Daily Rant - Drivers and Islam
I hate drivers. More specifically WOMEN AND WIGGERS. You see, every time I'm driving down the highway to work, doing 5 over the limit and just in general being an average car on the road, I have to deal with at least three idiot drivers who do everything from passing on the right to changing lanes without checking their blind spots to cutting me off to tailgating me ON AN EMPTY, THREE-LANE HIGHWAY. And what do all these people have in common? They're either women, wiggers, or both. Wiggers are generally the worst, because they are white guys with a small penis complex that compels them to try and overcompensate by buying a $3,000 Civic hatchback and spending another $2,000 on it to make it LOOK like they've spent another $10,000 on it, which would be equally as RETARDED as the former, when you think about it. They then drive these ridiculous looking puddles of anal leakage down the highway doing 100 mph while their pre-ejaculation problem causes them to jizz their pants from the excitement OF NEARLY KILLING EVERYONE ELSE ON THE ROAD. Here's a news flash: You're not black, your penis is small, and no one thinks you're cool except for your equally-ignorant, wigger friends. On my To-Do List for Life, I think number three or four is camping out on the Interstate with a .22 calibur rifle, shooting out the tires of these wastes-of-natural-resources so that I can have the satisfaction of watching the genes that cause their underdeveloped brains/penises go up in flames. Or at the very least see them rendered sterile. Hopefully. Where to start with women? Hrm. How about YOU CAN'T PUT ON MAKE-UP AND TALK ON YOUR CELL PHONE AT THE SAME TIME. Get over yourself, you aren't so important and awe-inspiring that someone can't wait for two minutes to speak with you so that you don't RUN ME OVER WITH YOUR FREAKING TANK. That's the other thing - what possible purpose does some soccer mom have for an H2? It's practically a road-legal TANK and these moms who are trying to be cool use them for nothing more than grocery store runs and picking the kids up from school. I mean, WHO THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE?! I don't know about everyone else, but I'm already paying out of my ass for gasoline, and as long as we have morons like those women driving vehicles that get 2 miles to a freaking gallon, things aren't going to get a whole lot better. And a side rant, why the heck do women get lower insurance? Let's talk percentages: Women get in more accidents (%) than men. They are also at fault (%) more often than men. Now, let's talk raw numbers, not percentages. Despite the fact that men outnumber women on the road almost 3 to 1, women still manage to rack up millions of dollars more than men in accidents, in addition to causing more fatalities. And those are raw numbers. Come on ladies, it's time to realize that the world DOES NOT revolve around you, you are NOT a good driver, and the REST OF US would appreciate it if you'd take the time to LEARN how to drive from a qualified MALE in your household before you KILL SOMEONE.
And now for Islam. Fucking Islam. How about the news stations that keep repeating how Islam is a religion of peace and not of violence. Perhaps they just MISSED the parts of their religion that REQUIRE them to SLAUGHTER any people who refuse to convert to the ways of Islam. I won't even mention that their beloved prophet Mohammed founded modern piracy and SLAVE TRADING. That's right. Mohammed and his band of Merry Anal Molesters would ransack towns, steal their money, kill their men, rape the women AND CHILDREN, and then take the ones they liked as slaves, which they would later sell off. Yeah, peaceful religion describes Islam alright. I'm not going to dig to find the specific passages again, but take my word for it, if you aren't a Muslim, there is a Muslim out there just waiting to slit your throat as an unbeliever. Think about that before you go throwing any compassion around.
Why am I posting all this? No clue.