ninty |
05-01-2003 11:14 PM |
I want to express my opinion, and keep in mind that I don't live in the USA, but I would still like to contribute.
First let me say that I have never been to Georgia. I'll name the states that I ahev if that matters: Washington, Montana, Oregon, California, Arizona, Idaho, Nevada and Utah.
Anyway, when I look on TV and on the internet with all the wars and such it makes you glad to live in a nice part of the world. I think we can all agree that North America and Europe are the "better" places to live in terms of stability freedoms and such. First world countries seem to try to help out a lot of 3rd world countries. For example Aids in Africa and that sort of thing, as well as liberating populations and trying to get people on their feet. Sometimes it almost seems like were finished with our own coutries, that we ahve solved all the problems here, and now we can solve everyone elses problems.
Now I can't really say that what I see and hear and read are true from the Southern states since i've never been there. it seems ironic to me that th USA fought for the freedom of slaves, and here we are today still with discrimination. And i'm not saying this just happens in the states, it happens here as well. There is a big problem with the Native Indians. What happened is we just totally seperated them from the rest of us. Well, not us but hundreds of years ago. Native indiaans live on reserves where they don't haev to pay taxes, have their own schools and get money from the govt.
You know what? I'm not sure what i'm even trying to say. I just really bothered me reading that.
Deep down I think ALL people are racist to some degree. The only persons who aren't are blind and deaf. Everyone can see the difference between a white and a black person. We judge people upon the way they look. If they carry a skateboard or listen to rap music, we all pass judgements.
I'll admit that when I see some black people lsitening to rap music and wearing bandannas I immediatley draw conclusions about them. I don't think I can help it. These images are embedded in our society.
I just can't understand why things like this still happen. But regardless of why, I think anytime you put two different "cultures" or groups together, you'll always have this rift between the two.