10-31-2002, 06:52 AM
I have higher hopes for you Mpowell. Please do not disappoint me. I understand, you say you do not use them. But providing the tools for others to use, to cheat , and disrupt a server your (Mpowell) not paying for.
Maybe the community needs to stick together. Stop using your maps. stop posting your maps. Pull said maps from the current sites and servers. What harm will it cause? Your going to start posting your cheats and using them. Big Deal, no more harm, then is already done.
I need to think about this more. I might be onto something here..
Please don't take this the wrong way, I have gone out on a limb trying to stick up for you, in other threads. But the more I hear and see, upsets me and as you and everyone else knows, I am a very passive person, until someone pisses me off, *cough teamgod *cough