Capt. Sizemore |
06-12-2003 11:24 AM |
I added the spawn popper mod to my server Suess's Soldiers. The map was Berlin on TDM. Good map right. So I spawn in the Allied spawn zone. And I am truckin'. I am passing the Duece and a half. I am bookin' acrosst the bridge and I notice something on my right...doesnt look Alied...I notice something on my right that doesnt look Allied either.... I stop pull out my Thompson and as soon as I stop the KRADSHUTZEN on my left passes me turns and basically says 0H 5H1+. He gets mowwed down as the SS on my left says HMMM thats Allied gunfire.... He turns and I mow him down too. Im standing on the bridge and LIKE WHOA! SO yeah this not only happened once but about 5 times. So yeah I need to remove tha mod until they come out with a newer version with better spawn point "popping".