Thread: Cheating!
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Default 10-21-2002, 01:33 PM

Well actually Hacker1944, I do catch cheaters in my server.I never said I can detect or catch them all, duh. As long as I keep my server open to the general public there will be people cheating.I find it amusing that you keep telling people that they have to much free time just for making a quick 2 min post, when you are sitting there in your mommy's basement working on cheating, lol.Now that's a waste of time.And my post in this thread was not directed towards you at all, it was for people that don't know about my server's to come cheack them out.You should ask Taco Bell to give you more hours, since your replying to posts that are not even directed towards you. Maybe, just maybe with the extra hours you could afford your own server and you could set it up just for your 13 year old cheating buddies. It's funny you guys(cheaters) flame each other even more on your hacker site, lol. MPowell1944/Hacker1944 posted a similar post on he's cheating forum rabout the same time he did this one.I'll add it here and we can all have a good laugh at it. Here's what Hacker1944 ha dto say to he's cheating buddies

[quote:d7a9c] S7atic :

i never said i was the only one with a rep to maintain. you try being a reputable mapper/modder for half a year, and then turn to hacking. lemme know what happens to ya then. until that happens, you have no room to talk about that subject.

Spas :

You say, "Why Don't You Get Off Your High Horse", in reference to my pride and feeling of seniority over all of you guys. Well, i can only say 1 thing about that response......."What Horse?". I never felt that i was over anyone. I have to maintain a rep that took me half a year to build, just so i can keep everyone happy.

To ALL :

As most of you know, maintaining a level of decency isn't easy, especially when you live 2 lives, technically speaking. So, if you can sit there and tell me that i'm putting myself up on a platform, by saying i have a rep to maintain, then you must not know what you are getting into.

I am not going to start a flame war, as my fun times over at are enough for me. the flaming/back-talking ends here. i'll start it by saying, I apologize if i came off on the wrong foot, and if i mislead you in anyway.

CCSoccer, i would be happy to join your Gold/Silver section of your site. S7atic, i'm glad you made all the good stuff you made. But referencing my doorhack as being identical is really a way of your saying that you want to be the only one, and anyone else who tries will fail. Spas, i dont even know what to say to you. I guess your not "important" enough to me, for me to say something back. ahhh, im just playin you guys. lets just hack and have fun already. this bickering is getting old.

Goodbye and have a lovelay day![/quote:d7a9c]
I added that just cause I know how much MPowell loves being quoted
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