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=S.A.S= DvoL is Offline
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Default 10-23-2002, 09:44 AM

People who whine about lean should realise Mohaa is only a game...there is nothing realistic about mohaa...Jumping out of a window on hunt or v2 isnt very realistic...Why dont you guys whine about ppl that jump like cavemen when you try to shoot them...The sniperscope isnt very realistic (BF has a better one, when you walk the crosshair moves around till you stop moving)...Putting a whole clip in someone is not very realistic...I dont see mohaa as a realistic game...i see it as a really good fps-game...maybe ppl should realize that before they say leaning is wack...I never have any trouble with leanbinders...Just dont aim for the uppper torso and head and you should be ok...
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