Dreamin Of Leanin -
10-22-2002, 02:57 AM
I think there's no problem with leaning round corners etc - some of the guys are pretty good at it & it's a basic survival tool you just need to learn on MOHAA.
However, one of the funniest things I ever saw was when I opened fire on this guy & he started to lean back & forth really quickly. It was like some kind of bizarre dance..... It was really great to watch. There was an old kids toy in the UK called Weeble Wobbles - it just reminded me so much of these gys. He was just wildly swinging this way & that.
I think the peope who run around like they've got a serious back condition look pretty stupid...but then if they think it helps...
On the servers I play the highest scoring players use lean but they don't run around with a back that looks like it's been in an auto crash!!