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Cappy is Offline
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Posts: 6
Join Date: Oct 2002
Default 10-28-2002, 06:12 AM

Im having problems also , but i crash and freeze up.Im playing along in a mission , everything looks great sounds great , then all of the sudden ill freeze up .Sometimes it ll just close the game , and my desktop has been reset to 640x480 , ill try to shutdown but my start menu is gone,If i change my desktop back to 1024x748 my computer stops responding and i have to reset the computer . And the V card has to update when i reboot.
Im running a 465wat PS , Win 982nd on P4 2.53 , 512 Rambus , Leadtechs Ti4600,Sound Blaster Audigy Card with Logitech Z560 surround sound .I went to invidia and updated the latest driver .My monitor is a Samsung Syncmaster 955DF Flat CRT .Currently My Display settings are High color 16 bit at 1024 by 768 pixels , Refresh rate is 60Hz. What should my antialiasing be set at , also the Open GL settings , What should my Direct3D be set at . Do i have to many questions hehe .Can some1 please help .
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