Bucknub |
10-03-2004 10:37 PM |
my gay date with pyro
after realizing there was nothing to do tonight, I decided to call shawn (pyro) cuz it seemed he wasn't doing anything either.
I called him out and told him to come get it, we drove around thinking of soemhting to do, then it hit me, LETS GO BOWLING!, we headed over to the bowling alley, had a game of pool first. Played an hour of bowling, during the game, the announcers sed tonight was strike saturdays or something. if you got 3 strikes in a row, you can get free NACHOS AND CHEESE!, and I fucking won them, 3 strikes, so in yo faces, so after the game we headed out and came over to my place rock: we fucked like monkies, well not really, shawn went on the web came with fireal, machette aka courtney and maple, and I got naked and shawn was faking an orgasm, I think maple has a pic of us on the web cam, please post it!
pics below!
ah, it was a gay ol' time
sorry 'bout the pics, my cam really isn't for taking pics like this, it's more of a webcam.
ps, I whooped shawns ass in bowling, we had 4 games and I won them all!
oh ya, shawn got nocho cheese all over his dream theatre t shirt he was wearing, which made the night worth while