Chronic Diarrhea |
12-05-2006 12:35 AM |
I played Bully over at a friend's house tonight for a few hours. I must say, this game is more satisfying than GTA could have ever been. Somehow pelting nukkas left and right with firecrackers, then watching them roll all over the floor crying, definitely beats mowing a pack of hobos down with an assault rifle.
The atmosphere of the game is great. There are many different buildings on campus to screw around in, and plenty of lockers to break into. I didn't get to see the town yet, so I haven't been able to see all of the possibilities that brings, but the school itself is filled with lots to do. What makes the atmosphere so good is the characters. Whereas in GTA when you killed somebody you only did it just to screw around or to complete the mission, in Bully you beat the shit out of kids because you genuinely WANT to beat the shit out of them.
The characters are annoying as fuck, especially the nerds. There's one mission where you have to help this nerd go to the bathroom before he pisses himself, but you have to go to like 3 different bathrooms because he's such a pussy and doesn't feel comfortable in some of them. This just makes things such a hassle for you, because there's bullies trying to teabag you along the way, and you have a short time limit to do it in. After he went to the bathroom and washed his hands, I tapped him on the shoulder then rammed his fatass into the stall and gave him a swirlie just because he pissed me off.
Characters will remember what you do to them too. That fatass nerd was playing a videogame in the dorm room later in the game and I tapped him on the shoulder again. He got scared and since he was such a pussy I shoved that bitch through a table, breaking it into 12 pieces. Another thing that makes you really want to deal out some punishment is the fact that a lot of the characters will blindside you for no fucking reason. I got Goldberg'd by a football player, and I was minding my own fucking business. Naturally I shoved some firecrackers in his mouth and beat the Jesus out of him. Also the "bully" clique will try to attack you whenever they see you, but they go down easily.
My friend's roommate walked in and said, "That game looks fucking gay." The first time he saw me launch a firecracker at a kid to see his head jolt back as he agonized in pain he sat down and started watching us play, laughing at the game as much as we were. There's so many LOL moments in the game to be found, and this is only based off of completing 5% of the game. Most of the LOL was coming from our own comments, but the situations in themselves bring out the LOL.