Thread: Bright skins
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Banning Skins
{UB}Raptor is Offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Northamptonshire, England
Default Banning Skins - 10-27-2002, 05:49 PM

Banning forced models isnt exactly being 100% fair as it does increase the frame rate by only having two skins to draw, instead of loads of individual skins. I understand the need to ban the cheat skins, i.e. Ronald McDonald and the neon skins, but MOH:AA comes with a few "technically" bright skins of it's own. The German winter skins are probably the brightest of the standard skins, but is it fair to ban them as they do come with the game? I myself play with Force Models turned on as it helps the frame rate with my GF2 Ultra gfx card, the difference can be anything up to 15 FPS. Which makes a big difference between jerky and smooth.
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