hmmm lets think here... -
10-28-2002, 02:21 PM
Ok first one thing you guys are not taking into account is that not every clan will be playing Spearhead, also what are you doing making a Spearhead ladder or MOH:AA, other ladders I know will make a seperate ladder for both so I mean, thats something you need to think about cause things seem really confused on your side right now. Also how will the ladder rungs and such work, how do team challenge, how often can they challenge and how many clans will compete. Spearhead is seperate from MOH:AA man, the ladders will be different and not every server will change to SH, so maybe you guys need to take few more things into account.
BTW, I think you guys need to decide, leaning or no if your going to make a SH ladder, because it will only create conflict in between clans if it is up to one clan to decide. Thats like being on a ladder and allowing one team to decide how many weapons you can use or how many you cant. Same with friendly fire, off or on? You cant leave all that up to the clans you need to have this thing as organized as possible or you will have a lot of conlict matches on your hands....