've tried to add to the excellent WWII
feel of MOH:AA. The changes make combat more deadly, but the values were also
tweaked for gameplay and feel, not historical reality.

The main changes are these:

-rifles are more powerful
-automatic weapons are more powerful, slightly less accurate
-rockets and grenades are limited to 3
-player movement speed is up a few percent, except machineguns which are
down a touch

Hellbaby2065 03-03-2002 03:08 AM

Sounds like a good mod Bitter, but I still attest to the power of rifles in CPR.

The M1 and 98k are deadly in the hands of a skilled player. Actually, players with machineguns get very overconfident and careless in my experience.

03-03-2002 03:15 AM

HellBaby, download the mod (it's tiny) and check out the readme. You'll see the details on what I modified.

CPR was actually the inspiration for doing my own mod, I liked it so much. I also thought that the rifles needed more power.

The M1 is my favorite weapon to use, and I've seen good players kick ass with the Kar98, even with stock MOH.

Hellbaby2065 03-03-2002 04:52 AM

Cool. Thanks Bitter, I will give it a shot.

03-03-2002 05:36 AM

Guns too overpowered?

Tell me you are in a room with a 50 cal machine gun, and I have a dueling pistol from the 1800s. Who will survive?

The one who shoots first!

As an old man, 36, with many years of real military service I appreciate the realism mods. To me they are closer to my real world experience. Yes I enjoy classic FPS games like quake and CS, but they reward those that have quick reflexes and do not really work for those that like to plan and enact careful purposeful actions.

One of my greatest complaints on some servers is the fact that 1 person can rule a map because he has found that by running and hopping from spot to spot with 1 particular weapon he cannot be killed. This is not realistic and tends to annoy those of us that are looking for realism.

It is obivious that there are at least two types of players and I am thankful that there are serves that can please all of us.

Ydiss 03-03-2002 06:26 AM

Realism mods take a lot less skill to kill and a lot more to stay alive.

The funny thing is, a lot of people who are pro realism will say how they dislike the quake mentality of the game without realism when in the pure essence of it realism servers promote more reactions than much else on certain maps.

Take stalingrad, for example. I've watched a player own this map with the STG-44 simply because he had faster reactions than everyone else.

He didn't use cover, he just ran about getting frags like in any normal game, but because the map is so closed and claustrophobic he ripped everyone to shreads.

Now this is still skillful, but I can guarentee you he'd not be able to do that on non-CKR servers.

Realism doesn't promote any more skill and nor does non-realism. They're just different.

But I find it funny when pro-realism players complain about quake-style players. I find CKR makes the game much more reaction-based than normal mode, and less sneaky.

Why bother sneaking when the enemy only needs to see you a fraction of a second before you do to kill you?

Realistic? Maybe. Fun? Not for me.

I just avoid CKR/CPR servers. I prefer balance of gameplay over realism. Realism servers tear balance apart and make it so it's pointless using shotguns/rpgs and sniper rifles.

Variety is the spice of life


03-03-2002 06:50 AM

how many times would you like to be shot in the chest before you die? 5 or 6?

03-03-2002 06:53 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vassili:
You must be messed in the head to hate realism mods, then going into one, then complain about things like this^...Realism mods tend to make the game more like in REAL LIFE(lmao)... there are thousand of non-realism servers out there, so why go out of ur way to go into one, then come all the way to a forum and bitch about it????

the thought of ppl doing that just leaves me mind-fucked...*throws another violent fit*

[This message has been edited by Vassili (edited March 03, 2002).]

i DONT go outnof my way to find realism mods
i just notice that alot of servers are NOT posting that they are moded and and more and more of them continue to do this. I was using all seeing i one day and i switched servers 4 times in a row ( b/c i like low pings with lots of players) and all for were moded and none of them said that they were moded. Since i have been playing the number of realism moded servers is growing. I do like and if you have a problem with my preferences to bad. There are no laws that say i cant post a topic of my choice here so i will, and when i use all seeing i I dont GET THOUSANDS of Servers, i get about 50. ANd for me atleast 24 of those servers are moded and mostof them dont say they're moded

03-03-2002 06:54 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Strik0r:
how many times would you like to be shot in the chest before you die? 5 or 6? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Befoer i die? 1 time
Before i die In A GAME? maybe 4 or 5

03-03-2002 06:57 AM

i just have to say. Screw realism mods, never amount to real life.


03-03-2002 07:13 AM

Yeah, wreck it all, take a leaf out of the "worms" bible, holy hand grenades, exploding sheep, old womaan, lol, we could really mess up peoples games
im sure machine guns have got more powerful though and i see plenty of mods for this purpose...please dont let too many of these mods wreck the game........

Webb 03-03-2002 07:53 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by harry_potter_kid:



03-03-2002 08:58 AM

well i personally love it. and yes your kinda right on the everyone uses mg thing.
play them on obj based maps not tdms, they work much better since there no respawn xcept omaha.

tip 1. when using an smg up close try to move aroud the place move left,right,up,left it kinda confuses the other guy.
tip 2. always retreat then attack or let the guy fire all he likes then attack, it catches them by surprise i think.
tip 3. you only have 3 nades use them wiselu.
tip 4. know the map, this is a must
tip 5. when using kar its best you camp somewhere. m1 just be accurate.

+azn gamers clan coming soon
+i am a renegade gamer

Crow King 03-03-2002 09:16 AM

Sounds to me like someone got experience playing the game w/o realism and was pretty good at it, then joined a realism server and got their ass handed to them. Maybe the problem is that you haven't adjusted your play style. Its not that one type of game requires skill and the other does not - they each require different skills. If you want to stay alive longer on a realism server, you have to play differently.

But that is beside the point. The point of realism servers is that the game is now not ruined for folks like me. You and I both have choices now, instead of just you getting it your way and me hating the game.

I'm not going to point by point praise the realism mods and crap on the non-realism aspects of the game. My choice says everything, as does yours. The good thing is, we now both have choices. The game is not "ruined for you", there's plenty of servers out there w/o realism. The 20 lowest ping servers for me don't run realism, so I end up playing on a lot of 100+ ping servers. But to me, it's worth the price.

"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear

DJSatane 03-03-2002 09:25 AM

Best thing about realism mods is less grenades, because on normal servers its all about ghey spam with no skillz.

Some of the realism mods are not balanced well, however realism mods preferabily with some weapon balancing (ally mg vs axis mg balanced) are way better than no mod at all. If you get killed a lot on objective maps then go complain to 2015 for making horrible Axis spawn points on those maps.

Bridge is the only map a 'non-moron' made spawn spots and this the map is balanced, other obj maps have horrible axis spawn spots and this greatily unbalanced the game, and its more visible in realism mod thanks to this.

03-03-2002 09:52 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Crow King:
Sounds to me like someone got experience playing the game w/o realism and was pretty good at it, then joined a realism server and got their ass handed to them. Maybe the problem is that you haven't adjusted your play style. Its not that one type of game requires skill and the other does not - they each require different skills. If you want to stay alive longer on a realism server, you have to play differently.

But that is beside the point. The point of realism servers is that the game is now not ruined for folks like me. You and I both have choices now, instead of just you getting it your way and me hating the game.

I'm not going to point by point praise the realism mods and crap on the non-realism aspects of the game. My choice says everything, as does yours. The good thing is, we now both have choices. The game is not "ruined for you", there's plenty of servers out there w/o realism. The 20 lowest ping servers for me don't run realism, so I end up playing on a lot of 100+ ping servers. But to me, it's worth the price.


Did you not read what i posted??
im not trying to flame you BUT i said it WAS TO EASY. squeezing off 2 rounds and my opponent crumbles to the floor was no fun at all. Walking around and looking for grrrreat camping spots with a MG was no fun at all. Hands down dominating 5 people all in the same room with one clip was kinda fun but NOT REALLY. im mean i've never seen the kind of camping in anyother FSP that these realism mods promote. My brother played this game (realism moded) for the first time with a Mg in a camping spot that saw heavy traffic and won the match with only 10 deaths. Say that b/c he is the worst there EVER will be at FPS, yet he got to put an x in his win column

03-03-2002 11:11 AM

more and more servers are using these damn realism mods that have people running around with MGs sniping
Im not complaining b/c i got my ass whupped, i complain b/c it's to easy and it takes no skill, just an itchey trigger finger and slight aim
mostof the time when i die, i dont get a shot off and when i win its b/c i see the person i killed a split second before they see me.
to me this sucks<> no competion anymore
if you go for head shots, they're down in 2 or less shots!!!!

The only good thing about Realism Mods is that the increased power of the Mgs and SMGs have nuetralized shotguns,but at the same time if you use any other weapon you are at a serious disadvantage.
i laugh at players who love the M1 or both the sniper rifles b/c they ahve no real chance in hell of scoring a high number of frags

People need to realize that this is JUST a GAME and all these realism modes are for a game that is NOT REAL.

your comments would be appreciated

b_ball12_99 03-03-2002 11:22 AM

I don't know how these mods work cause I don't know if they are on or not if its not in the game title. Anyways it might explain me setting on the church window sill on the crossroad map (one with bridge) and emptying my sniper rifle long range at someone and they don't even realized it cause I didn't kill them but someone else got them. It might eplain the shorter gun fights I see now. Use to stand a decent chance up close with my pistol against a machine gun person but now they kill me in no time. What I hate is dying from 1 shot by a shotgun. I don't mind rockets but I truly have shotguns.

03-03-2002 11:30 AM

There wont be a realism mod

One shot in real life your down on the ground..

03-03-2002 11:30 AM

Also stamia or whatever

acgreen 03-03-2002 11:37 AM

It also takes skill to find decent cover and not get killed.

Stony 03-03-2002 11:40 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CAPT._CAVEMANN:
Did you not read what i posted??
im not trying to flame you BUT i said it WAS TO EASY. squeezing off 2 rounds and my opponent crumbles to the floor was no fun at all. Walking around and looking for grrrreat camping spots with a MG was no fun at all. Hands down dominating 5 people all in the same room with one clip was kinda fun but NOT REALLY. im mean i've never seen the kind of camping in anyother FSP that these realism mods promote.

If you ever consider giving the realism mod another try, make sure you find yourself in a server that has more skilled players. Believe me it will make all the difference.

True, there is more camping that goes on in realism servers, but think about it. If one or two shots with nearly any gun is enough to drop someone then of course people are going to be more cautious with their gameplay. This is especially true on the round-based or objective-based servers, where careless gameplay is punished by forcing you to wait until the next round to respawn if you get killed. Naturally this will slow the gameplay down almost a crawl at times, but it makes the experience more intense and challenging, and this is the reason why I choose to play on these types of servers. The DM rushers are easily weeded out because more often that not, they're the ones dying first, and they're waiting more than they are playing.

It's just slower, more deliberate gameplay, and it adds to the suspense (even more with FF turned on too). It is also where the men separate themselves from the boys.

acgreen 03-03-2002 11:42 AM

This isn't anything against you caveman, this is just my opinion.

Why make NASCAR and Grand Prix games? Those games are gay. They are as realistic as they get. Why not make racing games with rocket boosters and vulcan cannon machine guns on the stock cars? I mean, it takes the skill out of it.

Because realism IS fun. It's hard, and most people like a challenge.


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