10-22-2002, 01:33 PM
Ok - uh to the "I'm PEST's bitch" deal - I've NEVER accussed someone of cheating, least of all on the AA.COM server, or even come close in my mind to think someone was. Some people are just BETTER than you are.
I seriously doubt I was even close to being "bitchworthy" on that server. There are people who have lit my ass up, and your name certainly doesn't ring as one. Wintersforge, JUDAS (the old JUDAS, this new one - I dunno), and Capt. Winters spring to mind. You. No. Dont like to toot my own horn, but I just dont get "owned" as the term goes. Definately not at the TOP of the map all the time, but definately not to be confused with sonmeones "pet".
Anywho -
What the fuck?