guarnere |
12-21-2004 12:28 AM |
This is regarding...bittorrent downloads...
I got that from a web-site I download horror movies thats probobly why all these BT sites have been shutting down left and right...
[code:fbef3]Re: Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. v. Does 1-10
Dear Operator of
We are counsel to the Motion Picture Association and its members, Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (“MPAA member studios”). The MPAA member studios are the owners and exclusive licensees of a significant number of copyrights in and to various motion pictures and television shows.
We are writing to inform you that we have recently filed suit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin against the individuals responsible for operating the website, at, and the BitTorrent Tracker, at for copyright infringement. Because we do not currently know the names of all of the individuals responsible for operating this website and BitTorrent tracker, we have initially filed the suit against “Does 1 - 10.” Once we have obtained information identifying the individuals responsible for operating the website and BitTorrent tracker, we intend to amend the suit to substitute the individuals’ true names.
In the interim, we demand that you immediately cease and desist from using any website or BitTorrent tracker to directly or indirectly cause, contribute to, enable, facilitate, induce, encourage, and/or participate in the infringement of MPAA member studios’ copyrighted works. In particular, we are requesting that you immediately stop distributing torrents that correspond to copyrighted works owned by the MPAA members, stop tracking copyrighted works owned by the MPAA members, and stop all other activities that contribute to infringement. The attached list is a representative sample of copyrighted works owned by the MPAA members which you are infringing. The list is not intended to suggest that the identified infringements are the only ones occurring on your website and your tracker or are the only ones that you must immediately address.
We also request that you preserve all of the evidence that you have in your custody, possession or control relating to any website on which torrent files are distributed or any BitTorrent tracker. This includes all electronic logs, webpages, e-mails and financial records, as well as any peer-to-peer downloads you have in your possession. Failure to maintain this evidence could result in severe sanctions.
We are providing this notice based on our good faith belief that the distribution and reproduction of motion pictures owned by the MPAA members are not authorized by the copyright owners, their agents or the law. This notification is accurate and under penalty of perjury, we are authorized to act on behalf of the owners of the exclusive rights that are being infringed.
If you are interested in attempting to resolve this suit without any further litigation, please feel free to contact me at xxx-xxxxx-xxx.
Matthew J. Oppenheim
Attachment [/code:fbef3]