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Re: The Submarine Hackers
Captain_McCusker is Offline
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Default Re: The Submarine Hackers - 10-30-2002, 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by "[FS
Desert Eagle":62fd6]...It is against the Law...
What are the repercussions for those that perform this type of hacking?[/quote:62fd6]

It's like a denial of service hack. I personally don't know specifics, but it would easily hold up in court. We pay for a service and provide it to the community and our provider also provides a service for the community (although it costs us, not them, but still). When they crash the server they are actually denying you and the people who play on your server the service you are paying for.

I agree with RD. Write a guide so we can all combat this. Not only could there be reprecussions to their cable/dsl provider, but this could even go as far as being a federal crime. That would most definately cause Daddy to choke on his coffee. evil:
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