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Totenkopf 08-26-2002 05:12 PM

Are men by nature, dogs?
Alright, I have been pondering this very thought for years and would like to see what you guys (and maybe gals) think about this. Speaking from personal experience, I believe that there is a natural desire in males to cheat. For the past ten years, I have had for the most part a steady girlfriend, and I have cheated on every one of them. I am by no means bragging of this accomplishment. In fact, I am kinda embarrassed by it. I have been madly in love with some of these women, but when I am put in a situation where another female shows attraction and some desire, I move on my "instincts".

Which brings me to the school of thought that it is in my biological make-up to for lack of a better term, "spread my seed". You will notice in the majority of the mammals, that males are not monogomous, but tend to look over a group of females. Now I know this can be a whole different debate, but in my eyes, we are merely animals as well. And as such, we retain some of these instincts. You will even notice in many cultures prior to being exposed to Christianity, that polygamy was quite common. To me, this belief that a man should be faithful to his mate is a complete battle against his nature, and because of this he is doomed to fail. Looking around my circle of friends, not one of the men has managed to stay faithful to his significant other. Some of them love their spouse to death and would do anything for them, but eventually temptation has proven to be too much and they give in.

Anyway, thoughts from others out there? Am I completely off base? Or if you really think about it, does have a ring of truth to it?

Sniped 08-26-2002 05:16 PM


Bean 2 08-26-2002 05:21 PM

Do u have any tips on how to get girls? Just wondering thanks.

Blitz-krieg 08-26-2002 05:31 PM

yeah, u got a good point there and i think men are natured to cheat angel:

Sniped 08-26-2002 05:34 PM

Someone, I won't mention names... told me that Jc has cheated on his boyfriend with an obese farm animal.

Totenkopf 08-26-2002 05:35 PM

[quote="Bean 2":a5f89]Do u have any tips on how to get girls? Just wondering thanks.[/quote:a5f89]

I use to have the hardest time getting girls. I was the nice shy guy, who tried to be the perfect gentleman. Guess what? That doesn't work very well these days. I have found, at least in the places that I hang out, that women like cocky, arrogant, outspoken men. But there is a fine line with that approach. You go overboard, and it'll backfire. I would say that you must show confidence, and a good sense of humor. Crack witty little jokes that'll get them laughing. If you can get them to laugh, you are in.

However, take this advice with a grain of salt. So much depends on the woman and the situation. With all of my long-term girlfriends, I went with the gentleman approach as I was looking for a relationship.

Anyway, I am sure that there are others out there with some good ideas as well.

Chronic Diarrhea 08-26-2002 05:35 PM

ed: ed: ed: ed: ed: oOo: oOo: hake: hake: hake:

ninty 08-26-2002 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by "Bean 2":e6e34
Do u have any tips on how to get girls? Just wondering thanks.

I use to have the hardest time getting girls. I was the nice shy guy, who tried to be the perfect gentleman. Guess what? That doesn't work very well these days. I have found, at least in the places that I hang out, that women like cocky, arrogant, outspoken men. But there is a fine line with that approach. You go overboard, and it'll backfire. I would say that you must show confidence, and a good sense of humor. Crack witty little jokes that'll get them laughing. If you can get them to laugh, you are in.

However, take this advice with a grain of salt. So much depends on the woman and the situation. With all of my long-term girlfriends, I went with the gentleman approach as I was looking for a relationship.

Anyway, I am sure that there are others out there with some good ideas as well.[/quote:e6e34]

You could try some of that love colonge that I posted a few days ago.

Blitz-krieg 08-26-2002 05:43 PM

btw, y do girls likes older men like 5 yrs ahead of their age? jus wondering

Rev Aristotle Jones 08-26-2002 05:44 PM

The only thing that separates us from the animals is reasoning - which is why we do not usually kill each other over something trivial, like, you have a twinky that I want, I brick you death, I have the Twinky :)

However, we have been conditioned that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable, we won't get away with it and will be punished for it.

Same goes for infidelity - it is "easier" stray if you come from a culture, or upbringing where monogamy was eroded. The opposite is true of those who hold monogomy as a virtue and will not break it no matter what temptations there are.

I have been monogamous for the past 8 years - one woman. I have been tempted, but never indulged.

Would I kill you for a Twinky? If I could get away it, too right.

Totenkopf 08-26-2002 05:46 PM

[quote="Blitz-krieg":ef705]btw, y do girls likes older men like 5 yrs ahead of their age? jus wondering[/quote:ef705]

Supposedly cuz they are more mature. That's what women tell me anyway. My girlfriend right now is from Peru, and tells me that the women there are much more attracted to older men as they know where they are going in life, and have goals, yadda yadda yadda. When I ask her why she likes me so much, only being two years older then her, she admitted that while Peruvians like older men, they like "bad boys" even more.

LOL, I love being a man.

Rev Aristotle Jones 08-26-2002 05:50 PM

Oh, forgot, how to get girls

phone the number on the card in the phonebox
hide in the closet
pretend to be a doctor

(or is that just me?)

Totenkopf 08-26-2002 05:54 PM

[quote="Rev Aristotle Jones":e2fd2]The only thing that separates us from the animals is reasoning - which is why we do not usually kill each other over something trivial, like, you have a twinky that I want, I brick you death, I have the Twinky :)

However, we have been conditioned that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable, we won't get away with it and will be punished for it.

Same goes for infidelity - it is "easier" stray if you come from a culture, or upbringing where monogamy was eroded. The opposite is true of those who hold monogomy as a virtue and will not break it no matter what temptations there are.

I have been monogamous for the past 8 years - one woman. I have been tempted, but never indulged.

Would I kill you for a Twinky? If I could get away it, too right.[/quote:e2fd2]

I must disagree to an extent. I believe that a fear of consequences holds most back from killing. Why have I not killed anyone? Because, I don't want to become Bubba's b!tch in a state pen. If there were no law against it, then we would have some big time issues as a society. On the other hand, there are few consequences to cheating, you will not go to jail, you will not be fined (well, unless a divorce ensues ed: ) etc. However, if you told me that I would go to jail for ten years if I cheated on my wife or gf, then there is no doubt in my mind that I would think twice about it. I would not think twice about it because I am breaking some virtue of mine.

Now I don't disagree that there are some out there who can refrain from doing it. But they are few and far between. What worries me is that you would never cheat on your mate, due to your beliefs on the wrongdoing of cheating, but you would kill me for a twinky......nice virtue system. biggrin:

Blitz-krieg 08-26-2002 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by "Blitz-krieg":c0301
btw, y do girls likes older men like 5 yrs ahead of their age? jus wondering

Supposedly cuz they are more mature. That's what women tell me anyway. My girlfriend right now is from Peru, and tells me that the women there are much more attracted to older men as they know where they are going in life, and have goals, yadda yadda yadda. When I ask her why she likes me so much, only being two years older then her, she admitted that while Peruvians like older men, they like "bad boys" even more.

LOL, I love being a man.[/quote:c0301]

heh, how old are you btw, if u don't mind me asking?

Totenkopf 08-26-2002 05:55 PM

Just turned a "mature" 28 years old. ed:

Blitz-krieg 08-26-2002 05:57 PM

o hehe, then u shoudl have alot of experience and give us some tips on how to get girls like how we act and stuff liek that

Rev Aristotle Jones 08-26-2002 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Totenkopf

I must disagree to an extent. I believe that a fear of consequences holds most back from killing. Why have I not killed anyone? Because, I don't want to become Bubba's b!tch in a state pen. If there were no law against it, then we would have some big time issues as a society. On the other hand, there are few consequences to cheating, you will not go to jail, you will not be fined (well, unless a divorce ensues ed: ) etc. However, if you told me that I would go to jail for ten years if I cheated on my wife or gf, then there is no doubt in my mind that I would think twice about it. I would not think twice about it because I am breaking some virtue of mine.

Now I don't disagree that there are some out there who can refrain from doing it. But they are few and far between. What worries me is that you would never cheat on your mate, due to your beliefs on the wrongdoing of cheating, but you would kill me for a twinky......nice virtue system. biggrin:

My whole post is that we are conditioned against doing "animalistic" things because there are consequences - morally and criminally.

intrestedviewer 08-26-2002 06:17 PM

dogs cheat on their bitches. But remember, only to procreate. ;)

Totenkopf 08-26-2002 06:25 PM

[quote="Rev Aristotle Jones":04b5a]

Originally Posted by Totenkopf

I must disagree to an extent. I believe that a fear of consequences holds most back from killing. Why have I not killed anyone? Because, I don't want to become Bubba's b!tch in a state pen. If there were no law against it, then we would have some big time issues as a society. On the other hand, there are few consequences to cheating, you will not go to jail, you will not be fined (well, unless a divorce ensues ed: ) etc. However, if you told me that I would go to jail for ten years if I cheated on my wife or gf, then there is no doubt in my mind that I would think twice about it. I would not think twice about it because I am breaking some virtue of mine.

Now I don't disagree that there are some out there who can refrain from doing it. But they are few and far between. What worries me is that you would never cheat on your mate, due to your beliefs on the wrongdoing of cheating, but you would kill me for a twinky......nice virtue system. biggrin:

My whole post is that we are conditioned against doing "animalistic" things because there are consequences - morally and criminally.[/quote:04b5a]

Fair enough, but let me ask you this. Why is it wrong, from a moral standpoint, to "cheat" on your mate. Just because someone tells us so? Say I have a significant other, support her, give her all of my time and energy, love her to death, but on occasion, have some meaningless sex with a complete stranger. Someone of whom I have no feelings whatsoever and will never see again. Does that make me a bad person? Does this mean I have no good values?

I tell you there are some good debates that can rage from this topic! ed:

Mr.X 08-26-2002 06:57 PM

whether or not cheating is morally wrong....I think most of the "bad" feeling stems from the risk of destroying
a good thing with a person who has become so close to you...being selfish in other words.

If it was your girl doing the screwing-around instead of you, would you still be pondering the moral implications?
...or would you go off in a hypocritical, double-standard rage...?.....[img][/img]

Rev Aristotle Jones 08-26-2002 07:12 PM

Cheating on someone does not make you a "bad" person, although certain people will consider you as such. If you really get that close to someone then you would consider their feelings more (being unselfish, to clarify the above post). Your actions will cause a reaction from your loved one - if you care, you wouldn't want to see them hurt, which is waht would happen via the meaningless sex.

Women on the whole view sex differently to men as well, so although you consider it meangless sex with some toothless whore (just kidding) - she would have all sorts of turmoil because she most likely sees sex as something sacred shared between two people. The worst being her self eteem as your actions would make her feel worthless.

The problem is that our instincts are in a battle for control with our civility. If your head rules your body (rather than body) then you would quantify the risks of an illicit encounter as opposed to your body just going "Graaah, shag everything that moves, sod the consequences, that's another day".

The worst thing that an animal can have is higher reasoning, it just causes conflict....

Recycled Spooge 08-26-2002 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by "Rev Aristotle Jones":3f09f
The only thing that separates us from the animals is reasoning - which is why we do not usually kill each other over something trivial, like, you have a twinky that I want, I brick you death, I have the Twinky :)

However, we have been conditioned that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable, we won't get away with it and will be punished for it.

Same goes for infidelity - it is "easier" stray if you come from a culture, or upbringing where monogamy was eroded. The opposite is true of those who hold monogomy as a virtue and will not break it no matter what temptations there are.

I have been monogamous for the past 8 years - one woman. I have been tempted, but never indulged.

Would I kill you for a Twinky? If I could get away it, too right.

I must disagree to an extent. I believe that a fear of consequences holds most back from killing. Why have I not killed anyone? Because, I don't want to become Bubba's b!tch in a state pen. If there were no law against it, then we would have some big time issues as a society. On the other hand, there are few consequences to cheating, you will not go to jail, you will not be fined (well, unless a divorce ensues ed: ) etc. However, if you told me that I would go to jail for ten years if I cheated on my wife or gf, then there is no doubt in my mind that I would think twice about it. I would not think twice about it because I am breaking some virtue of mine.

Now I don't disagree that there are some out there who can refrain from doing it. But they are few and far between. What worries me is that you would never cheat on your mate, due to your beliefs on the wrongdoing of cheating, but you would kill me for a twinky......nice virtue system. biggrin:[/quote:3f09f]
So, I'll assume you're not a religious man.

SoLiDUS 08-26-2002 08:12 PM

Hehehe biggrin:

I disagree that cheating is "warranted" for the purpose of "spreading our
seed": face it boys; you aren't sleeping with that hot chick because you want
to ensure that the human race lives on... but rather because she's a HOT

I can't honestly say what I would do in such a situation because I've never
had the "pleasure" of having a girlfriend long enough for this to happen...

Recycled Spooge 08-26-2002 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Hehehe biggrin:

I disagree that cheating is "warranted" for the purpose of "spreading our
seed": face it boys; you aren't sleeping with that hot chick because you want
to ensure that the human race lives on... but rather because she's a HOT

I can't honestly say what I would do in such a situation because I've never
had the "pleasure" of having a girlfriend long enough for this to happen...

Does a male rat think about the entire rat race when it has sex with a female rat? It's instinct, not some huge phylosophy. :P

SoLiDUS 08-26-2002 08:25 PM

You're being silly Spooge, so I won't hold it against you this time.

I wouldn't want to hear that my girlfriend has been sleeping around, just
because... "oh it's just sex, silly!" Would you ? Can you honestly tell me it
wouldn't bother you ? I can't: that's why I wouldn't do it...

I would tap into my animalistic side and kill the sucker for endulging

Korvac 08-26-2002 08:35 PM

[quote="Bean 2":8918b]Do u have any tips on how to get girls? Just wondering thanks.[/quote:8918b]


Star85 08-26-2002 08:49 PM

I feel its the suddective women. Its their fault.

mr.miyagi 08-26-2002 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by "Bean 2":8c442
Do u have any tips on how to get girls? Just wondering thanks.

I use to have the hardest time getting girls. I was the nice shy guy, who tried to be the perfect gentleman. Guess what? That doesn't work very well these days. I have found, at least in the places that I hang out, that women like cocky, arrogant, outspoken men. But there is a fine line with that approach. You go overboard, and it'll backfire. I would say that you must show confidence, and a good sense of humor. Crack witty little jokes that'll get them laughing. If you can get them to laugh, you are in.

However, take this advice with a grain of salt. So much depends on the woman and the situation. With all of my long-term girlfriends, I went with the gentleman approach as I was looking for a relationship.

Anyway, I am sure that there are others out there with some good ideas as well.[/quote:8c442]
well said man. I've had this attitude to 'girls' all my life, to be the gentleman, show respect, show your true feelings and all its got me is friends which of course is great but when you get sick and tired of being the one who makes people laugh, the person to depend on, being the nicest guy on the block can be the loneliest one too. ive always made friends quite easily and can get on great with all girls too but because im not a pushy, arrogant meathead i rarely get results. right now i feel a girl who thinks similarly to me, understands my humour and relaxed attitude to life. id never purposefully change my ways for a shag, id rather wait it out for a less butch minded, anti-romantic bitch who doesn't give a shit about love and is numb to what she truly wants that'll make her happy.
Through the media, peoples attitudes towards relationships, pregnancy and personal pride have been kept out of the way by slogans, commercials, celebrity lifestyles and all sorts of other propaganda that easily influences the misinformed average sheep of the street.
as well as losing personal opinion, people are being made lazier and lazier as they find that the media can decide most things for them, therefore categorised lifestyles are simply taken up like hobbies.
blah blah
im the kind of guy who'd search far and wide for the REAL girls, not the part time ho on the street......and i may jus have found my dream girl

Mr.X 08-26-2002 10:23 PM

a ho on the street is worth two on the net


08-26-2002 10:25 PM

I bet the people who voted no are girls.

SoLiDUS 08-27-2002 06:43 AM

Wow Miyagi, I didn't know you were so deep :-)

I can totally relate to being the nicest guy; only getting "friends" as a result.
I hate seeing nice girls go with "bad boys" simply because I know it will not
work out... 7 times out of 10. I also hate having to put up a front to attract
girls - but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do yo... I need to get mine
you know what I'm sayin' dog ? Werd.

Represent. cool:

Star85 08-27-2002 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by zxcvnm
I bet the people who voted no are girls.

I dont think there are that many girls on the forums. oOo:

Totenkopf 08-27-2002 11:31 AM

[quote="Mr.X":9a9b3]whether or not cheating is morally wrong....I think most of the "bad" feeling stems from the risk of destroying
a good thing with a person who has become so close to you...being selfish in other words.

If it was your girl doing the screwing-around instead of you, would you still be pondering the moral implications?
...or would you go off in a hypocritical, double-standard rage...?.....[img][/img][/quote:9a9b3]

I've never had one of my mates actually cheat on me (that I know of). We use to be pretty open around each other at clubs and afterhours and kinda mess around with others, but I never really got jealous, but she would at times. In the end, she would end up coming home with me and that was all that really mattered to me. A little playing here and there didn't seem to really bother me.

Totenkopf 08-27-2002 11:35 AM

[quote:8d591]So, I'll assume you're not a religious man.[/quote:8d591]

Your assumption is correct.

Rev Aristotle Jones 08-27-2002 04:07 PM

I am bonifide Reverend (

But I'll still kill you for a twinky.

There's very little that I wouldn't do if I thought I could get away with it.

However, due to our social conditioning, most people have a conscience and feel guilt over things that they do which they know is wrong. Release the guilt and you're on your way to becoming a first class sociopath.

What's that nurse?......time for my medication......mmm ok, but keep the voltage down this time......

Totenkopf 08-27-2002 04:52 PM

Yeah, I am getting over the whole guilt thing. It takes up way too much energy. Your mind becomes much more clear without it. ed:

Milla 08-27-2002 05:28 PM

Im that nice shy guy who wants to be a gentlemen, but at the same time im witty, and make some pretty funny jokes to get girls to laugh. They tell me all the time im a great guy, the perfect guy well i dont have a gf, so fuck em all. I hate being cocky, u ruin alot of friendships that way, i dont know oOo:

Rev Aristotle Jones 08-27-2002 06:07 PM

"Of course I love you ....." sparks fly inside - you can't believe your luck " a brother" your world crashes down around you.

It sucks.

I've never quite understood it myself (the whole "nice girls like bad boys" thing) and so just concentrate on being myself, rather than worry about what other people are doing.

My hot tip is this - don't try and befriend a girl that you have your eye, just ask her out - tell her that you really like her in that way so that you don't get into "but you're my friend" trap.

Failing that - stalk her until she falls under your spell, by leaving a severed racoon heads on her back door step. oOo:

Milla 08-27-2002 07:12 PM

2 words fixes it all, "fuck girls" another reason to join the military

Totenkopf 08-30-2002 04:03 PM

[quote="Capt. John Miller":86df0]2 words fixes it all, "---- girls" another reason to join the military[/quote:86df0]


I had some of my best experiences with girls while I was in the Army and stationed in Korea. biggrin: ed:

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