10-25-2002, 06:35 AM
I really wonder how old you guys are that cheat and make these cheats.You all sound like your 12 years old.Do you work or even goto school.I skim through your little cheater forum and you guys post like every 5 mins... everyday.You guy's really need a life, reading this post makes it sound like you live your lives around making cheats.And they are all pretty much the same, LOL.You guy's keep taking each others wallhacks and change one thing then call it your own , then fight over who get's credit and its all for popularity in the cheating communtity you say, LOL.Go outside, smell the fresh air .It will be funny when people say F it and quit playing and the good servers goto password only, guess right now most people are still ignorant to this whole thing.I give props out to Sniped for doing what he is, he could be making cheats, but chooses otherwise. And someone said cheating is POWER and its like having sex on drugs.Ummmm, what kind of drugs are you doing.And you obviosly have never held a shit load of money before, cause thats real POWER.Now you guys can flame me.This is just like my morning comics, but funny.