ninty |
06-03-2003 02:15 AM |
Freestyle Contest
Tonight was my buddys birthday so we took him to a bar downtown where they haev cheap drinks. Also not many places are open on Monday night, so we didn't have much of a choice in where to go. We got to this place and it was pretty much deserted, maybe 50 people in this small place. Anyway, about 50% of the people there were black, and the other 49% were wiggers with bandannas who looked like eminem. Me and my three buddies were the out of place people. Turns out it was freestyle night. Some black dude came up to me and asked me if I could freestyle. oOo:
Anyway, it wa funny as shit. Half the time you couldn't understand what they were saying and the other half they were sewaring at the other guy they were facing. This 5"6' White Canadian/Lebanese kid won. His name was pharo like the pharo of Egypt kind of thing. He shot down every blast he got. He was amazing to beable to make shit up on the spot like that. He had some awesome cusses.
If you can go to one of these things, do, even if you don't like rap and that shit, i don't, but it was funny as hell watching these guys. Although all they talked about was shooting, raping and killing the other guy and his family.