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Darn: the door still doesnt slide :( New map awaits....
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Default Darn: the door still doesnt slide :( New map awaits.... - 10-23-2002, 07:52 PM

Hi Folks,

Long time since I´ve been here. I have been mapping a loooong time..too long actually on a map which plays like Stalingrad probably and I am allmost done (i guess hake. Some details (I like them) and I am done. BUT: I have a question 4 all the mappers out here:

How the *biatch* do I make a sliding door? I found some subjects about sliding doors into walls, but I can´t find a way to make it work And my biggest frustration is: that there are many maps with sliding doors that actually WORK!!!! M16: So please guys, help me out...tell me how to do this. oOo:

Thanks in advance

Rakavolver (
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