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Default 10-23-2002, 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Yah, If the guy wanted, he could probably leave now and get off scot free....!

That's what sucks, they haven't even got a suspect yet! I suppose if he did try and leave, he would be caught out when he stops coming to his job, the same time as the sniper stops and leaves...
What if he hasnt got a job and he is living off the state. That could explain why he wants more money. This guy is obviously a fucking nut case and its even worrying me that there maybe some copy cat folks that will do the very same thing in other states, or even in other countries.

Im from the UK and we do alot of shooting over here and believe me - you dont have to be ex-military to be a good shot, you just need practise and good judgement.

Good luck to all those in the Washington area and for fuck sake - dont send your kids to school.
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