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Rizz0 02-16-2002 05:47 AM

First of all, realism mod sucks.
While doing the right thing in limiting the amount of grenades to 3, the SMG is highly overpowered with this 1 shot death shit.

Now lets get to base gameplay.


#2) Lessen the splash damage on nades. -MOH is plagued by newbies running around with nades and throwing them into the 1 or 2 choke points that each map seems to have.

#3) Please LIMIT the amount of Rocket Launchers each team can have to 1 or 2, this is seriosly LAME and detrimental to this game to have a team of 15 guys and 10 of them are using rockets.

#4)On Omaha, find a way to make the MG42s USEABLE. -This has been a big dissapointment, that these turret guns arent actually USABLE. Wether it be by limiting the sniper weapons, or have it setup so people who CAMP on the beach with sniper for too long get blown up.

#5)Make more maps, these maps are WELL designed in the simplicity but since there are so few of them they are quickly getting tiresome.

Anything else?

[This message has been edited by Rizz0 (edited February 16, 2002).]

Sh3ll_Sh0ck 02-16-2002 05:52 AM

Finnaly! A great suggestion/topic on this forum! I agree fully, except I would like to add something.

*6.)Make the snipers less powerfull! Or at least put in scope sway or make it imposible for snipers to shoot while unscoped.

02-16-2002 06:00 AM

I don't think the sniper rifles too good.If you run the snipers have a really hard time hitting you.But,yes, a bit of swaying wouldn't hurt
7)Add a flamethrower,but don't make it to powerfull.
8)The MG42's in Omaha should be almost immposible to hit.Don't think they sniped many of the MG42s in the real WW2.

SoViEt 02-16-2002 06:04 AM

if the sniper rifle really needs to be modified, i would suggest that sniper will not be allowed to zoom while moving, and the scope will sway a bit if standing, minimal sway if crouching. as for the unzoom sniper rifle, just make it like normal rifle.

Rizz0 02-16-2002 06:05 AM

I enjoy using the sniper weapon, hehe. But I must agree on the zooming while running issue. Unrealistic, and if I think about it, unfair.

SoViEt 02-16-2002 06:10 AM

abbath, no offence, but maybe you have not met any good sniper yet, coz good ones can really hit you no matter you are running, standing, jumping or just stick the tip of your helmet out of the window, and you will not be able to find out where they are hitting you from. i have seen plenty of those, nasty experiece.

madrebel 02-16-2002 07:47 AM

i personally feel all specialty weapons should be limited.

there should be server settings to limit on a per map and or a per player % number

Mope 02-16-2002 08:32 AM

yes i also agree, the realism mod is gay, i want more grenades, and the snipe rifle is very good but yes, it is a bit cheap on ohama, there should be weapon limitations for that map, like no sniper rifles, i've watched alot of WWII movies and i did not see any snipers in that battle boy, yes, make the damn MG-42's useful, it would be so much more fun. i think you should only be allowed SMG and Rifle on ohama

Crow King 02-17-2002 12:55 AM

Couple of thoughts......

1. I agree on the grenade limitation, from both a realism and a practicality / lag perspective.

2. Are the grenades too powerful? I really don't know. As for choke points, you have to adapt to it. Just like in real life, you go charging in blind and you'll probably die.

3. We're trying to limit the weapons by map. The problem is that you have to find a place in the game to put in conditional logic (ie. "If x players have rockets, don't allow any more"). At this point, it looks like this has to be done either in the server's source code or, possibly, in a map script (don't know yet). For now, it's all or nothing. The best work around I've seen is to make them more realistic, so folks don't find them as attractive.

4. The sniper problem on Omaha isn't going to be fixed by addressing the sniper, as the sniper rifle is only part of the problem. You can mitigate things via the sniper because the weapon's tiki file is easy to edit, but scope sway may be beyond simple modding of the tiki files. Another problem is that each shot is always right on the money, regardless of distance. I've created a new mod that introduces ballistics to the sniper rifle (bullet drop, but no wind yet) and I'll release it soon.

The other half (and more serious) problem on Omaha is that the bunker's lighting and aperture are not correct. The Allies didn't attack Normandy with boat loads of snipers because, when you view a real bunker from a scope, you can't see the guy behind the gun. You can pot luck shoot through the aperture, but you might as well try to blow it because to make the aperture shot, you'd be looking down the barrel of the gun (not a healthy idea). But as anyone who's used a sniper on the Omaha map can tell you, the german's noggins show up like pumpkins in the scope.

To fix this issue would, I think, require a change to the map files and that would require people to download the map. Frankly, I don't have the time or energy right now to address it, but if some of you want to, I'll tell you how.

5. Hopefully, GtkRadiant for MoHAA will be relaeased soon and folks will start releasing maps. Some folks have converted SP maps, etc., but the spawn points are generally not desirable (to put it mildly).

6. Scope sway may not be possible now. Let's see if some ballistics can change things around.

7. Flamethrower is probably never going to happen. Lag issues aside, it requires custom coding.

8. See #4.

9. Sway may not be possible, but recoil can be changed. The problem here is that the Init section of the weapon's tiki file is taken from the server, but not the client animations (which contains the viewkick entry). You can add a viewkick entry in the init section, but this hacks things up since the code was probably changed to assume the kick is in the animation section. I've played around with it and you can get a real good recoil in the scope (as it would be in real life), but again, folks would have to download it.

In the real world, your typical sniper, though trained well, cannot make a shot through the scope while "strafing".

10. I think the grenade physics can be changed via some variables in the files, but I haven't messed around with it. Yet.

"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear

Lorenz 02-17-2002 01:38 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rizz0:
[B]First of all, realism mod sucks.
While doing the right thing in limiting the amount of grenades to 3, the SMG is highly overpowered with this 1 shot death shit.


the smg is also very innacurate on realism mods, if you want to complain you should be doing it about MG and how people can basically use it to snipe.

Crow King 02-17-2002 02:05 AM

The problem with the SMG accuracy is the first shot - all the weapons will hit at the point of aim on the first shot.

Here's a good example just from last night. I was an ally on Omaha on the shingle by the left concrete turret/bunker, with a Garand. I was whacking the nazis who run down the hill to attack at the main entrance doors. Things were going great until I got into a duel with a nazi who was half way across the map and moving. I was crouched with a battle rifle, he was moving with an assault rifle (not an SMG, but the Kurtz round was not the full 8mm either). His first shot killed me.

Hey, maybe he just got lucky! But no, the first shot is always on point of aim for rifles (the pistol weaponclass seems to have some deflection in the first shot, probably hardcoded in the game).

"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear

[This message has been edited by Crow King (edited February 17, 2002).]

DJSatane 02-17-2002 03:11 AM


- Zooming and looking through scope should not be possible while moving, only if you stand, crouch or lean.

Overon 02-17-2002 04:30 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>First of all, realism mod sucks.
While doing the right thing in limiting the amount of grenades to 3, the SMG is highly overpowered with this 1 shot death shit.
Now lets get to base gameplay.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
No. Any weapon is one shot one kill if you hit the guy in the head, even a pistol.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Realism mods already do that.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
#2) Lessen the splash damage on nades. -MOH is plagued by newbies running around with nades and throwing them into the 1 or 2 choke points that each map seems to have.
Newbies? Newbies learn quick by looking at what veterans do. The veteran players do what works and spawning closest to a choke point and spamming NADES WORKS. That's why they do it. It's not a newbie problem. There is a principal here. People will do what is most effective at winning. Rushing the choke point and spamming nades works, and that's why people do it. There is an easy solution to it. No more stupid spawn points where one team spawns closer to the choke point than the other team. No more simple choke point maps.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
#3) Please LIMIT the amount of Rocket Launchers each team can have to 1 or 2, this is seriosly LAME and detrimental to this game to have a team of 15 guys and 10 of them are using rockets.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You can limit or you can simply toss them alltogether. A bazooka and a panzershreck are anti tank weapons not anti personal. Inclusion of rocket launchers is 2015/EA's lame attempt to make the quakers happy with a rocket launcher type weapon. Reloads of rocket launcher should take a lot longer than they do as well.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>#4)On Omaha, find a way to make the MG42s USEABLE. -This has been a big dissapointment, that these turret guns arent actually USABLE. Wether it be by limiting the sniper weapons, or have it setup so people who CAMP on the beach with sniper for too long get blown up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That map needs a total redesign. There are two points in which the allies have to pass in order to get to the guns in order to blow them up. Axis only need to camp those 2 choke points and allies have no chance of even making their way up.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>#5)Make more maps, these maps are WELL designed in the simplicity but since there are so few of them they are quickly getting tiresome.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Yes. More maps. But first 2015/EA need to finally release the source code necessary to make maps and mods for this game.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Anything else?
Introduce sniper scope wobble. And prevent someone from running and looking through their scope. Or just make only walking possible in scope mode with lots more wobble.

Since rifles and sniper rifles fire the same ammo, they should all be equally powerful. I don't understand how the m1grande is not as powerful as a the springfield. I can understand a difference in accuracy but I can't understand a difference in strength.

The allies need a m1carbine to compensate for their shitty bar in comparison to the superior german STG44. Also axis need some kind of better regular rifle cause in comparison to the m1grande the non scoped kar98 blows.

Pistols need to be a lot more accurate.

All the weapons need a greater recoil except pistols.

If you are close enough to shoot your rocket into someone's face when they turn a corner, that explosion should kill you as well. There is nothing lamer in this game than a guy who fired a point blank rocket into someone's face and survives.

[This message has been edited by Overon (edited February 17, 2002).]

02-17-2002 04:35 AM

SoViEt,it's all about how you run
Never run right against them.That will be no match

Lorenz 02-17-2002 04:36 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Overon:
[quote:3c59f]First of all, realism mod sucks.
While doing the right thing in limiting the amount of grenades to 3, the SMG is highly overpowered with this 1 shot death shit.
Now lets get to base gameplay.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
No. Any weapon is one shot one kill if you hit the guy in the head, even a pistol.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Realism mods already do that.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
#2) Lessen the splash damage on nades. -MOH is plagued by newbies running around with nades and throwing them into the 1 or 2 choke points that each map seems to have.
Newbies? Newbies learn quick by looking at what veterans do. The veteran players do what works and spawning closest to a choke point and spamming NADES WORKS. That's why they do it. It's not a newbie problem. There is a principal here. People will do what is most effective at winning. Rushing the choke point and spamming nades works, and that's why people do it. There is an easy solution to it. No more stupid spawn points where one team spawns closer to the choke point than the other team. No more simple choke point maps.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
#3) Please LIMIT the amount of Rocket Launchers each team can have to 1 or 2, this is seriosly LAME and detrimental to this game to have a team of 15 guys and 10 of them are using rockets.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You can limit or you can simply toss them alltogether. A bazooka and a panzershreck are anti tank weapons not anti personal. Inclusion of rocket launchers is 2015/EA's lame attempt to make the quakers happy with a rocket launcher type weapon. Reloads of rocket launcher should take a lot longer than they do as well.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>#4)On Omaha, find a way to make the MG42s USEABLE. -This has been a big dissapointment, that these turret guns arent actually USABLE. Wether it be by limiting the sniper weapons, or have it setup so people who CAMP on the beach with sniper for too long get blown up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That map needs a total redesign. There are two points in which the allies have to pass in order to get to the guns in order to blow them up. Axis only need to camp those 2 choke points and allies have no chance of even making their way up.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>#5)Make more maps, these maps are WELL designed in the simplicity but since there are so few of them they are quickly getting tiresome.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Yes. More maps. But first 2015/EA need to finally release the source code necessary to make maps and mods for this game.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Anything else?
non scoped kar98 blows.

[This message has been edited by Overon (edited February 17, 2002).]

everyone who says that just dont know how to use it, the m1 is terrible with accuracy while moving which is good, the KAR is an effective weapon all around in the hands of someone who knows whats it's stronger points are.
besides nothing beats a head shot with the KAR, a mans weapon :P

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