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Default 10-30-2002, 07:28 PM

Well, then thank you sir. Yes, this trailer is lifted entirely from the 2+ minute official movie trailer. There is nothing to show of this mod as of yet, I just thought it would be a nice kind of launch for a new mod. Not the wimper that most mods get started on. I do wish I could show you the offical movie trailer, just so you could see how much really has been altered, cause belive me it's quite a lot. I don't know if you have ever tried to edit previously edited material, but it's not as simple as cutting stuff out and moving it around. But seeing as my goal was to get the word out about this up coming mod and get some traffic to the bhdmod web site, I think close to 4000 downloads in 3 days is pretty decent. Thanks for your time and thanks for your download.
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