Judas |
05-03-2005 08:48 PM |
Originally Posted by elstatec
'kfc torture chickens' well duh they kill them oOo:
i dont think its the killing they are protesting... we all have to eat.
[quote:c0417]PETA is asking KFC to eliminate the worst abuses that chickens suffer on the factory farms and in the slaughterhouses of its suppliers, including live scalding, life-long crippling, and painful debeaking. As the leader in the chicken industry, KFC has a responsibility to ensure that the chickens raised for its buckets are protected from the worst cruelties.[/quote:c0417]
this is what bothers me :
[quote:c0417]Chickens are inquisitive and interesting animals who are thought to be as intelligent as cats, dogs, and even primates. When in their natural surroundings, rather than on factory farms, they form friendships and social hierarchies, recognize one another, care for their young, and enjoy a full life of dustbathing, making nests, roosting in trees, and more.[/quote:c0417]
so if you think about it these animals are no different from your pet ...