Originally Posted by Vance1
This question is mainly saying why dont you beileve in the Christian Religion.
To answer your question, on why I don't believe in the CHRISTIAN religion, is because the Bible has been rewritten and redone over the past thousands of years. A lot of priests take advantage of their faithful for money or political gain. I consider religion as a limit to someone's thinking process. The Bible tells you how to think, and what to believe. You're not left with doing that on your own. Another reason on why I don't believe in the Christian religion is because of the Christians going into different lands and cultures, and destroying those cultures by replacing them with puritain or catholic culture; a culture of fear from the all powerful God. According to one Catholic book that I own, it is considered egotistical to have sex before marriage........?!?! Asking me to believe in the Christian religion is like asking me to become a person living in the life of fear because it is a sin to masturbate, or have dirty thoughts about other people; this was also taken out of my catholic book. If you want to see my number one reason on why I don't believe or accept the christian faith is this website...