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ChAoS is Offline
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Default 10-22-2002, 12:48 AM

nothin about this game is realistic so if you wanna knock the lean knock the whole game..People dont run in the middle of the roads in running circles firefighting.also it would take alot less then 6-7 bullets to kill too..and a first aid kit would not bring you back to 100 percent..and the all ff should be on.. and i can go on and on...Dont pick on somethin little as leaning as being unreal..If it look stupid to people dont shoot the sideways person..turn around and go look for someone else to kill.. M16: ed: ed: haha I know i lean to get that split second advantage around corners..and when i get up close i lean a bit just to throw off their angle...You can hate me for leaning but I put out 50 bucks for a ms mouse damn it i am gonna use all 60 bucks of it swordfight:
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