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Default 10-22-2002, 12:45 PM

Well, as we all know by now it wasn't the sniper but two "Illegal aliens". Now this is why i hate the media....they kept referring to those illegal aliens as "Undocumented Workers". What kind of bullshit is that? Who coined the phrase "Undocumented Worker" ?? Those fuck-wads are ILLEGAL ALIENS who are helping to ruin the economy by shipping all the $$$ they make to their motherland. I blame the American public too for hiring these assholes. The rule in my house is NO FUCKING ILLEGALS working here!! No illegal wet-back is gonna cut my grass or put up a fence for me. I tell all contractors i hire that all workers must be AMERICAN CITIZENS or they don't get the job.....simple as that!! I hired a fencing company and checked the workers...all were American citizens, they got the job. The lawn company was unable/unwilling to prove the citizenship of their workers so i told them to get lost!!...i'll cut my own fucking grass, thank you very much!!

Anyway, about the sniper.....this guy struck again this morning with another murder. This guy is pretty damn smart to be able to elude law enforcement to this point. Hopefully he continues to play this cat and mouse game with the police and continues to communicate with them for i feel this is the only way he'll be caught. Hopefully the rampage comes to an end very soon!!

The world is my urinal
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