Originally Posted by MPowell1944
Anteaus, i can understand your concern for cheaters on your server. but you gotta understand something bro. i make skins and shit for other people. i never use them myself. obviously you cant understand this. i never use cheats online. making them and using them are 2 totally different things. its like not playing a map i made. same rules apply. when i joined your server, i was honestly running 0 cheats. but b/c of what you have seen/heard, you chose to not believe me.
just b/c i am making a skin pack like that does not make me a cheater. if you can tell me how im cheating by making (not using) skins like that, then im all ears.
thanks for your time Ant. ttyl.
You know, this sounds like a crack dealer trying to claim he/she's not a killer. Justification of what you do on any level is only senseless excuses. And you probably don't see the justification of everyone's anger/dissapointment in you, do you? The fact that a great deal of us are paying good amounts of money every month in hopes that we can all have fun, and all you can do is tell the idiots of the community how they can basically rob us of that money/good time. And I personally could care less if you cheat or not, I think the fact that you provide this information and the tools to cheat to others should be more than enough reason for the decent admins of the community to ban you from their servers. The less servers available for you to play on, the better this community would be IMO.