10-25-2002, 04:32 AM
Move my reso up past 1024x768? No thanks.. And for a sig even uglier than mine? I don't think so.. wink:
Anyways. I still use Lean/Strafe multibinds. Been doing that ever since Omaha.. Literally.. The second guy to ever bind both lean and strafe to one key was [MOH]-Cool-Crippler.. And that's because I showed him how to do it.
If I want to sniper. I use the actual lean buttons to keep me from going out of whack with the multibind. It works great because you can lean left round a corner, take your shot..And strafing right will make you stop leaning. So it makes for really clean shoot and dodge action.
Because I can toggle my multibind on and off. If i'm in the lean position when I toggle the multibind off. I will be stuck leaning the whole time tell I turn on the multibind again. <takes breath>.. So if you really want to have a brain hemorrhage.. Keep it stuck in a lean position for an hour of play.
I'm even leaning in my avatar.
I am not responsible for any neck injuries resulting from my posts.