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What is it about Foul Language?
What is it about Foul Language, that nuts some players up?
I know for a fact it can't be blamed on kids, because all ages represent this ubber curse group. when your told NO cursing on a server, what is your reaction? And if it makes you angry ...why? please no flames, as im just wondering why this has become such an anger trigger for some people. Doggie |
the reason there is a no cursing rule on the aa.com server is it's more of a community server for the people of aa.com instead of a public server. it's a place that members of the community can feel comfortable letting their young children play the game on without having to worry about someone shouting "cum guzzling faggot" every time they get shot
thats not my point though...
Im not asking why servers have language rules , as ours do too. What im asking is, what makes a person feel the need to do it, and then lose all control when informed its not acceptable? |
immaturity, feelings of rebellion against authority. some people feel that if they swear as much as possible and run around calling everyone a fag it makes them badass.
I'm an old man by most of your standards here(except Oldguy). But when I was a kid I remember swearing once in front of my dad. He turned to me and said "If you want to swear, that's fine, but if you ask me it shows a lack of intelligence. If you can't find a better word to use, don't say anything at all." I admit, that yes I still swear(under my breath mostly). I think that our society has made the use of foul language into some kind of right of passage into adulthood, so people think that by swearing they are looking tough and cool, in reality their lack of intelligence is what is showing.
i think that it was a good idea bringing this up. i dont know, i think that it makes people feel superior to others because they feel that they can just cuse all they want and that it wolnt make a difference in the world to anyone but themselves. well, they are in for a rude awakining. also maby cause they are trying to show emotions or shed off emotions. or the just feel like saying it to try and anger others or to look cool. i dont know all in all why but these are some good assumptions.
I fully agree with you... all of you... I think swearing shows a lack of intelligence. Why swear... there are many alternatives. Like for the D word you can say darn etc... :)
Swear is part of the life like bazzoka is part of the game .
I realy don't care if someone want to swear , i am 21 years old and no one will tell me to not swear if i need to do it. Prohibited of this and this and this and this , this commins communits. |
Ha, my parents swear more than me..I'm used to it
[quote="Sicilian_Summers":5c8bd]exactly. i was on a server with old reliable and some assholes made it their business to try to offend him with derogatory comments about him being gay, and his sexual habits (all completely untrue). with no swearing rules, they usually dont appeal to these kind of people and they just tend to leave, or behave well, because they know if they act immature they will be kicked instantly. but some people also try to act like this just to be kicked. either way no one wants to be called a derogatory name just for the actions they take in a video game, and thats why these kinds of rules are enforced.[/quote:5c8bd]
HA they were quite the funny bunch.. |
Personally I swear a lot ( sometimes under my breath ) . Hell I'm 34 and I still would not swear in front of my parents.
I however do not tolerate it on the aa.com game server. We have many older members who like to have a nice place for there kids to play without worrying about what there kids are exposed to. I would highly recommend RedsoccerDevil and bazooka joes chat filter soon to be released on AA.com. This filters out all the bad words that can sometimes crop up in a game. I would say this is the next best thing for server admins since autokick. |
Good reply's everyone. Matrf's reply hits the nail on the head, and i ask why is being asked not to swear upset you as a player. ( I'm not picking on Matrf cause i like him, and just want his view)
Also age seems to have less of a factor then most people think. I see it from kids and adults alike. More views please |
[quote="Old Reliable":09bce][quote="Sicilian_Summers":09bce]exactly. i was on a server with old reliable and some assholes made it their business to try to offend him with derogatory comments about him being gay, and his sexual habits (all completely untrue). with no swearing rules, they usually dont appeal to these kind of people and they just tend to leave, or behave well, because they know if they act immature they will be kicked instantly. but some people also try to act like this just to be kicked. either way no one wants to be called a derogatory name just for the actions they take in a video game, and thats why these kinds of rules are enforced.[/quote:09bce]
HA they were quite the funny bunch..[/quote:09bce] yeah no kidding.... it was funny, you just keep using the rocket to piss them off, then you owned them with a thompson vs stg.... good times. me you and sherrill were always at the top :wink: and rude, i remember yesterday you said something about a few new rules on the server, after some moron tried to exploit the swear filter, what was that all about? |
I need to repost the server rules so everyone understands them, Maybe a few new ones. but nothing radical.
I'm sorry to say a some of the regulars have been taking advantage of the server to really abuse things. Not many but a select few. I don't think any were on at that particular moment. But the past couple of days, it was just more then I could stand. The people who donated money to keep the server alive, the regulars who just want to play and I should not have to put up with all the BS. I hope to get something put together tomorrow or Thursday. Been busy in work and at home. |
Here's the "mature" view :D ..... I'm afraid Marif is right , cussing has become the normal way for some people to talk , a lot of them don't even realize they're using so many swear words. It has become acceptable in the world to cuss , just compare TV and movies today to those of 20 years ago. If I would have cussed in front of my parents when I was young (I knew better, believe me) I would have got five upside the head :) . Don't get me wrong , I swear and cuss with the best of them , mostly at work , but I feel there is a time and place for everything including cussing. If you let yourself get into the habit of cussing everytime you talk then you're going to have a hard time controlling it in inapropreite (?) situations.
if you cuss a lot move to california you'll fit right in
[quote="[DSB]Doggie":bc9c1]Good reply's everyone. Matrf's reply hits the nail on the head, and i ask why is being asked not to swear upset you as a player. ( I'm not picking on Matrf cause i like him, and just want his view)
Also age seems to have less of a factor then most people think. I see it from kids and adults alike. More views please[/quote:bc9c1] Well for me , this is almost communist . I can say what i want when i want , i live in america. I dont realy swear anyway , i dont even speak english . I just don't understtand filter and things like that . We are killing like crazy on that , blood everwhere , blowing off head whit grenade and no swearing please. This is total illogic. Kids can't swear but they can kill and see blood everywhere on a game? Or worts , have a HITLER SKIN? hey , cmon. |
lol...war is hell, I agree with ya but other people dont. :-? what's y0our first language?
I was on the eCm server last night with Judas and there was some dude named A Catholic Priest (gimme a break). An he was saying a bunch of racist slurs and euphimisms. Out of habit on the aa.com server i said watch the langauge, so he decides to swear up a storm. As i stated in thread earlier when people swear 3 or 4 times in a sentence, i lose respect towards them. It shows a sign of immaturity, lack of tolerance, and stupidity. For example... If some one gets shot in the head would a better response be "You CUM GUZZLING FAGGOT WHORE!!" or "Damn you"... you be the judge. Don't use that right to free speech excuse, you have the right to speak but not to harass and disrespect.
-ktog3 |
Nice sig Ktog3 :D
say fuck when i die is one things , say fuck to someone is an other. |
Good point Matrf. Yet if this was after everytime you lost a firefight it would become a string of foul words right?
Here is another example of my point [url:64ee3]http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=142988[/url:64ee3] |
I swear all the time at home but I try never to swear in public I normally use the word Smeg. The on thing that annoys me is the peolp that put the F word in every sentence, I think they think it is a sentence inhancer.
Note: Ktog I think I know the kid on the far left of your sig. |
:lol: hes right though... my parents look at us in a wierd way if we sware...a thought comes across their minds...then my italian mother whips out the wooden spoon... :D |
i too run a small server with about 10 players,,,i have a no cussing rule,,and all of the regulars seem to appreciate the fact that ill kick a guy right quick or even guys with names that cross the line,,,you know what i mean,,,these people can let there kids play on my server cause they know i run a family type server,,,when they start i just explain the moron server is on up the list,,,go find it and play there,,,if every server admin did the same thing the whole multiplayer world would be a better place,,,
BUTCHES ULTRAMOD/NO DIALUPS check it out if you just enjoy the game and enjoy good company,, |
What's in a name?
Just curious but I play under the name Eat it beyotch. Would this be considered offensive?
this is a good post. my feelings on this subject are that im going along the lines of: swearing at the appropriate times is ok, like if you noobishly miss someone right infront of you lol :-? like i do every so often....but the incessant sophmoric imbiciles who use profanity nonstop, well they should be booted. i tend to notice the non-stop swearing folk are closely related to the tk'er bunch who get booted and come right back with a different more offensive name each time they come back. my response though is, if people who find swearing offensive for whatever reason want to enforce this rule, then i say kudos to them. all you have to do is go into another server (only like 3000 of them heh) and swear there. :wink:
Re: What's in a name?
Oh well. Some players just do it because they know the server has a rule against it. And they think MOH cant ban anyone. The do not relies or know about Autokick. |
[quote="|ANIMAL| 1SG Jaybird":357ef]this is a good post. my feelings on this subject are that im going along the lines of: swearing at the appropriate times is ok, like if you noobishly miss someone right infront of you lol :-? like i do every so often....but the incessant sophmoric imbiciles who use profanity nonstop, well they should be booted. i tend to notice the non-stop swearing folk are closely related to the tk'er bunch who get booted and come right back with a different more offensive name each time they come back. my response though is, if people who find swearing offensive for whatever reason want to enforce this rule, then i say kudos to them. all you have to do is go into another server (only like 3000 of them heh) and swear there. :wink:[/quote:357ef]
When they see a tker or a fool they don't ask him to stop . They almost all start to tell him name like , : fag , kid , and others . Its not the good way to stop a kid. I am able to stop a tker and i have do it a lot of time whiout banning or kicking. I know that tker are almots always a little kid or somethings . SO i say to him : "cmon follow me , we will kick ass." and talkind a little more for some more hard others , but this work. And almost always the little kid stop hes shit and come whit me. (if he can understand my english :lol: ) When i see someone say to a tk kid :" your a little fag" ... well if they talk to kids like that they are more than a fag. |
I dont care about the cursing in general, but I dont like the rude names. It shows a lack of imagination. For any curse word name, there is a more creative way to say it that doesnt offend quite so much. We dont kick anyone for language on our server. If we did, I might not be able to play there somedays. I do respect the server if they you not to swear. I had someone ask us to quit swearing one night on our server. We politely told him no and that he might be better off looking for another server. He agreed.
We did kick someone last night for spamming the voice commands. He got pretty upset when we told him to knock it off or get booted (after several requests to stop). To answer the original question, people get mad when asked not to curse because they dont like being told what to do. Classic sign of those early teen rebillion years, if you ask me. |
[quote="A Cute Little Puppy":28ec1]I fully agree with you... all of you... I think swearing shows a lack of intelligence. Why swear... there are many alternatives. Like for the D word you can say darn etc... :)[/quote:28ec1]
Darn is a very american word. In Ireland they use the word feck. :wink: It is used by young and old and coming from an Irish mouth it doesn't sound half as bad. :lol: Nope I'm not Irish before you ask. |
if i die from myself doing something stupid il yell out "fuck!" or "shit!" but if someone says that no swearing is allowed i just say ok sorry & play on...although i do make the od slip up but most people seem to be understanding
martf that is all well and good about your method of dealing with tkers. and i do agree about not shouting at the tker "you fag....etc". However, i must say that i have never seen a tker just stop like that and start playing lol :o For the most part the tk'ers i run into just do it for the attention and sit back and wait for ppl to notice them...i martf, dont have the time to try to be nice to them when im playing a big obj match on the hunt, and this tker keeps blowing away half of my team. i mean, before i could even type "follow me lets kick butt" he would have killed me already lol :wink:
ps. the tk'ers ive seen are relentless and do not ever stop for anything until they get bored. i would love to see one stop and start playing that would be an uplifting sight to behold :D |
I don't see how swearing denotes a lack of intelligence. There is no link between intelect and composure.
Swear words are just words. Words are just collections of sounds. If I got angry and shouted 'Smiching Farskarker!' it'd mean nothing. I'm not swearing, so does this make me more intelligent than someone who does? Of course not. Swear words are just ways to express emotion. It is a way to release angst and compassion, excitement and humour. The more intelligent and composed of us (or experienced and mature)will realise that there are places where swearing is acceptable and places where it is not. It doesn't show a lack of intelligence when someone uses swear words every other sentance, it just shows lack of composure and perhaps maturity (You can take anything too far). But the act of swearing itself isn't, by any stretch of morals, a bad thing. It's just a sound that, for some reason or other, society has decided is offensive. If asked not to swear then you would hope it would stop, but if it doesn't then you can't simply categorize them as stupid, or childish. There could be a number of reasons for it. Stupid and childish are just two of them. |
Don't try to see , this is illogic . |
I usually only go to cursing when there's this asshole on the serv, and usually I'll just say "You're a fucking idiot" or when my computer does something (I was having a problem with the mouse and it still ain't fixed) And I usually go into more extent, but you know when a server is runnng fine no idiots, I wont't curse.
Swearing is great :D
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