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[HARDCO.]Bravo1[GEN] 01-07-2003 10:46 PM

Private slots????

Our Clan has just got a dedy server and there r 16 slots on it and 6 off them r reserved for private clients [clan members]
But i have a problem if i join first how can i take up a private slot not a public 1 as at the mo all we can get on server is 10 gamers and then clan can join on private because the public ones r full please help bigzooka: M16: oOo:

MPowell1944 01-07-2003 10:52 PM

you have to set the server password. then when a clan member comes on, they type password xxx in the console, then they connect. then they fill one of the private slots.

[HARDCO.]Bravo1[GEN] 01-07-2003 11:11 PM

can you put the command in m8 please

i have tryed
joining by gamespy but befor it connects click back your back yop menu screen in spearhead bring consol in type
password **** [press enter]
reconnect [press enter]

and this takes up a public sold if there r still some avalible if not then it will take a private 1 what am i doin wrong

here is the .cfg
// Sample Team-Based server config file.

// Server Name
// Name that will appear on the server browser
sv_hostname "[Tryouts]"

// Game Type
// 1 Free for All
// 2 Team Based
// 3 Round Based
// 4 Objective
// 5 Tug Of War
set g_gametype 2
set rconpassword [hc]

// Health Drop
// When enabled players will drop a health pack when killed
set g_healthdrop 1

// Realism
// Toggles reaslistic mode
set g_realismmode 0

// Fast Run Speed
// When checked, the speed at which players can run through levels is increased.
// Leaving it unchecked defaults to Medal of Honor Allied Assault's original run speed
set sv_dmspeedmult 1.100000

// Team Damage
// Toggles friendly fire
set g_teamdamage 0

// Heal Rate
// Determines how fast players heal when they use a health pickup
set g_healrate 10

// Max Players
set sv_maxclients 16

// Time Limit
// This sets the elapsed time at which the game ends, the winner being the player with the highest score at that time.
timelimit 20

// Frag Limit
// The score at which the player or team will win the current map.
fraglimit 100

// Map Rotation Time
// This sets the maximum amount of time in minutes players will spend in a particular map.
maprotationtime 20

// Team Spawn Delay
// This sets a delay in seconds between spawns. This is useful if you would like the
// player spawned in batches, rather than one at a time
set sv_team_spawn_interval 0

// Round Reset Time
// This sets how long each round will take, in minutes. This can be smaller than the map rotation time, but not larger.
roundlimit 30

// Inactive Spectate
// This sets the time in seconds after which an inactive player becomes a spectator. To save server bandwidth, 60 seconds is default.
set g_inactivespectate 60

// Inactive Kick
// This sets the time in seconds after which an inactive player is kicked out of the game. 900 (15 minutes) seconds is default.
set g_inactivekick 900

// Use Gamespy
// To use GameSpy gaming service for internet-based multiplayer games.
// If this is 0, players will not be able to see your server via the in-game browser nor gamespy arcade.
set sv_gamespy 1

// Pure
// Verifies that the files on the client are the same as those on the server.
set sv_pure 0

// Allow Vote
// Enables players to call a vote.
set g_allowvote 1

// Flood Protect
// Limits amount of text a player can type
set sv_floodprotect 1

// Forces players to only be able to spectate behind their own team.
set g_forceteamspectate 1

// dmflags -- flags that can be set in the dmflags variable.
// DF_NO_HEALTH (1 << 0)
// DF_NO_POWERUPS (1 << 1)
// DF_WEAPONS_STAY (1 << 2)
// DF_NO_FALLING (1 << 3)
// DF_INSTANT_ITEMS (1 << 4)
// DF_SAME_LEVEL (1 << 5)
// DF_NO_ARMOR (1 << 11)
// DF_INFINITE_AMMO (1 << 14)
// DF_NO_FOOTSTEPS (1 << 17)
// DF_ALLOW_LEAN (1 << 18)
// DF_GERMAN_SHOTGUN (1 << 20)
set dmflags 0

// Invulnerable Time
// Amount of time (in seconds) a player is invulnerable for after spawning (default=3 seconds)
set sv_invulnerabletime 3

// Team Kill Warning
// Amount of team kills before the player is warned
set g_teamkillwarn 3

// Team Kill Kick
// Amount of team kills before the player is kicked off the server.
set g_teamkillkick 5

// Team Switch Delay
// Frequency at which you can switch teams
set g_teamswitchdelay 15

// Allow Join Time
set g_allowjointime 30

// Private Clients
// Clients that require a password to join
set sv_privateclients 6

// Password
// Allows you to set a password for the server
set sv_privatepassword "****"

// Keywords
// Keywords which allow browsers to filter servers.
set sv_keywords ""

// Net Port
set net_port 12203

// Minimum Ping to allow clients to join with. 0 means anyone
set sv_minping 0

// Maximum Ping to allow clients to join with. 0 means anyone
set sv_maxping 250

// Maximum Rate
set sv_maxrate 0

// Map
// Starting map on the rotation.
map "dm/MP_Brest_DM"

// Map Rotation List
sv_maplist "dm/MP_Brest_DM dm/MP_Stadt_DM dm/MP_Verschneit_DM dm/MP_Gewitter_DM dm/MP_Holland_DM dm/MP_Bazaar_DM "

// Default to no-sprint and original Allied Assault runspeed
sv_sprinton 0
sv_runspeed 250 // spearhead runspeed is 287

MPowell1944 01-07-2003 11:22 PM

to set the passord, i believe that the command is, set sv_password "xxx". that should do it.

{-BaH-} The High Kid 01-08-2003 01:01 AM

No. Just open console and type "set password xxx"

Bazooka_Joe 01-08-2003 01:29 AM

First of all, let's clean up your .CFG files. All of the lines with "//" are not needed, they are just tips on what each line does. If you'd rather keep them, that's ok, too. But they annoy me because there's alot of text that seperates the actual code. So here:

[code:8722a]sv_hostname "[Tryouts]"
set g_gametype 2

set g_healthdrop 1
set g_realismmode 0
set sv_dmspeedmult 1.100000
set g_teamdamage 0
set g_healrate 10

set sv_maxclients 16
set rconpassword "******"
set sv_privateclients 6
set sv_privatepassword "****"

timelimit 20
fraglimit 100
maprotationtime 20
set sv_team_spawn_interval 0
roundlimit 30
set g_inactivespectate 60
set g_inactivekick 900

set sv_gamespy 1
set sv_pure 0
set g_allowvote 1
set sv_floodprotect 1
set g_forceteamspectate 1
set dmflags 0
set sv_invulnerabletime 3
set g_teamkillwarn 3
set g_teamkillkick 5
set g_teamswitchdelay 15
set g_allowjointime 30

set sv_keywords ""
set net_port 12203
set sv_minping 0
set sv_maxping 250
set sv_maxrate 0

map "dm/MP_Brest_DM"

sv_maplist "dm/MP_Brest_DM dm/MP_Stadt_DM dm/MP_Verschneit_DM dm/MP_Gewitter_DM dm/MP_Holland_DM dm/MP_Bazaar_DM"

sv_sprinton 0
sv_runspeed 250[/code:8722a]

Now, let's concentrate on the main parts that you are asking about:

[code:8722a]set sv_maxclients 16
set rconpassword "******"
set sv_privateclients 6
set sv_privatepassword "****"[/code:8722a]

Now, you have this set right. Let's say the password is "index". Here's what you do:

If you want to join the server as a private slot:
1) Open MOH, goto the options, and make sure Console is checkmarked.
2) If you normally join the game using an IP address, or the In-Game browser, you will need to press the tilde key (~) to bring up the console.
3) Type in: password index, then press enter. This will set the password as index to ANY server you should join, so make sure you join the correct one.
4) Join your server and you will be using a private slot.

If you want your clanmates to join those slots when it's full, have them do the same procedure. If you need any information on how to join a game using All-Seeing Eye or Gamespy, goto and read the guides for more info on how to do this. Good luck!

[HARDCO.]Bravo1[GEN] 01-08-2003 05:07 AM

ok but how do you do this if you use gamespy i.e.

you find the server you click on it and then it connect you straight to game

what we have bin doing is on the connecting screen clickin back so it goes to mohaash menu the consol then type

password ***** [enter]
reconnect [enter]

this still puts you on a public slot
why ??????????? happy: happy:

Bazooka_Joe 01-08-2003 09:34 AM

Like I said, goto

read here: [url:55835][/url:55835]

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