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Recycled Spooge 09-13-2002 02:08 AM

Rants, Complaints, and So On - *Post Here*
In order for the moderators to get tighter control of the Off Topic section of the forum, and for the moderators to be more "just", I have invented this section so that the forum "commoners" can help the moderators. :) If one in the forum sees someone braking the forum rules, this person may complaint or rant about that given person in this thread.

The rules of this thread are as follows:
1. One must give the USERNAME of the given person.
2. One must give the EXACT NUMBER of the rule that is broken by the given person. The number must be taken from the "FORUM RULES" posted by Ballistic Wookie.
3. One must give reasons how the given person is braking that rule.
4. One must provide LINKS TO THE ACTUAL THREADS where that rule is broken.
5. All posts not given in this format will be ignored. Everything must be very uniform.
Format being:
1. Username
2: # of Rule
3: Reason why rule is broken
4:Link to thread
6. If one does not want to post the rant here: please Private Message me. Same format applies in the Private Message.
7. One can also post a link to a thread if EVERYONE is out of control.
8. One must also provide reasons why the thread must be closed.
Format being:
1. Link to thread
2. Reason why the thread should be closed
8. All posts about threads not given in this format will be ignored. Everything must be very uniform.
9. ***Do not post technical problems on this thread. If one has technical problem, one should email Badscript.***

So what is the general reason for this?:
1. If given person is cought doing naughty things many times-you will have the honor of me emailing Badscript about banning this person. Great, no?
2. A thread will be closed.
3. You will get a reply from me, or other mods if they choose to, on this thread, that your accusation is unjust.

Anyway, this is a fun little sociological experiment I'm doing. If the other mods want to play as judges too, what the hell, you're all welcome too.

Hopefully this will help!


Old Reliable 09-13-2002 04:30 PM

That Old Reliable character has broken every rule..what a fucktard

Pfc.Green 09-13-2002 06:17 PM

one name...Ed.

Arkan 09-16-2002 11:20 AM

Holy shit, are you kidding me? Thats waaaaay too much work than i want to do!! The last thing i want to do on my "leisurely time" is to play moderator. Thats why i'll leave it up to you!!

Hey, i think i broke a rule a matter of fact, i'm quite certain i did!!......oops. angel:

09-16-2002 03:18 PM

One name Ballwook evil: evil: evil: evil: evil:

09-16-2002 03:19 PM

One name Ballwook!!!!

Tripper 09-26-2002 03:00 PM

1:Droog the 2nd
2:the one that says dont spam
3:he double posted a dumb comment that doesn't make sense, and it wasn't an accident cause he is dumb.
4:right here.

Data 09-27-2002 06:07 AM

2.Should be a forum rule but doesnt exsist there.
3. He is asking for cheats 3 times for multiplayer

BallisticWookie 09-27-2002 06:15 AM

[quote="Droog the 2nd":c0791]One name Ballwook evil: evil: evil: evil: evil:[/quote:c0791]

Oh you're too much..... hake:

Recycled Spooge 09-27-2002 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Data
2.Should be a forum rule but doesnt exsist there.
3. He is asking for cheats 3 times for multiplayer

I'll inform Badscript and see what he says.

10-05-2002 02:19 PM

wookie breaking his own rules

rule #4 - there are a great deal of people here who make it there mission to piss people off. I dont like it, and
the Vets around here dont like it either. ( ... p?t=146264)

rule #8, this part - Don't start flame wars for the sake of starting them( ... 8&start=15)

i may think too much of this but wookie seems to always have somethign to say about me, and threatening to delete every post and any post i ever made/make

BallisticWookie 10-06-2002 12:59 AM

And you always have something to say about me.

I'm not going threaten you or delete your posts, I couldnt be fucked. Why dont you shut the fuck up, I'll shut the fuck up aswell, and then we can both be happy. How about that champ ?

As I said, you broke these rules yourself in the past (and dont say you didnt, because you would be a fucking liar) and I wasnt starting a flame war, just being a smartass like you are to me.

It's funny you know. You can give me shit, but I cant give you shit back. What a strange, strange world.

Pyro 10-06-2002 01:35 AM

See. by you giving can't "get in trouble" with mods being you are one.

Everything you do, you won't have any reprecutions...we will.

Just anti said a thread was awesome...and you made a joke, i'm sure at that moment he didn't say anything to you, meaning you started it.

BallisticWookie 10-06-2002 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
See. by you giving can't "get in trouble" with mods being you are one.

Everything you do, you won't have any reprecutions...we will.

Just anti said a thread was awesome...and you made a joke, i'm sure at that moment he didn't say anything to you, meaning you started it.

Oh, I can get in trouble, from BadScript.

There's repercussion's, there is always repercussion's. Notice I typed it twice so you know how to spell it next time.

Yeah, he said the thread was awesome, and I made a joke ?? Your point ??

Wow, I started it. I'm glad you were here to tell us this, otherwise I dont think we would have ever worked that out.

Guess what, I put up with this crap on this forum day in day out, more than you or Anti Hero ever do, so I dont care if your heartstrings a pulling for Anti at the moment. I really dont.

All I can say is that I'm human, and it's basic human impulse to be an asshole from time to time. This is my time.

Public Service Announcement: Nothing against you personally Pyro, I'm just being an asshole, still like ya bud, even though you probably dont care much for me right now. Just feel like venting for an undetermined amount of time.

Pyro 10-06-2002 02:00 AM

I don't know how to spell every word, I do try to keep my spelling and grammar noticable so that you can at least understand the word, which you obviouslly did.

BS is here what once every 6 months.

I'm not pulling for anyone, just in the post I am basing this on, you started it, that's all.

BallisticWookie 10-06-2002 02:05 AM

Public Service Announcement: Nothing against you personally Pyro, or anyone else for that matter, except for those I call pricks. I'm just being an asshole, still like ya bud, even though you probably dont care much for me right now. Just feel like venting for an undetermined amount of time.

To do some "moderating" now, this isnt the right place for this discussion. Gotta continue it ?? Keep continuing in the place of instigation, ie, the thread that was/is "awesome".

10-06-2002 11:44 AM

maybe if ur going to act liek this u shouldnt be a mod. that way u dont have to worry about the bullshit, and no one will care what u say.

BallisticWookie 10-06-2002 08:48 PM

Maybe if you didnt act like a dick when you first came here I wouldnt have a problem with you ?? How about that ? Now shut the fuck up, and as I said (if following simple instructions isnt too hard for you) you can continue this in the thread in which this all started. This isnt the place for it. Capiche ??

10-06-2002 09:03 PM

leave him alone kids. hes drunk on his own power oOo:

BallisticWookie 10-06-2002 09:19 PM

......Well that was profound.

Rabid-Peanut 10-08-2002 05:00 PM

well, i guess these rules are posted to either specify the violation or to root out the ones that people dont have time to write about or just arnt angry enough..................gotta be pretty angry to do all that......!!!!!!!! oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: biggrin: M16: M16: M16: M16:

Rabid-Peanut 10-08-2002 05:12 PM

(rabid-peanut cringes in a fetal position believing he may have acidentally got caught in the crossfire between wookie and anti hero!) ahhhhhhhhh oOo:

10-08-2002 10:40 PM

my fire stopped along time ago. i retreated after wookie threatened to delete every post i would ever try and make

BallisticWookie 10-09-2002 11:44 PM

LOL, I would put that one under "empty threat" anti. oOo:

I couldnt be bothered deleting all your posts, would take too much of my time up, and besides, I really dont have a problem with you anymore....same goes for Ed.

Albow0001 10-10-2002 07:19 PM

My fingers hurt

Is that a complaint?

And seriously, wookie, ur turning this thread into a flame fest. If you just STOP responding, this stupidity (on BOTH sides) will just poof away...just walk away form the convo without saying anything, eh mate?
BTW i blame YOU wook because ur the only one who seems to have the sense to do anything about it mate

Sicilian_Summers 10-10-2002 07:51 PM

No offense to either Anti Hero, or BW, but both of you should really just give up this petty arguement.. Life is too short for such things, and this is the internet after all. :)

BallisticWookie 10-10-2002 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Albow0001
My fingers hurt

Is that a complaint?

And seriously, wookie, ur turning this thread into a flame fest. If you just STOP responding, this stupidity (on BOTH sides) will just poof away...just walk away form the convo without saying anything, eh mate?
BTW i blame YOU wook because ur the only one who seems to have the sense to do anything about it mate

[quote:d8239]No offense to either Anti Hero, or BW, but both of you should really just give up this petty arguement.. Life is too short for such things, and this is the internet after all. :)[/quote:d8239]

No offense to either of you but...."Boo fucking Hoo" ??

This argument has ended.

Seems as if the only people keeping it going are the ones that keep coming back (who werent involved in the first place) to add more to it when I was quite content with it being over. Dont blame me for keeping it going when you reply a day after when no-one had anything else to add.

And if it's still continuing....why should I walk away without using that God given right of sticking up for myself ? I'm not going to retreat. I could just lock the thread, but what would that prove ?? That I cant hack it ?? Fuck that. May work for you guys, but not for me. As I said, I have no problem with Anti Hero anymore, I'm fucking over it, the same goes for Ed. They may dislike me still, but that would be their fucking problem wouldnt it ??

Albow0001 10-10-2002 09:52 PM

Alright well here's a mighty fine suggestion, MATE.

Shut the FUCK up...

Jesus Christ...all you do is come on the forums and PMS all ur useless shit off on everyone. Like we don't have enough problems with noobs that we need a mod going around acting like a whiny 15 year old fucking teenager.

Christ wook, you should be older than this. I just read this FUCKING thread, and i think u need to seriously rethink the way you interact with people you whiny little bitch. Christ man, i expect so much more from you than to be bashing noobs about in the off topic thread. You're so much smarter than this you knob...why don't you know when to walk away? You know damn right i meant you should've walked away in the first place

Is it MY GODDAMN FAULT i don't follow every goddamn post you make like it's heavenly scripture...excuse me for not knowing this post was a WHOLE FUCKING day old, alright mate?

Now it sounds like u need to seriously consider backing away from the forums awhile...this is not the first and sure as hell doesn't seem to be the last time u'll just be a real bitch on this forum. You want to give me hell, go ahead. But don't get so FUCKING bitchy because i don't know a topic is a day FUCKING old when it's a sticky, alright?

Good god, we go back...u and i, i thought we had a level of decency...but if you so easily throw away a common layer of decency to make urself feel better about having such a gigantic stick up your ass and bringing it in front of us all to have to deal with, you sure as hell need to take break from modding a while man.

All decency and respect to you Ballistic Wookie, you're a good man, but i will not sit back and take shit from you when u know so much better. I've taken enough shit from other people. getting lippy with me, what happened to you old friend?

Innoxx 10-10-2002 10:08 PM

I'd have to agree with you there alb, i joined during the demo rush back in november and I kinda missed the good ol' days. I respect ballwook as a moderator, but sometimes we all just need a little break, pretty soon we will have two new mods, i think you [ballwook] should take a little time away from these forums, think of it as a sabbatical, and i bet when you come back you will be a way better mod.

BallisticWookie 10-11-2002 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Albow0001
Alright well here's a mighty fine suggestion, MATE.

Shut the FUCK up...

Jesus Christ...all you do is come on the forums and PMS all ur useless shit off on everyone. Like we don't have enough problems with noobs that we need a mod going around acting like a whiny 15 year old fucking teenager.

Christ wook, you should be older than this. I just read this FUCKING thread, and i think u need to seriously rethink the way you interact with people you whiny little bitch. Christ man, i expect so much more from you than to be bashing noobs about in the off topic thread. You're so much smarter than this you knob...why don't you know when to walk away? You know damn right i meant you should've walked away in the first place

Is it MY GODDAMN FAULT i don't follow every goddamn post you make like it's heavenly scripture...excuse me for not knowing this post was a WHOLE FUCKING day old, alright mate?

Now it sounds like u need to seriously consider backing away from the forums awhile...this is not the first and sure as hell doesn't seem to be the last time u'll just be a real bitch on this forum. You want to give me hell, go ahead. But don't get so FUCKING bitchy because i don't know a topic is a day FUCKING old when it's a sticky, alright?

Good god, we go back...u and i, i thought we had a level of decency...but if you so easily throw away a common layer of decency to make urself feel better about having such a gigantic stick up your ass and bringing it in front of us all to have to deal with, you sure as hell need to take break from modding a while man.

All decency and respect to you Ballistic Wookie, you're a good man, but i will not sit back and take shit from you when u know so much better. I've taken enough shit from other people. getting lippy with me, what happened to you old friend?

PMS my shit ?? As of the last few days, I've been acting like everybody else who has a problem with me, or just likes being a pain in the ass has been acting toward me. Guess what...THEY DIDNT LIKE IT. Big goddamn shock there. I do my job to the best of my ability and I get shit on because some "noob" doesnt agree with how things are run here. Frankly, I'm sick of it. If I could, all the people who have had a problem with the way things work around here (or more accurately, DONT work around here) would have been banned a LONG time ago.

All I ask is that people follow the rules and use a little bit of common sense and decency when they post. They take a detour around the Rules and continue on their merry way like it's open day and you can do whatever the hell you like. This really fries my ass. It's a pretty simple request really. Read the rules, and abide by them. It gets very tedious when I have to lock threads and delete posts which so clearly show a complete lack of respect and knowledge for the rules and have no power to enforce them. Has that gotten under my skin ? You're goddamn right it has. As someone who has moderated (or really, just overlooked and locked and deleted where I thought it was neccessary, no real moderation at all) for longer than most people have known about this place it pisses me off that this "community" has turned into, basically, a pile shit with no structure at all.

So, I get angry and pissy at you guys. Yeah, I do. Because I see no help at all from the other "Vets". Do you guys try and help us out at all by guiding those stray and obviously blind souls towards doing the right thing ?? Rarely. Most times you joke away with them, disregarding the rules of this forum and totally negating any real influence you or we (the moderators) have or should I say, had over those not in the know or those that dont wish to be in the know.

The last few days, I have been doing NO moderating at all. Havent locked a thread, edited a post....NOTHING. I continue to post, be it rarely, when I'm between doing better things with my time, and still trying to get under peoples skin as they have to me. Maybe you guys will start to realise this isnt an easy job when nobody throws you a freaking bone.

Did I mean to act like a complete and utter fuckhead to you ?? No, I didnt, and I'm sorry for that. Please accept my apology. The last thing I want to do is fuck up a friendship with an old friend like you. Boot me up the ass again if you feel it would do any good. You tell me I should be older than this ?? Well, I think that goes for everybody on this whole fucking forum. The one time I act free of any higher position or post I get my balls hacked off. Why cant it be like this for the rest of you ?? Go to almost any other forum, and half of the threads like the ones posted here would be locked with a few seconds and the poster banned, simple as that. I've loosened my hold on the forum. I'm just watching how it goes now, maybe people are starting to come around and will start posting with some brains again, like in the old days. I can only hope.

[quote:1ac81]All decency and respect to you Ballistic Wookie, you're a good man, but i will not sit back and take shit from you when u know so much better. I've taken enough shit from other people. getting lippy with me, what happened to you old friend?[/quote:1ac81]

Now you know how I feel everytime someone thinks I'm being unfair or cruel in the way I "moderate" this place. I love ya man, truly I do, and I'm sorry for what I said. You've taken enough shit from other people....put yourself in my place, try to keep this place running smoothly, and begin to see where I am coming from. I took my anger out on you, and I didnt mean it....sorry.

[quote:1ac81]...but i will not sit back and take shit from you when u know so much better.[/quote:1ac81]

Just like I wont take shit from any number of teenagers on here who havnt seen a hard day in their life. Yeah I do know better, and I will do better from now on, because I dont want to destroy another friendship, like I possibly have with you, again.

Once again I'm sorry.

Albow0001 10-11-2002 11:59 PM

Alls good mate...

You know me, if i wasn't quick to temper i wouldn't have half the posts i have now lol...

My friend Steve, i've known him since way back in grade 2, his girlfriend has been this incredible bitch to him since they started going out like 2 years ago. Some nasty things have happened, and i dare not say "between them", because it has ALL been her doing stuff to him.
Steve's a REALLY religious guy, and i hate seeing him get stepped on a run over for a woman who destroys his life on a weekly basis. She flirts off with other guys while he has to sit back and get yelled at because it's his fault she can't sleep with other guys or something.

So finally he grew some balls and told her to fuck off two days ago, and then yesterday his girlfriend coaxed him back to her. Then she proceeded to write neatly typed, up tight emails to all of us about how it was all our fault steve was suffering so, because we were torturing him and trying to pull him apart from her when it was obvious he couldn't survive without her, and then she proceeded to A)tell us we were never allowed to talk about either of them again, and B)Tell us that she was NOT a controlling bitch and everything will be fine for steve if we do what she says

Steve and i are close as fucking BROTHERS, and i can't bear to see how hard it hit him this time, and frankly, around the time i got around to reading your response, i was also just finished reading amber's letter to me. Suffice it to say, i was not in the mood to listen to other people telling me just what to do, and hell wook, ur a big lovable's so much easier to attack people on the internet than on real life, no?

Ur a good man wookie, and god knows you deserve to be modding more than anyone else, but when it comes to timing some men poke sleeping dingos in the eye mate...

What say we forget this all happened and settle it over a pint ;)

BallisticWookie 10-12-2002 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Albow0001
Alls good mate...

You know me, if i wasn't quick to temper i wouldn't have half the posts i have now lol...

My friend Steve, i've known him since way back in grade 2, his girlfriend has been this incredible bitch to him since they started going out like 2 years ago. Some nasty things have happened, and i dare not say "between them", because it has ALL been her doing stuff to him.
Steve's a REALLY religious guy, and i hate seeing him get stepped on a run over for a woman who destroys his life on a weekly basis. She flirts off with other guys while he has to sit back and get yelled at because it's his fault she can't sleep with other guys or something.

So finally he grew some balls and told her to fuck off two days ago, and then yesterday his girlfriend coaxed him back to her. Then she proceeded to write neatly typed, up tight emails to all of us about how it was all our fault steve was suffering so, because we were torturing him and trying to pull him apart from her when it was obvious he couldn't survive without her, and then she proceeded to A)tell us we were never allowed to talk about either of them again, and B)Tell us that she was NOT a controlling bitch and everything will be fine for steve if we do what she says

Steve and i are close as fucking BROTHERS, and i can't bear to see how hard it hit him this time, and frankly, around the time i got around to reading your response, i was also just finished reading amber's letter to me. Suffice it to say, i was not in the mood to listen to other people telling me just what to do, and hell wook, ur a big lovable's so much easier to attack people on the internet than on real life, no?

Ur a good man wookie, and god knows you deserve to be modding more than anyone else, but when it comes to timing some men poke sleeping dingos in the eye mate...

What say we forget this all happened and settle it over a pint ;)

freak: freak: freak:

What I said was after a moment of pure fucked off bliss aswell, I'm sorry. And yeah, it is easier to attack someone on the internet than in real life wink:, dont we all know that biggrin:

You too are a good man, when I ever get my ass to Canadia I'll take you up on that pint.....I'll buy the first 10 rounds wink:

Sorry about your friend too....I know that type of woman well, get your mate away from her, and do it as soon as you can. She is obviously not worth spit.

Pyro 10-12-2002 01:20 AM

... you two are weird ... but I guess that's a good thing

BallisticWookie 10-12-2002 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
... you two are weird ... but I guess that's a good thing

Thankyou for sharing that with us.....I think.

con Brio 10-15-2002 12:30 AM

girly thread......... oOo:

Pfc.Green 10-15-2002 09:19 AM

Con Brio......... oOo:

ninty 10-26-2002 04:32 PM


Pyro 10-26-2002 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9

shit, he just complained about himself

ninty 10-26-2002 04:34 PM

Creative Pyro. eek:

=BA-MF=LoneGunner65=2nd=c 10-28-2002 10:25 AM

Creates there for he is.

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