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Webb 08-18-2002 11:41 AM

BF 1942 on line,isn't that good.What's your opinion ?
Mine is:

Medal of Honor is much better, BF 1942 does not look as good as MoH.

Just my opinion.

Akuma 08-18-2002 11:51 AM

Sure it doesn't look as good but, gameplay is much better if your on a good server.

Sicilian_Summers 08-18-2002 12:33 PM

i think its beautiful looking. i play on a gf4 ti4200 with max settings though :)

the gameplay is MUCH better then MOH's. why? because you can do nearly anything, and the assortment of vehicles makes the game more exciting. there is nothing like the rush of holding the last control point with few tickets left until the japs take wake island over... cant find that in moh.

SoViEt 08-18-2002 01:51 PM

i personally think BF1942 looks better than MOHAA... the sky and sea are much realistic and the tropical look of wake island reminds me of home freak:

gameplay wise, BF1942 is much better. conquest mode rules!

Tbry23m 08-18-2002 02:06 PM

I love it. Now imagine your in a good clan that does lots of planing before games like KaoS. Think of how much strategizing you could do with that game. In the beginning I would take my 3 good piolets 2 good assualters as tailgunners. Have the two assaulters parachute onto the carrier. Kill the guys after they spawn (not spawn kill give um 3 steps) thats my opening. I know it sucks but I mean in a big clan match like 12 per side you can do a lot more with strategy than you could with this game. Esecially using the scouts to help artilary. Oh doesn't it seem like Allied wepons are more accurtate like the No. 4 to the Kar rifle.

Hollywood 08-18-2002 02:16 PM

Once they turn off FF on all of the servers, I will be playing it much more the MOHAA I'm sure. But it kills me all the jerks running around killing teammates so they can fly the plane. There are way too many idiots playing right now, and it's pissing me off. The graphics are not as good as MOHAA, but the levels are so much bigger, and you can do so much more. I think it's a lot more fun than MOH.

08-18-2002 02:51 PM

i think bf1942 has great looking vehicles. the terrain , water, and shadows also look much better than mohaa's . the developers should of made the shadows in mohaa look better like the ones in ofp or bf1942

geRV 08-18-2002 02:54 PM

First off all i can say is the people who think this looks better than mohaa should lay down the crack pipe. The player models in this don't look anywhere near as good as the ones in mohaa and neither do the rather basic and inaccurate looking weapons models.

Even with the res and options bumped up it doesn't look all that good. The reason being they opted for low poly player and weapons models so they could have more freedom with the size of the maps. The only good looking effect ive seen in this game so far is the shimmering water and even thats not exactly earth shattering.

Infantry based combat is near non existant in this game so i can;t see how people can compare it to mohaa. In mohaa you're using infantry and fighting against infantry, in bf42 you're basically in a vehicle 90% of the time and the infantry combat is quite basic on the rare occasion that it does happen.

The vehicles are good for a laugh but i would assume even that piece of crap tin can commenly called the "sherman" would be able to take out a half track in one shot instead of 3-4 shots.

It can be a good game on its own merits but infantry combat is not its strong point. The lag is another issue, basically every server seems to lag even if theyre local to you or not. The demo also seems to have come with a refresh rate bug which will make your screen black out for a second while it triggers your monitors refresh rate.

All in all this game seems to be devoted more to vehicle based combat. The infantry side of the story is basic and crappy to be blunt about it.

Its yet another game where ea tries to make team work happen but all that happens is morons dive for the planes and kill anyone whos gets in their way just to grab it and they normally crash the friggin thing during or just after take off. mwah:

Miscguy 08-18-2002 03:17 PM

Im less than impressed.

Infantry fighting is rare and when it happens your best choice is to grab your knife and charge because you wont hit shit with a rifle or your handgun, let alone a automatic.

Sniping is a joke, even a motionless target with the sights on his chest doesnt take a hit. (tried it)

So much for the rumor that some guy played on 56k from the states on a server in the UK with a 100 some odd ping. Cause thats total BS, i played on a server in town and still had over a 400 ping and eventually had "connection probelms detected". So much for DSL, and the home field advantage. Even in mohaa i could play a UK server without going over 200.

Frankly the game looks like crap, i point out the weapon models for referance. Plays like crap, i refer you to the 400 ping in town. The rocketeers/ snipers being the only classes anyone uses except engineer so they can fix the tank there driving.

Good concept poor exicution, wont waist $5 on it.

Pyro 08-18-2002 03:25 PM

It is a piece of shit compared to MOHAA like competition speaking, BF1942 is the wrost game EVER with alot of people

just fucking around with 2 or 3 people is the best

other then that MOHAA is better

SoViEt 08-18-2002 03:28 PM

gerard, maybe u were playing in the wrong servers all the time... there is infantry combat, tho not as intense as MOHAA, it's as fun. in a game today, i was an assaulter, one guy drove an armored truck, picked up 4-5 guys including me on the way and we drove straight into the heart of airbase... truck took some shots but survived the trip.. we then jumped off the truck and all of us cleared house by house around the flag, with some support from the tank behind us... me as infantry i felt the action was intense and fun...

and if you pay attention to the scoreboard... most top fraggers are infantry...

SW-14 08-18-2002 03:40 PM

If you have the comp to run the settings at high, the graphics are absolutely beautiful. The clouds are more realistic looking then any clouds I've seen in a flight simulator. The terrain is awesome, the palm trees sway in the wind. Now, if they could just fix that lag...

geRV 08-18-2002 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by SoViEt
gerard, maybe u were playing in the wrong servers all the time... there is infantry combat, tho not as intense as MOHAA, it's as fun. in a game today, i was an assaulter, one guy drove an armored truck, picked up 4-5 guys including me on the way and we drove straight into the heart of airbase... truck took some shots but survived the trip.. we then jumped off the truck and all of us cleared house by house around the flag, with some support from the tank behind us... me as infantry i felt the action was intense and fun...

and if you pay attention to the scoreboard... most top fraggers are infantry...

Umm no if you pay attention to the actual scores when the games playing you will see most kills are because of tanks and planes divebombing. Afik the score board only shows the players name and their class it doewsn't say what vehicle they used.

SW-14 08-18-2002 04:30 PM

Actually, most of the highest scorers really are infantry, Gerard. I hardly ever use vehicles, and here are some of the games I've gotten first in, being infantry only:




I would have more, but for some reason, the print screen button doesn't always take the screen.

C@rtman 08-18-2002 04:49 PM

FFS dont tell me it aint worth playing....I just spent 3 hours downloading the bstd oOo:

SW-14 08-18-2002 05:05 PM

What does FFS stand for?

Vance 08-18-2002 05:43 PM

For F***'s Sake [img][/img]

filmguy15 08-18-2002 05:50 PM

well, i wasted my whole saturday playing, seing what makes it tick. It is an overall amazing game. when i was playing there were 32 people, 4 planes in the air, who knows how many jeeps and tanks, artillary everywhere, and boats and my ping stayed at 70! no lag. when u get a team that works together and uses tactics u have one hell of a game, it is sooo fun. they should set aside like 3 servers for like people that wanna play like real war. Assign positions, gather u'r team, and attack. it is the best. biggrin: the visuals are awesome, better than moh. hell i have stopped playing moh, lol, been playin this. great game go download it!

Old Reliable 08-18-2002 05:52 PM

The game is fuckin quality rad

SW-14 08-18-2002 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Vance1
For F***'s Sake [img][/img]

hake: [img][/img] hake:

Pyro 08-18-2002 08:32 PM

for fucks sake.....can't we all just run over people in jeeps like coo people?

08-18-2002 08:40 PM

maybe if every single low ping server wasn't passworded it would be fun. so far the only "fun" i had was until the 15th player joined and the host couldn't understand what was wrong with his t1

if someone hosts a 64 player server they're going to have to pool the bandwidth of the entire state of new york

SoViEt 08-18-2002 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by SoViEt
gerard, maybe u were playing in the wrong servers all the time... there is infantry combat, tho not as intense as MOHAA, it's as fun. in a game today, i was an assaulter, one guy drove an armored truck, picked up 4-5 guys including me on the way and we drove straight into the heart of airbase... truck took some shots but survived the trip.. we then jumped off the truck and all of us cleared house by house around the flag, with some support from the tank behind us... me as infantry i felt the action was intense and fun...

and if you pay attention to the scoreboard... most top fraggers are infantry...

Umm no if you pay attention to the actual scores when the games playing you will see most kills are because of tanks and planes divebombing. Afik the score board only shows the players name and their class it doewsn't say what vehicle they used.

when there are tanks.... use engineer and deploy mines all over... they won't survive... a 2-3 anti-tank squad will work too, and head to the nearest aa guns if there are planes flying around... lead the planes about 2-3 meter and they'll go down like flies....

in some server you can't even fly the plane or drive tank for more than 5 minutes coz every aa guns are manned and the roads are full of mines.... the only way to take over a base is to fly the plane over the base and parachute down... or an infantry assault....

i'd try to find a vehicle everytime i play during the first 2 days of bf1942... but now i rather drive a jeep or truck loaded with anti-tanks/assaulters and go get the flag! fire2:

Judas 08-18-2002 11:52 PM

where do you guys play ??? i play all the time and never see any of ya...
the only person ive seen i knew was pmsgirl ....

Old Reliable 08-18-2002 11:53 PM

the EMPFRED servers or starts with E and is in all caps...there are a few of them are the best. I saw anti hero on one but it disconnected before I could say hi..piece of shit!

[NP: Swollen Member - Fuel Injected]

Tripper 08-19-2002 12:07 AM

Poos...I'm still waiting for my copy to D/L.....Damn 56k...

[NP: J.Rawls - Cold Turkey]

Pyro 08-19-2002 01:58 AM

Well out of nowhere Oldy joins my server

[NP: Quitter - Eminem]

Kafelnikov 08-19-2002 02:13 AM

Well this game is only good for playing with the vehicles...otherwise, what's the point? if u wanted to play infantry, MOHAA is still much better...
this game is all about the jeeps, tanks, airplane...NOT INFANTRY

i especially loves to be a suicidal jeep driver who loves so run over the enemy evil:

rudedog 08-19-2002 05:27 AM

My take on this game is, it can get frustrating when people TK because someone got to a plane b4 them.

When team work is in place this game rocks. I love the graphics and wide open areas. Reminds me of my deltaforce days.

My only second gripe is, it's like playing MOH out of the box. You have to shoot someone 20 times to kill them. Even with a bazooka round you still have to shoot them multiple times. I might be spending a lot of time with this game!

Can't wait for the release. for me this is a must have.

Hollywood nice sig

SoViEt 08-19-2002 08:38 AM

rude... the weapon is as deadly as the realism in MOHAA... lots of people will agree with me.... just play more and get the hang of it.... i think you have to lead the target more... and bazooka will kill instantly on a direct hit.. other than that it takes multiple hits to kill... but this will eliminate the rocket whore problem don't u think? anti-tank is supposed to engage tanks and trucks..

a lot of you still think this is not infantry... either you haven't played enough, in the wrong server all the time, or you just didn't play the game right at all.... i've seen infantry shot down aircrafts (rockets or mg, not AA guns)... paratroopers took over japs' destroyer/carrier.... strategically placed mines blowed up about 5 suicide jeeps/tanks, 8+ infantry storming nothern bases using higgins and a few engineers that sunk a carrier!

rudedog 08-19-2002 03:17 PM

Don't keep the server to yourself, tell us where you play!!!! cry:

I'm in dire need of some good old fashion team work. I think this is going to be quit the game

Pyro 08-19-2002 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by rudedog
Don't keep the server to yourself, tell us where you play!!!! cry:

I'm in dire need of some good old fashion team work. I think this is going to be quit the game

Teamwork hah, you mean idiots who shoot down your plane because you got to it first

People are too stupid and moronic to ever make a game that is fun and people actualy work together to get the job done

rudedog 08-19-2002 05:18 PM

Hey Pyro,
Don't give up. I could have said that about MOH. Started the game server and you can actually have fun and have team work.

I guess this is why people start clans, not to compete but to have some good fun with your friends.

SW-14 08-19-2002 05:38 PM

Yep, that's why I started a clan. Plus, I figued BF1942 would be MUCH more fun working as a team, and probably the only way to do that would be to be in a clan.

Old Reliable 08-19-2002 05:40 PM

LOL Pyro you suck you never had positive points I don't think evil:

Tbry23m 08-19-2002 09:26 PM

Guys. The snipers in that game hate me. I take a no 4 sniper see an axis thats standing still. I aim middle of the back don't even hit him. Try 4 more times a whole clip not once. I have never scored a hit with a sniper while others around me nail um on the run. They tell me to aim to the right. I aim for the right sholder on standing still players. Its not working. Then I meet this guy Darkpichachu he hits everytime kinda like soviet. cool: . And I ask him for advice he goes just aim. What am I doing wrong here? Then I hop in plane and trying to understand cockpit view flying really hard to drop bombs. Meanwhile pichachu dude comes up behind me with one of those big bulky planes and shoots me down. I was doing all these manuvers and I had the little swift one. I think the game hates me.

Also the no 4 I can hit just fine. But sniper no.

I can also hit targets with the no 4 that i couldn't hit with the kar 98 anyone else notice that?

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