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SoLiDUS 09-06-2002 05:06 AM

I am angry at the AWP
I noticed a lack of consistency in Counter-Strike the first day I started
playing the game but gave it little to no attention after the initial thought
crossed my mind.

Lately, it has been resurfacing with a vengeance: the AWP is to CS what
the heel was to Achilles; it ruins it. Why has this weapon received (don't lie)
preferential treatment ? Surely it cannot be the calibre!

[quote:1af3d]Intermediate in size between .50 calibre and 7.62mm NATO, the .338
Lapua Magnum extends the current 7.62mm 850m maximum sniping
range to beyond 1,400m. In other comparisons with the 7.62mm NATO,
the .338 Lapua Magnum doubles the armour penetration and exhibits 40
per cent less effect from crosswind.[/quote:1af3d]

Now, bullet penetration aside (which matters not in CS), the gun is clearly
not all that powerful. So why the special treatment ? Why should the Arctic
Warfare Magnum be able to do something the assault rifles can't, seeing
as they both go far beyond penetrating armor ?

I believe in order to make the game more interesting (and subsequently,
hear less bitching from people like me), we should cut the awp's power by
as much as 40%: the gun would compare to the assault rifles in its power
and an overall game balance would ensue.

I would like feedback to know what some of the other Counter-Strike
players think of my idea, knowing it will never be implemented because
too many lamers will vote to keep its power "way up there" because of
its special status as "sniper rifle".

SoLiDUS 09-06-2002 12:44 PM

No one has *anything* to say about this ? Geez, no wonder they got away
with putting that wretched weapon in the game...

Captain Bunny 09-06-2002 12:54 PM

I dont play counter strike so thats why i havnt commented on this thread......well until now.

09-06-2002 01:04 PM

i killed some chickens and did half of the training but that's about it.

ninty 09-06-2002 01:13 PM

I like chicken. Tastes good.

SoLiDUS 09-06-2002 02:32 PM

How insightful... thank you for taking the time to reply something relevant hake:

ninty 09-06-2002 02:34 PM

Anytime buddy. biggrin:

SoLiDUS 09-06-2002 03:29 PM

Last time I ever write more than one paragraph on this board: no one ever
has anything good to say anyway... the only one being Mr. Special Ed, once
in a while, when his head isn't far up his ass.

Well, can't say I didn't try.

bigzooka: SoLiDUS M16:

intrestedviewer 09-06-2002 03:56 PM

CS!!!!! I say th awp is just fine, and i think its awm not awp, arctic warefare magnum. Magnum being the part that kinda makes you die so fast with one shot. Anyways, if played by normal nonhaxors the awp is just fine. Most cant aim worth shitz. Now when there is a hax0r you ca always tell because they will have perfect aim while running sidesteping and jumping, a quality that is not possible in REAL play.
When the new CS comes out i think the awm will have removable nightvision thing.
So what im trying to say is if you play fair with no cheats the you will see the awm drawbacks, but if u H4X0r it is the perfect weapon to piss everyone off.

intrestedviewer 09-06-2002 03:58 PM

wow i cant type biggrin:

Mr.X 09-06-2002 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Last time I ever write more than one paragraph on this board: no one ever
has anything good to say anyway... the only one being Mr. Special Ed, once
in a while, when his head isn't far up his ass.

Well, can't say I didn't try.

bigzooka: SoLiDUS M16:

...awww, here ya go......


Innoxx 09-06-2002 04:25 PM

I can't stand it when like half of your team, or the other team has those awm's that's why i play mostly on servers that don't allow awm's. The thing that has brought me back to cs is custom models/skins, when i played before i never noticed them, i made my cs look like blackhawk down biggrin: . [url:6b5c2][/url:6b5c2]

SoLiDUS 09-06-2002 04:57 PM


geRV 09-06-2002 05:37 PM

Counterstrikes an ok game but i prefer to use ogc varients when im pissing around on a server. Nothings more satisfying than bitchsmacking an awm whore from range with a pistol :D

Tripper 09-06-2002 05:50 PM

Yup I Desert Eagle those damn AWP Biatches....It's a lot of fun, to go out of your way, and spend WHOLE game sessions, tracking down AWPers and making asses of them, by busting a cap with ya D-E!

Innoxx 09-06-2002 06:19 PM

I use the auto shottie to teach them a lesson, you wanna be a real man junior? use a scout. bitch.

Tripper 09-06-2002 09:36 PM

That's Grand.

Pyro 09-06-2002 10:01 PM

I would play CS...if I had a valid cd key...

09-07-2002 02:05 AM

cs suks it's got crap graphix, crappy physics, the guns are unbalanced, there is no team work, and the gameplay is gay all u do is run around kiling as much people as u can in each round.

Innoxx 09-07-2002 02:07 AM

So? i think it is more fun than MOHAA mp, but that's just my opinion.

09-07-2002 02:10 AM

it's all about the graphix it's all just the beauty of the game, the scenery, the models , the lighting, everything in mohaa is betetr then cs exept it's too unique to be fun, the movements are more relaitic, physics are more relistic.

Innoxx 09-07-2002 02:12 AM

You can have shit graphics CS is still the most played online game.

09-07-2002 02:15 AM

cause cs is fun it aint realitic it's just fun to play, and it's still being sold at a price of 30 dollars after about 3 years on teh store shelves cause it's a fun game and people like fun games cause it relieves their stress and offers them a fun action pact adventure

Pyro 09-07-2002 05:52 PM

fuck, I hate the shit mentality that graphics make a day

I believe 2D is by far the best games we have ever had

fuck graphics...gameplay and story rules all

Kraut Killer 09-07-2002 10:32 PM

Good graphics are important, more than you seem to give them credit for, especially when you have a game with a great story. Good/great graphics can really compliment a good story, granted both of these fall apart when the game plays like shit. But, if you ask me... you can all go fuck yourselves. Yeah, you mother fuckers heard me. Hey, will you get the fuck off of the computer you dirty cunt, before I kick you in the box. Oh, implying that I have a fucking pussy are you? Well, I think I'll whip out that Italian sausage of mine and fucking mushroom bruise you. So, you like showing other men your cock? You ass ramming faggot, keep it in your fucking shorts or I'll castrate you. You know you're only threatening castration because you want to have my cock all to yourself. Yeah... that must be it you knob gobling little manwhore, I want to have a decomposing cock that's about as big as a three year old boy's who just got out of the cold pool and has poop dick. We're not talking about your cock here. Oh, that's a good one... did you come up with that all by yourself or did you go to the playground and have a six year old write it for you... before you tried to molest him. You're the one that molests little boys. Oh SHIT! What a comeback, I especially like how I basically just said that, and you reworded it, dumbed it down, and spewed it back out at ME. Yeah well you... Well I... WHAT? You fucking prick, cut your losses and get the FUCK out of here so I can finish what the FUCK I was saying before you so rudely inter FUCKING rupted me............................................... Shit... I forgot what I was going to say. That asshole.

Sicilian_Summers 09-08-2002 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Germ
it's all about the graphix it's all just the beauty of the game, the scenery, the models , the lighting, everything in mohaa is betetr then cs exept it's too unique to be fun, the movements are more relaitic, physics are more relistic.

well, seeing as how CS was based on an engine that is basically the guts of quake 1....they did pretty fucking good, wouldnt you think?

BallisticWookie 09-08-2002 07:51 AM

[quote="Kraut Killer":8a6c7]Good graphics are important, more than you seem to give them credit for, especially when you have a game with a great story. Good/great graphics can really compliment a good story, granted both of these fall apart when the game plays like shit. But, if you ask me... you can all go fuck yourselves. Yeah, you mother fuckers heard me. Hey, will you get the fuck off of the computer you dirty cunt, before I kick you in the box. Oh, implying that I have a fucking pussy are you? Well, I think I'll whip out that Italian sausage of mine and fucking mushroom bruise you. So, you like showing other men your cock? You ass ramming faggot, keep it in your fucking shorts or I'll castrate you. You know you're only threatening castration because you want to have my cock all to yourself. Yeah... that must be it you knob gobling little manwhore, I want to have a decomposing cock that's about as big as a three year old boy's who just got out of the cold pool and has poop dick. We're not talking about your cock here. Oh, that's a good one... did you come up with that all by yourself or did you go to the playground and have a six year old write it for you... before you tried to molest him. You're the one that molests little boys. Oh SHIT! What a comeback, I especially like how I basically just said that, and you reworded it, dumbed it down, and spewed it back out at ME. Yeah well you... Well I... WHAT? You fucking prick, cut your losses and get the FUCK out of here so I can finish what the FUCK I was saying before you so rudely inter FUCKING rupted me............................................... Shit... I forgot what I was going to say. That asshole.[/quote:8a6c7]

LOL biggrin: Love it, every bit of it !!

Back on topic. As far as I'm concerned, CS sucks. Stopped playing it about a year ago and will never go back. DoD shits all over it and America's Army all over it. Raven Shield will be fantastic when it comes out, looking very slick indeed.

The AWM (it is not AWP, I hate it when people call it that) is a very powerful sniper weapon system. Sniper rifles almost always have a higher velocity round and penetration capability then, say, an M16, thats why they are used to take out targets from extreme distance as opposed to say, an M16 (using the 5.56mm round just like the M4 in the game) which has a maximum effective killing range of only 300 -400 metres AND as has been documented problems of penetrating thick clothing in Afghanistan. Add to the fact that the AWM uses a 7.62mm round which has (and I've seen this first hand) the capability of drilling itself through a fairly hefty tree trunk and destroying sturdy brickwalls it's no wonder that the AWM is as lethal a weapon in the game as it is in real life.

Sniper rifles in games will always be more powerful than the assault rifles, accept it. Remember the snipers motto...One shot, one kill. Having to take multiple shots at a target with a sniper rifle would somehow defeat the purpose...would it not ??

intrestedviewer 09-08-2002 12:37 PM

We HAVE to get a game going! biggrin: ill H4x0r joo with my m4a1 ski11z.

geRV 09-08-2002 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by intrestedviewer
We HAVE to get a game going! biggrin: ill H4x0r joo with my m4a1 ski11z.

I'll ha><or you all...literally

/pets his ogc hack ;)

We should get a game going somewhere though for a laugh :)

Mope 09-08-2002 01:00 PM

are you lost? this isn't

intrestedviewer 09-08-2002 01:05 PM

shut up n00b! biggrin:

geRV 09-08-2002 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mope
are you lost? this isn't

yeah its off topic where you talk about ANYTHING u fool. oOo:

09-08-2002 01:26 PM

counter strike has the ugliest character mdoels ive ever seen ugliest crap ever. cant believe cs is still on sale for $29.99, do people actually buy it anymore?

intrestedviewer 09-08-2002 01:31 PM

maybe not that stand alone CS but everyone has half life. biggrin:

09-08-2002 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by intrestedviewer
maybe not that stand alone CS but everyone has half life. biggrin:

not me. i sold my half life cd 3 years ago

SoLiDUS 09-08-2002 03:38 PM

[quote:13ff0]One shot, one kill. Having to take multiple shots at a target with a sniper rifle would somehow defeat the purpose...would it not ??[/quote:13ff0]

You've clearly shown you have no idea why that is the sniper motto.
Substitute the rifle for any other precise weapon and the quote still
applies. Need I explain why ?

If one hit to the leg means death by the AWM in CS, why not one hit
from the assault rifles to the chest ? Any thoughts my well eduMAcated
friend ?

Sicilian_Summers 09-08-2002 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Germ
counter strike has the ugliest character mdoels ive ever seen ugliest crap ever. cant believe cs is still on sale for $29.99, do people actually buy it anymore?

what video card/ resolution do you use?

for myself, the models and skins are quite good. you have to remember how old the engine is.

Innoxx 09-08-2002 06:04 PM






Pretty good for a 5 year old game engine.

Pyro 09-08-2002 08:48 PM


KTOG 09-08-2002 08:55 PM

Those skins aren't in game thought

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