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Default 10-30-2002, 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by MPowell1944
man, whats with this crap?

why would anyone want to come into a server and crash it? some people are fuc*kin losers man.

"Hi, im a hacker and i like to crash servers! Lemme come in here and ruin the game for everyone and cause the admin alot of problems."

people like this should be shot on the spot.

heh. my thoughts right there.

I think it is some kind of deficiency syndrome, they like to screw everyone over in cyberspace because they're inferior in teh real world.

Because they know that they can't screw people over in real life (because they will probably get stuffed in a very small locker, or put in jail), they do it in games where we can't do anything bad to them.
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