Run those fields gypsy dog!
My mom called me last night as we were coming home that our family dog gypsy was on her last breaths. they found her out side not moving and breathing very shallow. as of 11 pm last night she was in a coma and not moving just a shell of her self, but as she always was a strong dog she didnt want to leave just yet. she stayed alive so we could all say bye to her. just like blase this is the 1st time in a very long time I saw my dad really emotional. Hell when his dad died, he shed a few tears at the grave but nothing like this.
we've had her since a pup, my dad and I drove to Indiana to get her she was a purebreed brittany used for bird hunting and shows. We won quite a few shows with her but more so she was a good dog. In recent years shes been getting progressively worse, losing sight and moving a bit slower, but she could still get up and run and play. I noticed last week that she was not eating very much at all when we watched her. My dad always said we need to put her down, but when my mom finally conceded he couldnt do it.
As of 11 pm last night he was sitting on the back porch with her, laying her head on a pillow and letting her know its okay, she didnt have to lay there next to him anymore she can go and run those fields.