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Breakthrough demo has been released
Check the front page for the link to a non subscription site
Here is the readme: ================================================== ================ Medal of Honor Allied Assault(tm) Breakthrough Demo Version 1.0 Read Me File August 29, 2003 ================================================== ================ Thank you for downloading the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo. ================================================== ================ Installation Instructions ================================================== ================ To install the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo: 1) Browse to the file you downloaded and extract its contents. 2) One of the extracted files is "Setup.exe". 3) Double mouse-click "Setup.exe". 4) Follow the instructions that appear, to install the demo. ================================================== ================ Uninstalling Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo ================================================== ================ Windows 95,98, and ME To uninstall the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo: 1) Bring up your Start Menu. 2) Choose "Settings". 3) Choose "Control Panel". 4) Choose "Add/Remove Programs" 5) Highlight "Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo" and click the "Add/Remove..." button in the lower right. 6) Follow the instructions that appear, to uninstall the demo. You can also uninstall the following way: 1) Bring up your Start Menu. 2) Choose "Programs". 3) Choose "EA GAMES". 4) Choose "Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo" 5) Click on "Uninstall MOHAAS Multiplayer Demo" Windows XP: Home Edition and Professional To uninstall the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer demo: 1) Bring up your Start Menu. 2) Choose "Settings". 3) Choose "Control Panel". 4) Choose "Add/Remove Programs" 5) Highlight "Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo" and click the "Remove" button below its name. 6) Follow the instructions that appear, to uninstall the demo. ================================================== ================ Gameplay Instructions ================================================== ================ All controls are available and customizable from the "Controls" Menu accessible from the Main Menu. Here is a breakdown of the default controls. FUNCTION: KEY/MOUSE USED Primary Attack: Left mouse button Secondary Attack: Right mouse button Reload: r Move Forward: w Move Backward: s Strafe Left: a Strafe Right: d Use: e Jump/Stand Up: Space Crouch: Left Ctrl Turn Left: Move mouse left Turn Right: Move mouse right Look Up: Move mouse up Look Down: Move mouse down Run/Walk: Left Shift Next Weapon: Mouse Wheel Up Previous Weapon: Mouse Wheel Down Holster Weapon: q Pistol (Colt 45): 1 Rifle (Springfield): 2 SMG (Thompson): 3 MG (BAR): 4 Grenade: 5 Heavy (Panzerschreck): 6 Binoculars: 7 Important Notes: -Health Packs Make sure to either walk into or center your view on and activate the "use" key on these items when in need of health. Health packs are rectangles with a red cross and restore a large amount of health. They appear next to dead bodies in multiplayer. -Mounted Machine Gun There is a mounted machine gun that you can walk up to and activate with the "use" key. To stop using this mounted gun, type the "use" key again. -Secondary Attack Most weapons use the secondary attack. Sniper Rifle zooms and grenades are thrown a much shorter distance with secondary attack. Other weapons bash as a secondary attack. ================================================== ================ System Requirements ================================================== ================ MINIMUM CONFIGURATION Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows 98, or Windows 95 (Windows NT is not supported) 733 MHz Intel Pentium III or 700 MHz AMD Athlon processor 128 MB RAM 8x CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive 300 MB free hard disk space 16 MB OpenGL capable video card using an NVIDIA GeForce, ATI Radeon, NVIDIA Riva TNT2, ATI Rage 128 or PowerVR3 Kyro II chipset with OpenGL and DirectX 8.0 compatible driver DirectX 8.0 compatible sound card Keyboard Mouse RECOMMENDED 1 GHz or faster Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor 32 MB or greater supported OpenGL capable video card with OpenGL and DirectX 8.0 compatible driver The following 16MB or greater 3D accelerators are not fully supported and do not work properly with the game: -3Dfx Voodoo 4 and 5 No intro movies play. Various textures are corrupted. Breakable windows are opaque until broken. Once broken they have a corrupted texture. -3Dfx Voodoo 3 Various textures are corrupted. Breakable windows are opaque until broken. Once broken they have a corrupted texture. Transparent red bomb placements are invisible. -3Dfx Voodoo Banshee cards -Matrox G400 and G450 Frame rate is often below 10 frames per second even at the lowest video settings. Level load times are longer than normal. -Nvidia Vanta These older cards yield a frame rate that is often below 10 frames per second even at the lowest video settings. -PowerVR NEON 250 cards: Video Logic PowerVR Neon 250 -S3 Savage 2000 cards: Diamond Viper II -S3 Savage 4 cards: Diamond Stealth III S540 Diamond Stealth III S540 Extreme -SiS 300 cards The following sound card isn't supported: -Ensoniq SoundScape PNP The following sound cards have known problems: -Diamond Monster Sound MX 400 Requires turning off "DirectSound Acceleration" in the driver. See the detailed explanation under "Troubleshooting." -Creative Labs Audigy Currently hardware acceleration for this card does not work correctly. ================================================== ================ Hard Drive Space ================================================== ================ 210 MB of free hard drive space is required to install the demo. Additionally, Windows will require its own free hard drive space for its operating system (virtual memory). The amount of space required varies from 100 MB to 250 MB. If you have less than 250 MB free space you may encounter the following message in an error dialog: "Ran out of virtual memory" If you encounter this message, free up some hard drive space. ================================================== ================ Running Demo with GameSpy Arcade ================================================== ================ How to Play Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo in GameSpy Arcade: You can play Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo online through GameSpy Arcade, which comes conveniently bundled with the demo. Once you have installed GameSpy Arcade do the following: Launch GameSpy Arcade and go to the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo Room: Click on the GameSpy Arcade link in your Start Menu. When the software starts, you’ll see a list of games and more along the left-hand side. Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo Room will appear on the left under the “Demos” heading. There’s plenty to do, but there’s time for that later: Click on the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo button on the left to enter the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo room. It will appear under the DEMOS listings. Find and Join a Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo Server: Once you’re in the Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo room you can meet or greet other players and find servers. The top half of the application will list all of the available servers, including the number of people playing and your connection speed (measured by something called “ping.” The lower your ping, the better.) Double-click on a server of your choice to join. Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo will launch and automatically connect you to the server you selected. Let the fun begin! Problems? If you have problems using Arcade, whether installing the program, registering it, or using it in conjunction with Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Multiplayer Demo, consult our help pages, located at http://www.gamespyarcade.com/help/ or e-mail us by using the form located at http://www.gamespyarcade.com/support/contact.asp. ================================================== ================ MineSweepers & Land Mines ================================================== ================ The mine detector (and the German Minensuchgerat) can be used to plant land mines in appropriate terrain. When the player is standing still over sand, dirt, gravel, snow and grass using the primary fire button will cause a land mine to be placed. Within three seconds the land mine will be buried and undetectable by enemy forces. Players with the mine detector equipped will be able to detect buried enemy land mines. These land mines will become un-buried so that allies can see them and avoid stepping on them. A player with an equipped mine detector will be able to remove it (and add a land mine to their own ammo count) by being close enough to the land mine and pressing the secondary fire button while aimed at the land mine. Players who step on an enemy land mine will reveal (un-bury) the land mine. Only when the player steps off the land mine will it explode. Any player (whether they have the mine detector equipped or not) will defuse a landmine after standing still on it for 15 seconds. In a Free-For-All mode game, placed land mines are hostile to every player besides the one to placed the land mine. In all other modes of gameplay the land mines are only hostile to the opposing team. Buried land mines are vulnerable to being set-off by the explosions of grenades, bazookas and other land mines. Players can use these weaspons to make sure a passage-way is clear of landmines. A player can only have eight(8) landmines at most placed on a map. An attempt to place any more landmines will remove the oldest landmine still active on a map. If a mine detector using player switches weapon classes or teams (in a non-FFA game mode) then all the mines that they've placed in a map will vanish. ================================================== ================ Improving Gameplay Performance ================================================== ================ Some machines will benefit from experimenting with your video/sound options: - From the Main Menu choose the "Options" menu signified by some electronic equipment towards the left side on the table. Then select the "Video" menu, select "Texture Detail" and choose "LOW". - Also from the "Video" menu uncheck the "WALL DECALS" check box. This will prevent the game from creating bullet marks on walls and should improve performance. - Try reducing your video resolution to 640x480 or even 512x384 in your "Video" menu. The lower the resolution, the easier it is for your computer to run the game. - From the "Video" menu you can try lowering your color depth from 32 to 16 bit. - Video cards with less than 64MB Video memory cannot set texture detail to high and texture color depth to 32 bit simultaneously. These cards can get very poor performance at times, so lower your texture detail and/or lower your texture depth to 16 bit. - From the "Advanced" menu under the "Options" menu try turning the "SHADOWS" down to "simple" or "none". Note that on some machines setting to Complex will cause your frame rate to drop by up to one half. - In Advanced Video Options you can change your View Model. This allows one to choose how much of their own player model is shown. NONE means player's arm and weapon will not appear. GUN ONLY means the gun and not the arms of Sgt Baker will appear. FULL means that you will see both Sgt Baker' hands and the weapon he is holding during gameplay. The less of Sgt Baker that is showing, the faster the game should run. - If you are using the Nvidia GeForce chipsets, it is recommended that you set your Digital Vibrance setting to low or medium dependent on preference. By doing so, there is much more of a contrast to the colors which, in turn, adds a lot to the ambience. Results: the lighting really pops out and adds increased production value. You can set your Digital Vibrance by doing the following: -Right click on your desktop -Choose Properties -Choose Settings -Choose Advanced -Choose Color Correction -Digital Vibrance is located at the top of the Color Correction box The best results were viewed by setting this on low. ================================================== ================ Troubleshooting ================================================== ================ Windows XP -If you are using Windows XP, you must have administrator rights to install and run Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Demo. If you have administrator rights, and wish to give a "limited user" administrator rights, you can do this in "User Accounts" section of the Windows XP Control Panel. Video Card Drivers -Some video card drivers do not support OpenGL correctly. Typical problems that may occur with these drivers include: - Crashing on starting up - Crashing when changing video resolutions - Corrupted textures - Garbage artifacts on screen - Unexpected bright flashing on screen - Unusually slow performance. The solution is to go to your video card manufacturer's website and download updated drivers for your card. It is highly recommended that, given an option, you download and install Microsoft-certified (WHQL) drivers. -Video Resolution of 1600x1200 A resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels is not fully supported and has been found to have problems with various video cards. If the game crashes you can run in safe mode and adjust your resolution back to a stable and desirable setting. -Video Resolution of 1152x864 A resolution of 1152 x 864 pixels has been found to have problems with various video cards. In this resolution the program may appear to be running in a windowed application. If this is unacceptable please adjust your resolution back to a stable and desirable setting. -Dual Monitors Dual monitors are not supported. Disabling the secondary video card will allow the game to run with dual monitors. Sound Card Drivers -Diamond Monster Sound MX 400 How to fix the MX 400 for use by Medal of Honor Allied Assault: 1) Exit from Medal of Honor Allied Assault if you are running the game. 2) Open up the "Diamond Monster Sound" utility from the toolbar; this is a small red and white icon near the clock. 3) Make sure the "Enable DirectSound Acceleration" checkbox is off. 4) Click on the "Apply And Exit" button. You should be able to run Medal of Honor Allied Assault without a problem. ================================================== ================ Other Issues ================================================== ================ Multiplayer: -The IPX Protocol is not supported, only TCP/IP is. -Players can, on rare occasion, turn invisible in multiplayer. You may see another player's model appear over a spawn point stuck in mid-stride. That player will be able to move around and will appear invisible to you although he may be visible to other players. Simply disconnect and re-connect to the server to fix this. Keyboard Controls: -Some PC keyboards cannot recognize certain combinations of 3 or more simultaneously pressed keys. This is an inherent problem unrelated to Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough Demo. Advanced Console Commands from the Advanced Options menu: -By default the advanced console will not be available unless the option is checked in the "Options" menu. From this console you will be able to make advanced console commands. The normal console is active by default and allows you to post messages to everyone else in multiplayer. Listen Servers (non-dedicated servers) in Multiplayer -There is a known issue where the player on the server may become invisible. This occurs most frequently on a Free For All type game. GeForce FX Driver Version 4523 -Fog does not appear correctly with driver version 4523. Installing a newer or older driver will fix this problem. ================================================== ================ Useful Web Sites ================================================== ================ http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com Keep your Windows installation up to date. http://www.cmohs.org The official site of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. ================================================== ================ Legal Information ================================================== ================ THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT WILL ELECTRONIC ARTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS ELECTRONIC ARTS SOFTWARE PRODUCT. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS AS TO HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS AND/OR EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS AND/OR EXCLUSIONS OF LIABILITY MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. ELECTRONIC ARTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS IN THIS FILE AND TO THE SOFTWARE AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT NOTICE. THIS FILE AND THE SOFTWARE HEREWITH IS COPYRIGHTED. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS FILE OR THE SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED, REPRODUCED, TRANSLATED, OR REDUCED TO ANY ELECTRONIC MEDIUM OR MACHINE-READABLE FORM WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ELECTRONIC ARTS, P.O. BOX 9025, REDWOOD CITY, CALIFORNIA 94063-9025, ATTN: CUSTOMER SUPPORT. ================================================== ================ Electronic Arts Copyright ================================================== ================ Software and Documentation © 2003 Electronic Arts Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
woohoo! finally. bneen waiting for some time. Thanks Rude for the latest breaking Mohnews!!!
Re: Breakthrough demo has been released
It's the Readme file that comes with the demo, dude. He didn't type it all out. :rolleyes
Thanks for the info, Rude! |
where do u get the demo? Front page of what? I checked ea's site and it says it will be released soon........... where is it?!? cry:
Front page here at aa.com
Ive posted the link there |
Nevermind! they posted it in mohaa.ea.com too!! w00t so i'm downloading it right now......... biggrin:
oh my god. breakthough owns all! i just went 97 - 49 with the italian rifle! wow, i am really impressed!
p.s. ill be chugging down an italian keg can nade in anzio if you need me oOo: |
to much like spearhead
i am happy that the aiming physics have been set to a more traditional mohaa style. But I hate the rest of it. Maybe the full game features are needed before a true review.
naked dancing girls in the middle of all the maps wouldnt make this game playable |
The demo sucks in my point of view.
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