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I know that the game isnt even done but since the star of this game is omaha beach i was wondering that if you guys were to make another medal of honar game for PC after this one(considering this game will be like the next half life as popularity goes). I think you guys should make, if and when u make another moh for pc, a pearl harbor main level, it would be great. i know its a bit early to even be thinking about this but eh.
The only thing that sucks about a Pearl Harbor level is that we lost. Now I don't know how EA would go along with this but here's my idea. How about a WW2 FPS game with 2 campaigns, Axis and Allies.
That would be cool, playing on the Axis side, another cool thing would be too play the role of a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne Division ?? I wonder if the Medal of Honor universe will ever move away from the OSS point of view and actually into the eyes of a regular infantryman, patrolling or ambushing or just carrying out the daily routines of an infantryman in WW2 ??
------------------ http://www.usmedals.com/prodpix/p295.jpg Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to War and my fingers to fight. [This message has been edited by BallisticWookie (edited July 22, 2001).] |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BallisticWookie:
I wonder if the Medal of Honor universe will ever move away from the OSS point of view and actually into the eyes of a regular infantryman, patrolling or ambushing or just carrying out the daily routines of an infantryman in WW2 ?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i think i read somewhere where they said that the OSS were involved in some missions in the pacific theater but not as much as compared to their involvement in europe , or was it that their missions werent as successful ? . in any case that could be a possibility , where EA can do something related towards what the OSS did on that side of the war . but i think that it would be unlikely that the moh universe would disconnect from the OSS , unless they do like a spinoff with a different name or something . |
Ya the 101st and axis ideas sound fun. I would also like to see A MOH: Island Hopper. (LOL, gay name.) But a MOH in the pacific against the japs.
You know what I just learned tonite watching "Sworn to Secrecy". It said that FDr's VP planned to be president assuming FDR would die in his 4th term. He was the VP of the previous 3 terms. He planned his cabinet and two of them turned out to be KGB agents. Fortunately he was not the VP of FDR in his 4th term.
How about honoring the Russians with a game.. I mean Russians did do practically everything in the war. Most epic battles between Ruskies and Jerrys (Stalingrad, Kursk, Leningrad) and it would be great listening to Russian language and fighting in Stalingrad in an MOH AA environment.. Im tired of all these Americans games, There should be some Russian war games too...
Have Mohaa on Eastern Front. Imagine fighting in Stalingrad or in battle of Kursk.
------------------ "Sloboda ili smrt" ( Death or freedom) |
I think there should be a japanese game also...
I think a Russian game would be a little boring.. ------------------ http://3rdInfantry.homestead.com/fil.../Captblade.jpg |
This is Medal of Honor Which is a American Medal, not a russian... It would kinda ruin the motto ------------------ http://3rdInfantry.homestead.com/fil.../Captblade.jpg |
RUSSIA BORING?!?! WTF?! have you taken Modern World History in school yet?! The best god damn battles have been between Russians and Germans! And change the title, thats all u need.. Imagine STALINS and T34s!!! screw the Shermans, they were poo.. And D-Day wasnt the turning point in ww2.. Stalingrad was.. Germans had no more major victories after Stalingrad (did u notice that). Also Russians lost like 7 million ppl in war.. Americans lost like 300,000..
Anyway in this Russian game that would be sweet if in some major battles you dont start out wit gun, but rather have to pick it up from a dead comrade.. You can run throught the HUGE city of Stalingrad and have lil cut-scenes in every section you travel to.. (drools) |
Ya that is some Patriotism there Kaiser. I do also agree Russian battles, boring. I want to see some of those islands that so many people fought and died for in the Pacific.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by blade:
BTW This is Medal of Honor Which is a American Medal, not a russian... It would kinda ruin the motto <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They made a French themed game with Manon in Underground. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that the French have no medal of honor. |
That's very true Risep, In Underground you won the "Legion d' Honuer"...
You are correct, but it still doesnt change my opinion about making a russian game.
They should try making a game where it was focused on the japanese theater ------------------ http://3rdInfantry.homestead.com/fil.../Captblade.jpg |
Second thought... they should make a MOH game where you play as the Germans and the Allies.. be pretty sweet
------------------ http://3rdInfantry.homestead.com/fil.../Captblade.jpg |
First time poster here. I love the idea of a story wrapped around the 101st Airborne. Just the idea of one mission being about 'A Bridge to Far' (Arnhem) would be thrilling. Although it ended in defeat for the Allies, the battle would make an excellent addon or sequel.
I found the ingame graphics of the omaha landing to be great, so it would be interesting to see their skills put to the test watching hundreds of paratroopers drop out of planes in the night. Anyway just my two cents. soul. |
Welcome soul http://www.pcgamers.net/ubb/smile.gif hope ya have fun here. Yes just the very though of playing a Paratrooper is very exciting. I'm hoping EA/2015 take this seriously, it would be the first game to portray a first person view point of Airborne Opertions in WW2. It would be unbelievable.
------------------ http://www.usmedals.com/prodpix/p295.jpg Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to War and my fingers to fight. |
Oh yeah, Flak exploding all around you, planes being shot out of the sky...It would be quite extra-ordainary http://www.pcgamers.net/ubb/smile.gif
Medal of Honor was orriginally devised by Spielberg after SPR, What about a Band of Brothers type game ? http://www.pcgamers.net/ubb/smile.gif
Kaiser - I dunno if I fully agree with your synopsis of Stalingrad being the major turning point in the war. Sure the Nazi's didn't win any major battles afterwards, but I think you totally have to consider that could be because they were then fighting a two front war. Fighting on the western front in France against the Allies tends to deplete resources that they could put on the eastern front (in fact, the Nazi's had to pull away resources to go to the western front, from the eastern front if I'm not mistaken).
So yes you could say Stalingrad was a major turning point in the war, but I think in turn because the Allies invaded and gave the Nazi's another front to take care of. Just my 2 cents worth :) But yeah a game on the Russian front would be very interesting :). ------------------ ----------------------- Latuh fuh U, Benson benson@2015.com "We don't introduce or cause bugs in the game, we merely find and bring to light the inadequacies within the code." -regarding level designers |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by elmagoo:
Kaiser - I dunno if I fully agree with your synopsis of Stalingrad being the major turning point in the war. Sure the Nazi's didn't win any major battles afterwards, but I think you totally have to consider that could be because they were then fighting a two front war. Fighting on the western front in France against the Allies tends to deplete resources that they could put on the eastern front (in fact, the Nazi's had to pull away resources to go to the western front, from the eastern front if I'm not mistaken). So yes you could say Stalingrad was a major turning point in the war, but I think in turn because the Allies invaded and gave the Nazi's another front to take care of. Just my 2 cents worth http://www.pcgamers.net/ubb/smile.gif But yeah a game on the Russian front would be very interesting http://www.pcgamers.net/ubb/smile.gif. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I rest my case ------------------ http://3rdInfantry.homestead.com/fil.../Captblade.jpg |
i think a WW1 game would kick ass for a medal of honor 2, i mean, trench warfare, what can beat that??? ive said something like this earlier where it can just a multiplayer game, like counterstrike or tribes, think about it, it could be cool
If you guys really think about it.. Russians killed more Germans then Americans did.. And my synopsis was the exact words of my Modern Wrld Hist teacher(not that it makes it right)
I mean if you ask many Historians the russians practically won the war, they killed the most.. And look at Russian tanks, they were legendary, im juss saying i wanna Russian game cuzz i luv Russians |
shut ur fuckin mouth Blade, yes i DO know the winter killed germans, hitler never learned from Napoleans idiotic mistake.. But hell yah the russians did a lot more.. Read wut Partisan just said, and stop being sucha Patriotic american peice of shit
Ya it could be, but why not throw in a single player campaign Lucky? Anyone ever played Falcon 4? I know it is off topic, but who else loves that campaign system. Best campaign in the world of gaming. It is so realistic. I wish they could make a simulation FPS campaign game like that for some game.
A russian ww2 game eh?
Hmmm, it does sound fun. I do agree the russians stallingrad was as important as the americans omaha beach. Now what is the subtitle of this game again, ALLIED ASSAUL? If an alied assault it is then the russians are part of it. Do we get to see soldiers besides americans in this game? I mean weres all the British the english the australians the french and russians? they were all allies at the time. |
I agree with Kaiser, Russians were those that won the war, especially after the Kursk and Stalingrad.
emalgoo: germans had about 250 divisions on Eastern Front and about 56 on Western. So they concetrated almost fully on eastern front. Hence when those 250 divisons in east were defeated, that was the point at which Germany lost the war, as well as confirmation that Russia was one nation that took full brunt of the war and was the nation that contributed mostly to defeat of Germany. This was my 2 cents worth. ------------------ "Sloboda ili smrt" ( Death or freedom) |
Guys chill out. There is nothing wrong with being patriotic. And either you agree or disagree that the russians did more. I happen to agree with Blade, and I think that the United states played an equal if not more important role then the Russians did.
i smell a mod
Hey dudes all i wanted u guys to do was give some ideas about a 2nd medal of honar game not kill yourselves and question ur patriotism. lol oh well do what u guys want!
yeah, i spose some single player could be pretty cool, the more that i think of it the cooler a ww1 medal of honor game sounds
Yeah and in that WW1 game you play the role of the commander that gave Jimmy Patterson's briefing in the first MOH.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaiser:
shut ur fuckin mouth Blade, yes i DO know the winter killed germans, hitler never learned from Napoleans idiotic mistake.. But hell yah the russians did a lot more.. Read wut Partisan just said, and stop being sucha Patriotic american peice of shit<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Patriotic? Sorry... but I was telling to truth.. If the US didnt enter the war Russia and Britian would be german provinces right now... and you need to learn your facts and get them straight boy... go read some more books or something... Thr Germans would of crushed and took over Moscow if it wasnt for the damn winter, so go shove your opinion up your ass and call it quits boy ------------------ http://3rdInfantry.homestead.com/fil.../Captblade.jpg |
wut did i just say Blade?? YES the winter helped a lot, but as Partisan said 250 divisions of Germans were in Russia, and only 56 on western front.. Now.. If it would have been the other way around, im sure Americans probably would have retreated or have had HEAVY HEAVY losses.. And no im not a boy and yes i have all my facts straight.. Maybe u should read some books other then American and get ur sorry pathetic facts straight..
And Intrestviewer.. Sory but i cant stand morons that open their mouths without knowing wut the hell to say. |
Ok the Russians might of killed more germans (oh boy, killing always wins the war). My point is that The Americans did more for the whole war. We fought Japan in the Pacific, Italy, and then went on to liberate the Mediteranean. As well as France. Russia had a major role, but I just strongly believe America did a bit more. So what if we didn't lose as many men as the Russians, but what war was ever won by losing more men? But you still gotta love the red army.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by EaSyTrIcK50:
Ok the Russians might of killed more germans (oh boy, killing always wins the war). My point is that The Americans did more for the whole war. We fought Japan in the Pacific, Italy, and then went on to liberate the Mediteranean. As well as France. Russia had a major role, but I just strongly believe America did a bit more. So what if we didn't lose as many men as the Russians, but what war was ever won by losing more men? But you still gotta love the red army.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yet, again. I rest my case. Thank You, Trick ------------------ http://3rdInfantry.homestead.com/fil.../Captblade.jpg |
They contributed mostly because they were ass ounded at the begining of the war. America didn't have to get involved, but they did. Plus Americans didn't have much experience in war at the time. Just a bunch of kids with maybe a couple weeks of combat training. Germans and the axis had been training their men for 20 years. And America wasn't putting all their forces in one place like the Russians. Americans were everywhere. Don't even F*cking tell me the Russians did more in the war. If the Russians would have failed, then America and Britian and the rest of the allies would have mopped the floor with the Nazis in Russia.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaiser:
If you guys really think about it.. Russians killed more Germans then Americans did.. And my synopsis was the exact words of my Modern Wrld Hist teacher(not that it makes it right) I mean if you ask many Historians the russians practically won the war, they killed the most.. And look at Russian tanks, they were legendary, im juss saying i wanna Russian game cuzz i luv Russians<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You idiotic piece of shit.. the only reason the russians didnt get there ass kicked was that the winter saved there ass.. THE WINTER KILLED THE MOST, so go read some more books and then come back here with your childish thinking... The russians might of had the T-34 tank but it was like the german tiger tank.. it couldnt produce as much, so our shermans out numbered the tiger 10 to 1 or more... Theres my 2 cents worth ------------------ http://3rdInfantry.homestead.com/fil.../Captblade.jpg |
NP, Blade, but we do have to respect Kaiser's opinions. He may be right he may be wrong, but in my opinion the US did have a bigger role. However I can see how each point can be made.
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