Mikooou |
01-02-2004 04:08 PM |
I hate highschool girls
What the hell is wrong girls in highschool!I am a 15 years old and I live In a little place called Plum outside of Pittsburgh and i dont know if its just here or its all girls around this age, Why the fuck do they like Wiggers, Black Guys, 24 yearold guys, and Guys that hit them, It is very frustrating!!!! I just got dumped by my 2 month girlfriend because she met a guy who looked like Eminem!! And when i tell other girls this problem they say that Wiggers are hott! It makes me wana fukin kill them! And what about my x-girlfriend hope, she is 15 and she dumped me for a 23 yearold guy, And then i met this girl , she seemed perfect, the night i was gonna ask her out she had sex with 3 black guys, So now that my heart is broken and I pretty much gave up on girls, I decided i would post this in here